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This woman's response to hate is the... - Power of Positivity. The Hook - A Fresh Take On Pop Culture. A Christmas Carol – This Theme Page will be updated by Dec 1st.

A Christmas Carol –

A theme page about Charles Dickens’ beloved story A Christmas Carol, with an array of videos from the year 1910 to 2019. Fly Through 17th Century London. M@ Fly Through 17th Century London A group of students at De Montfort University created this fly-through of 17th century London (skip to 0:50 in the video to get to the juicy stuff).

Fly Through 17th Century London

The model focuses on the area around Pudding Lane and the bakery of Thomas Farriner, where the Great Fire of 1666 started. Although most of the buildings are conjectural, the students used a realistic street pattern and even included the hanging signs of genuine inns and businesses mentioned in Samuel Pepys' diary. More information on the source material and processes can be found on the team's blog. ESOL Courses - Free English Lessons Online. City WebQuests: Sydney: history and traditions. This webquest will help you investigate Sydney: its history, music and famous landmarks.

City WebQuests: Sydney: history and traditions

You will also plan a trip and send a postcard home. Downloadable worksheet and teacher's notes are available at the bottom of the page. Activity 1: Introductory quiz Visit the link below: Look at the page and, in pairs or small groups, find the answers to the following eight questions on the history of Sydney and Australia. Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans - Epic fails. Free English Test Online - EF Standard English Test. PP Kursplan i engelska. Strategier för språkförståelse. Why cat clips rule the internet - CBBC Newsround. With more than two million videos on YouTube, cats are one of the most searched for things on the internet.

Why cat clips rule the internet - CBBC Newsround

A new exhibition called "How Cats Took Over The Internet" has opened at the Museum of Moving Images in New York. The exhibition looks at the history of how they rose to internet fame, and why people like them so much. Almost half of all original YouTube videos are of people's pets, and around 26 billion views are just for cats, making them the single most popular category. Some cats have even become famous, and earn millions of pounds after their owners posted their pictures online. So how did cats become so popular? Once upon a meow... Since the internet became widely used in the 1990's people have been sharing pictures of their cats via email. Mobile. English Club TV. Convo-cards.pdf. File_download. 24 Best Poems to Teach in Middle and High School.

It can be hard to know which poems will spur your middle and high schoolers into deep, meaningful discussion and which will leave them, ahem, yawning.

24 Best Poems to Teach in Middle and High School

So we asked experienced teachers to share their favorites—the punch-in-the-gut poems that always get a reaction, even from teens. Here's what they had to say. 1. Snow by David Berman Captures a narrative in miniature with a creative structure. 2. 3. 4. 5. Home - spraktrollet. Språkträningssidor. Här finns länkar till olika typer av sidor som är skapade just för språkträning.


Du hittar allt från väldigt enkelt uppbyggda ”fylla-i-övningar” för träning av vokabulär och grammatik, som kanske passar somliga av dina elever, till mer kreativa övningar. Peek of the week 10 - great videos and channels on YouTube. Peek of the week 10 focuses on channels and inspirational videos on YouTube.

Peek of the week 10 - great videos and channels on YouTube

What they have in common? They are informative, often funny and graphically appealing and, not to forget, they are in English. Here are some of my favorites.. Apart from English, I also teach History and I really like Epic Rap Battles . Important historical figures pop up with fun lyrics, but still with facts woven in.. English Worksheets. ESL English Language Learning - Adult Literacy - Listening & Reading - Audiobooks - Stories.

Skills. Kaizena. Kaizena.


KimStudies - Home. by Jamie Keddie. Mobile. Roliga uttryck. The Week in Pictures latest world and news photography. Högtider. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For English as a Second Language. » 7 Wonderful Books That You Can Read in Less Than A Day.

We love Sunday reading.

» 7 Wonderful Books That You Can Read in Less Than A Day

We also love the feeling of accomplishment when finishing a book (and inching closer to our annual Goodreads goals). In honor of all this, we’ve put together a short list of short books and novellas that can be read in a day or less. So pick a book or two, pour yourself a cozy beverage, and dive in. (We love hearing from you! Be sure to let us know what you’re reading in the comments and/or what you would add to our recommendations.) Recommended for lovers of satirical dystopias. “The Zoo is a political satire with a dystopian twist. 2) The Giver by Lois Lowry Recommended for movie goers. “Jonas’s world is perfect. 3) Ficciones by Jorge Louis Borges Recommended for those looking for a literary challenge. “Reading Jorge Luis Borges is an experience akin to having the top of one’s head removed for repairs. 4) We the Animals by Justin Torres. Warm-up: ett kul sätt att starta lektionen.