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SWIG Tutorial

To illustrate the use of SWIG, suppose you have some C functions you want added to Tcl, Perl, Python, Java and C#. Specifically, let's say you have them in a file 'example.c' /* File : example.c */ #include <time.h> double My_variable = 3.0; int fact(int n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n*fact(n-1); } int my_mod(int x, int y) { return (x%y); } char *get_time() { time_t ltime; time(&ltime); return ctime(&ltime); } Interface file. Tensorflow. Tensorflow/tensorflow. TensorFlow - Google’s latest machine learning system, open sourced for everyone.

Posted by Jeff Dean, Senior Google Fellow, and Rajat Monga, Technical Lead Deep Learning has had a huge impact on computer science, making it possible to explore new frontiers of research and to develop amazingly useful products that millions of people use every day.

TensorFlow - Google’s latest machine learning system, open sourced for everyone

Our internal deep learning infrastructure DistBelief, developed in 2011, has allowed Googlers to build ever larger neural networks and scale training to thousands of cores in our datacenters. We’ve used it to demonstrate that concepts like “cat” can be learned from unlabeled YouTube images, to improve speech recognition in the Google app by 25%, and to build image search in Google Photos. DistBelief also trained the Inception model that won Imagenet’s Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2014, and drove our experiments in automated image captioning as well as DeepDream.

While DistBelief was very successful, it had some limitations. Torch. Scientific computing for LuaJIT. Machine Learning.