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LFS Project Homepage Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source. Why would I want an LFS system? Many wonder why they should go through the hassle of building a Linux system from scratch when they could just download an existing Linux distribution. Crazy POWERFUL Bash Prompt From setting the window title to show the last run command (filtered), saving your history and keeping multi-session history intact, resetting the color/cursor/highlighting of errant color-emitting commands, these 2 prompt examples do more than meet the eye and are extremely fast. Don't have much time or just don't care? No problem, this is a simple copy and paste... here's one to start (all 1 line, just cut and paste right into the shell, once you've made sure its safe). Basic POWER PROMPT ^ PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a;echo -en "\033[m\033[38;5;2m"$(( `sed -n "s/MemFree:[\t ]\+\([0-9]\+\) kB/\1/p" /proc/meminfo`/1024))"\033[38;5;22m/"$((`sed -n "s/MemTotal:[\t ]\+\([0-9]\+\) kB/\1/Ip" /proc/meminfo`/1024 ))MB"\t\033[m\033[38;5;55m$(< /proc/loadavg)\033[m"' \ PS1='\[\e[m\n\e[1;30m\][$$:$PPID \j:\!\[\e[1;30m\]]\[\e[0;36m\] \T \d \[\e[1;30m\][\[\e[1;34m\]\u@\H\[\e[1;30m\]:\[\e[0;37m\]${SSH_TTY} \[\e[0;32m\]+${SHLVL}\[\e[1;30m\]] \[\e[1;37m\]\w\[\e[0;37m\] \n($SHLVL:\!)

58 Cool Linux Hacks! Efytimes brings to you 58 super cool hacks for all levels of Linux users! Are you ready to try your hands on these cool Linux hacks! Set your machine on and get started! Fix a wonky terminal Difficulty: Easy Application: bash We've all done it - accidentally used less or cat to list a file, and ended up viewing binary instead. 7 Linux Shell Tips For Increased Productivity Love it or hate it, the command line is here to stay. Sure, there are new options emerging like TermKit but it’s unlikely that the command line will ever really go away. Those who take the time to master it can run productivity circles around their peers, but with the astonishing assortment of CLI tools available, where do you even begin?

Linux Command Line tips that every Linux user should know. Linux Command Line tips that every Linux user should know Below is the collection of Linux command line tips which I’ve found useful for Linux users. To get more information about the command mentioned below just open your terminal and type man <command>. Things a Linux user must learn Shell startup scripts — flowblok’s blog If you’re a regular shell user, you’ve almost certainly got a .bash_profile or .bashrc script in your home folder, which usually contains various tweaks, such as setting environment variables (adding that directory to $PATH), telling your shell to do clever things (like set -o noclobber) and adding various aliases to commands (like alias please=sudo). (If you’re really organised, you’ll have all your dotfiles in a repository somewhere so that you can keep your settings synchronised across all the machines you work on.) Anyhow, I suspect that few people know when things like .bash_profile and .bashrc actually get executed. When I started, I just followed people’s advice of putting stuff in .bashrc, and then when it didn’t work, into .bash_profile. My solution to this problem is to define some new dotfile folders, one for each shell (.bash/, .zsh/ and .sh/), and one for the shell-independent files (.shell/):

11 Useful Utilities To Supercharge Your Ubuntu Experience - OMG! Ubuntu! Whether you’re a relative novice or a seasoned pro, we all want to get the most from our operating system. Ubuntu, like most modern OSes, has more to offer than what is presented at first blush. From tweaking and refining the look, behaviour and performance of the Unity desktop to performing system maintenance, there are a huge array of useful utilities and apps that can help tune Ubuntu to meet your needs in no time. Caveat time: Ubuntu has always shipped with ‘sane defaults’ — options that just work — out of the box. These defaults are well suited for the majority of people. linux user developer search results English | 100 pages | PDF | 17.00 Mb Download: English | 100 Pages | PDF | 50.7 Mb Download: English | 100 Pages | HQ PDF | 52.30 Mb Download English | HQ PDF | 100 pages | 52.60 Mb Download English | HQ PDF | 100 pages | 52.70 Mb Download English | 100 Pages | HQ PDF | 53.06 Mb Download

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