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PurePerl. Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl - An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields, implemented entirely in Perl.


Intended to be a drop in replacement for Ogg::Vobis::Header. Unlike Ogg::Vorbis::Header, this module will go ahead and fill in all of the information fields as soon as you construct the object. In other words, the new and load constructors have identical behavior. This module is intended to be a drop in replacement for Ogg::Vorbis::Header, implemented entirely in Perl. It provides an object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields. New ($filename) Opens an Ogg Vorbis file, ensuring that it exists and is actually an Ogg Vorbis stream.

TagLib. Audio::TagLib - A library for reading and editing audio meta data, commonly known as "tags". use Audio::TagLib; my $f = Audio::TagLib::FileRef->new("Latex Solar Beef.mp3"); my $artist = $f->tag()->artist(); print $artist->toCString(), "\n"; $f->tag()->setAlbum(Audio::TagLib::String->new("Fillmore East")); $f->save(); my $g = Audio::TagLib::FileRef->new("Free City Rhymes.ogg"); my $album = $g->tag()->album(); print $album->toCString(), "\n"; $g->tag()->setTrack(1); $g->save(); Note that these high level functions work for Ogg, FLAC, MPC and MP3 (or any other formats supported in the future).


For this high level API, which is suitable for most applications, the differences between tag and file formats can all be ignored. Because TagLib desires to be toolkit agnostic, in hope of being widely adopted and the most flexible in licensing TagLib provides many of its own toolkit classes; in fact the only external dependency that TagLib has, it a semi-sane STL implementation.

Read and write MP3 tags with Perl and manage your music files. This article is also available as a TechRepublic download, including the code samples in a more manageable text file format.

Read and write MP3 tags with Perl and manage your music files

If you're like most people, you probably have a bunch of MP3s scattered around your hard disk. And if you're like most people, you probably also have on your to-do list a plan to inspect and catalog them so that you know exactly what you're listening to. It's just that you haven't gotten around to it yet. Well, with a little help from Perl, it's possible for you to finally cross that item off your list. CPAN comes with an MP3::Tag module, which provides ready-made tools to read and extract metadata from MP3 files, making it a simple matter to identify the title, artist, and genre of a particular MP3 track. This article will discuss both functions, showing you how to use the MP3::Tag module to read and write MP3 file metadata.

Reading MP3 tags Let's start with the basics: reading ID3 tags embedded in MP3 files. Listing A #!


Python. Dev web. Processing. All commands. MySQL. Responsive design : définition, fonctionnement, ressources et tutoriels. Si vous vous intéressez de près ou de loin au webdesign ou à l’intégration, vous n’avez pas pu échapper au dernier terme à la mode : le “responsive web design”.

Responsive design : définition, fonctionnement, ressources et tutoriels

Cette avancée technologique est également une nouvelle philosophie de création de site. Voici un article pour définir ce qu’est le “responsive web design” et expliquer quels en sont les points-clés (puis plein de liens, de tutoriels et de ressources super cools aussi !). Le “responsive web design” est né suite à un besoin grandissant. De nos jours, il n’y a pas un client qui demande un site Internet sans demander une version mobile de celui-ci. Seulement en quelques années le nombre d’appareils et de résolutions servant à consulter des sites web a tout simplement explosé : ordinateurs, smartphones, tablettes, web TV, grille-pain, format portrait, paysage, etc… Entre 2005 et 2008 on a identifié pas moins de 400 résolutions d’écran différentes pour tous les appareils vendus. Définition du responsive web design La mise en page La typo. Command line reference. Modéliser un objet 3D avec OpenSCAD.

Modéliser un objet 3D avec OpenSCAD et Inkscape (un peu)

Modéliser un objet 3D avec OpenSCAD

Cheat Sheets. IDE WEB brackets. Dukto LAN File Transfer Tool Is Easy To Use, Multi-Platform. Dukto R6 is an open source, multi-platform LAN file transfer tool, useful to transfer files form one computer to another without having to worry about configurations, operating systems, clients, servers and so on.

Dukto LAN File Transfer Tool Is Easy To Use, Multi-Platform

Dukto doesn't require any configuration: simply install it on the machines you want to transfer files from/to, launch the application and that's it. The application will automatically display all the computers in your local area network running Dukto and you can start transferring files. By default, the files you receive are saved in your home folder but you can change that from the Dukto settings. Besides being able to transfer files and folders on your LAN, Dukto also supports sending text snippets so for instance you can easily send a link from one computer to another in your LAN.

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