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This New Neighborhood Will Grow Its Own Food, Power Itself, And .webloc. CB Insights CVC Report 2016. DeepMind just published a mind blowing paper: PathNet. Potentially describing how general artificial intelligence will look like.

DeepMind just published a mind blowing paper: PathNet.

Since scientists started building and training neural networks, Transfer Learning has been the main bottleneck. Pekka Hiltusen Taidelinna. The Internet of Things' Dangerous Future: Bruce Schneier. Last year, on October 21, your digital video recorder — or at least a DVR like yours — knocked Twitter off the internet.

The Internet of Things' Dangerous Future: Bruce Schneier

Someone used your DVR, along with millions of insecure webcams, routers, and other connected devices, to launch an attack that started a chain reaction, resulting in Twitter, Reddit, Netflix, and many sites going off the internet. You probably didn’t realize that your DVR had that kind of power. But it does. Juha Siltala: Elinkeinojen pitäisi elättää ihmisiä eikä ihmisten elinkeinoja.

Helsingin yliopiston Suomen historian professori Juha Siltala julkaisi vuonna 2004 Työelämän huonontumisen lyhyt historia.

Juha Siltala: Elinkeinojen pitäisi elättää ihmisiä eikä ihmisten elinkeinoja

Claude Monet's Water Lilies. Exhibitions: Polish Poster Shop. Polish Opera Posters and Musical Posters: Polish Poster Shop. Tuuli_nousee – Kino Iiris. Suomen Antikvariaattiyhdistys Ry. Etusivu | Jäsenliikkeemme | Julkaisut | Uutiset ja Kalenteri | Historia | Säännöstö | Tiedustelut | Linkit Helsinki.

Suomen Antikvariaattiyhdistys Ry

Original posters – C. Hagelstam. Vuokrataan saaristolaistila Villingin saaressa. Ecocityevaluator. Juhani Peltonen. Finnish novelist, playwright and poet, who depicted mythological, larger-than-life -characters with affection, humour and psychological understanding.

Juhani Peltonen

Among Peltonen's best known heroes is Elmo, a super athlete, who falls on 100 meters run, but wins the race, and makes a new world record. Characteristic for Peltonen's works is his ironic world view with romantic undertones. His melancholic attitude is lightened by more or less black humour or comic interludes. Olen yksin. Tällä alalla ei tunneta työttömyyttä. (I'm alone. Juhani Peltonen was born in Tuusula, the son of Jorma Angervo Peltonen, a salaried employee, and Kerttu Maria (Taivola) Peltonen, a. clerk. Some Pacific Islanders Have DNA Not Linked To Any Known Human Ancestor. Sewage effluent fights desertification in Egypt. Water sparkles under a clear blue North African sky, not unlike a giant swimming pool surrounded by ranks of trees.

Sewage effluent fights desertification in Egypt

Utopia 2048. Teknologia metallituotteiden valmistamiseksi oli olemassa pitkän aikaa ennen teollistumisen alkua 1760-luvulla.

Utopia 2048

Matka tulevaisuuteen. Sound Mind - yhteystiedot. HISTORIALLISET KARTAT. Jasu jätti opinnot kesken ja heittäytyi pakkomielteensä valtaan: ”Oon sisäisesti jo superstara” - Aamulehti. Äiti on taas piilottanut piirustuspaperit.

Jasu jätti opinnot kesken ja heittäytyi pakkomielteensä valtaan: ”Oon sisäisesti jo superstara” - Aamulehti

On siis mentävä lähteelle, päättää kuusivuotias Jasmine ”Jasu” Hintsala ja hiipii vaivihkaa keittiön roskakorille. Tyttö kaivautuu kädellään varovasti talousjätteen sekaan. Which Video Games Have the Best Architecture? Which Video Games Have the Best Architecture?

Which Video Games Have the Best Architecture?

The 25 Most Awesome Older Men We’ve Ever Seen. Inverse. Uusi tutkimus piispa Henrikistä. Filosofian tohtori Mikko Heikkilän mukaan talonpoika Lallin uhri ei ollutkaan piispa Henrik vaan herra Heinärikki Talonpoika Lalli tappoi 1100-luvulla Köyliönjärven jäällä kirkonmiehen, joka ei ehkä ollutkaan Uppsalan piispa Henrik kuten koulukirjoissa opetetaan.

Uusi tutkimus piispa Henrikistä

Kielitieteilijä Mikko Heikkilän tutkimusten mukaan Köyliönjärven surmatyö on kyllä historiallisesti totta, mutta uhri oli englantilaisen piispan Henrikin sijaan saksalainen lähetyssaarnaaja Heinrich, keskiajan suomeksi Heinärikki. Heikkilä esittää tulkintansa vertaisarvioidussa, muun muassa kieli- ja historiatieteen metodeja ja todisteita yhdistävässä monitieteisessä tutkimuksessaan Kuka oli herra Heinäricki? Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest. Four more journalists have been charged with felonies after being arrested while covering the unrest around Donald Trump’s inauguration, meaning that at least six media workers are facing up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted. A documentary producer, a photojournalist, a live-streamer and a freelance reporter were each charged with the most serious level of offense under Washington DC’s law against rioting, after being caught up in the police action against demonstrators.

The Guardian learned of their arrests after reporting on Monday that the journalists Evan Engel of Vocativ and Alex Rubinstein of RT America had also been arrested and charged with felonies while covering the same unrest on Friday morning. World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017. Inkinen Juha-Pekka - Galleria 12 Oy. Inkinen Juha-Pekka - Galleria 12 Oy. Etusivu - Triangle Motor Co. Catawiki. Gang of Four: Apple / Amazon / Facebook / Google (Scott Galloway, CEO at L2) Wanhantalontavarat. Silcom Verkkokauppa. 47% of Jobs Will Disappear in the next 25 Years, Says Oxford University. The Trump campaign ran on bringing jobs back to American shores, although mechanization has been the biggest reason for manufacturing jobs’ disappearance.

Similar losses have led to populist movements in several other countries. But instead of a pro-job growth future, economists across the board predict further losses as AI, robotics, and other technologies continue to be ushered in. What is up for debate is how quickly this is likely to occur. World's eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50% The world’s eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population, according to a charity warning of an ever-increasing and dangerous concentration of wealth.

In a report published to coincide with the start of the week-long World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam said it was “beyond grotesque” that a handful of rich men headed by the Microsoft founder Bill Gates are worth $426bn (£350bn), equivalent to the wealth of 3.6 billion people. A global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions. Date | 2017-01-14 22:00 Local ⇄ UTC Data | Wind + Temp @ Surface. NUVI - Real-Time Social Intelligence. Why Uber lost $2.2 billion in 9 months. Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa. v2. ТАСС - Новости в России и мире. Hyvässä hoidossa ei ole salaisuuksia. Miikka Korja on 44-vuotias Töölön sairaalan neurokirurgi, neurokirurgian dosentti ja Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin kehittämisylilääkäri. Design (Fucking) Thinking. Why Bitcoin’s $1,000 Value Doesn’t Matter. You’ve probably read that the New Year brought glad tidings for Bitcoin. On January 2, the cryptocurrency hit a three-year high, with its value reaching as much as $1,033.

But it doesn’t matter. The mysterious Piri Reis Map: Is this evidence of a very advanced prehistoric civilization? The Piri Reis map is a world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis. Approximately one third of the map survives; it shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy.

Various Atlantic islands, including the Azores and Canary Islands, are depicted, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan. The historical importance of the map lies in its demonstration of the extent of exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, and in its claim to have used Columbus’s maps, otherwise lost, as a source. It used ten Arab sources, four Indian maps sourced from the Portuguese, and one map of Columbus.

God Banned By Facebook For Wanting Healthcare and Education. Why Bitcoin’s $1,000 Value Doesn’t Matter. Kolumni: Sukupuolten välillä on eroja – ainakin aivoissa. Evoluutio on erottanut myös miesten ja naisten aivojen kehityksen omanlaisikseen. Lopputulos: pienempi lapsikuolleisuus ja lisää elinikää, kirjoittaa Jussi Viitala. Aion työntää näppini ampiaispesään esittämällä biologin näkemyksiä miesten ja naisten eroista ja naisten erinomaisuudesta. Olen kokenut, että käyttäytymisen sukupuolierojen biologisten perusteiden tutkiminen nähdään monella taholla sukupuolten eriarvoisuuden perusteluna. Huutokauppa Helander. Rysäkarin Linnake. HELSINKI SECONDHAND. Political scientist: North Carolina “can no longer be classified as a full democracy”

Itävallassa rakennetaan Suomea edullisemmin – "Suomen ilmasto ei selitä eroja" Rakentaminen on Suomessa kymmeniä prosentteja kalliimpaa kuin Itävallassa. This map tells you everything you need to know about innovation in Europe. Soitinpiste palveluksessanne jo yli 25 vuotta! Pianokeskus - Etusivu. Europe on the brink. New Bionic Eye That Connects to The Brain Successfully Restores a Woman's Sight. The Deep Truth about “Fake News” – Joe Brewer – Medium.

Peel back the layers of information about “fake news” and a deeper truth begins to take shape. We start to see outlines of hidden media worlds that give birth to very different communities of truth. The deep truth about “fake news” is that no one has direct access to reality. The real world is nearly impossible to see in this maelstrom of poorly framed stories, incomplete analysis, self-serving content, lies and misinformation, and invisible algorithms held in private by large companies. This is because human minds need to “construct” their own version of reality — and each of us does this within a community of shared experiences and beliefs. Said succinctly, there are many social worlds and each is built on its own version of what is real and true. Untitled. Turmio ja perikato: Valhe, emävalhe, CV. Tiesittekö, ettei Putte Wilhelmsson ole ainoastaan ”eräs Suomen palkituimmista kirjallisuuskriitikoista”? 15 Photos That Look Like They Were Taken on a Different Planet.

Persialaiset perinteiset - CarpetVista. Leonardo Da Vinci's To Do List (circa 1490) Is Much Cooler Than Yours. Bezos Expeditions. L'AGE D'OR DE LA CARROSSERIE FRANCAISE. Delahaye 175 - Wikipedia. Almost forty thousand shipwrecks could be hidden off British shores. Vuokrataan saaristolaistila Villingin saaressa. Mapire - Historical Maps of the Habsburg Empire. Tuhansien mokien maa – SKS Kirjahylly. Käytetyt pianot ja flyygelit. VTT Intelligence Plaza. PlazaImportTesti. Tietoa verkkopalvelusta - Pingstate nro. 3. Suomen Pianotarvike - Tervetuloa. 7,000-Year-Old Lost Egyptian City Found By Archaeologists. Uutelan kämpän esittely - Meriharjun luontotalo. HomeAway - Holiday Lettings, Villas, Apartments & Cottages. Once a magnificent medieval city and home to 200,000 people, the ghost city of Ani is now completely abandoned and has stood empty for centuries.

Uutelan kämpän esittely - Meriharjun luontotalo. Kulosaaren kartanon saunatila - Vuokraa sauna - Suomen kaikki vuokrattavat saunat. Vuokraa sauna & palju – Kaikki Suomen saunat & paljut. Lepola. Uusi Taksivene Helsinki. Helsinki-Tallinna seura r.y. Vuosaaren saunapirtti - Kuvat ja hintatiedot - Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more. Flyygelit: käytetyt. Pianonkuljetus. Anna Inginmaa sings Billie Holiday - You Go To My Head. Anna Inginmaa Once upon a Summertime. IEG-MAPS. 11 ridiculous future predictions from the 1900 world's fair — and 3 that came true.

Nachrichten, Hintergründe und Debatten. 'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of the North sea - a huge undersea world swallowed by the sea in 7000BC.