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Earth Problems - a webquest. VI.

Earth Problems - a webquest

Water Pollution Find sources of water pollution : Page 1 - Page 2 : How many people die every day because of water pollution ? Jokes in English (Text and MP3 Files for ESL/EFL) Short Online Dictations. Vocabulaire anglais - fiches classées par thèmes. New York Times Infographics and data visualizations. Paperboy Online Newspapers.

Learning English - Home. Latest news, sport and comment from the Guardian. The Food Timeline: history notes. Thousands of Online Newspapers on the Web : World Newspaper Directory : Listed on Reading. Reading Lessons International Women's Day - A reading comprehension test on the topic of International Women's Day Night Study in Korea - A reading comprehension test on the topic of night studying in Korea.


History of Halloween - A reading comprehension test on the topic of Halloween. Catching a Cold - A reading comprehension test on the topic of catching a cold Levi's Blue Jeans - A reading comprehension test on the topic of Levi's Blue Jeans Take a Bath! - A reading comprehension test on the topic of taking a bath. Compréhension écrite. Strategies for Developing Reading Skills. Using Reading Strategies Language instructors are often frustrated by the fact that students do not automatically transfer the strategies they use when reading in their native language to reading in a language they are learning.

Strategies for Developing Reading Skills

Instead, they seem to think reading means starting at the beginning and going word by word, stopping to look up every unknown vocabulary item, until they reach the end. When they do this, students are relying exclusively on their linguistic knowledge, a bottom-up strategy. One of the most important functions of the language instructor, then, is to help students move past this idea and use top-down strategies as they do in their native language. Free Reading Worksheets. Visual Dictionary Online.