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Data insecurity leads to economic injustice – and hits the pocketbooks of the poor most. Congress may finally be on the verge of passing a comprehensive federal privacy law after almost a half-century of trying.

Data insecurity leads to economic injustice – and hits the pocketbooks of the poor most

Even the tech lobby is on board following years of resistance. The growing bipartisan support for privacy legislation seems to be responding to the public “techlash” against a drumbeat of data breaches and social media misinformation campaigns. Included, but still marginalised: Indigenous voices still missing in media stories on Indigenous affairs. Since the British invasion of Gadigal land at Sydney Cove in 1788, race relations in Australia have been underscored by what Wiradjuri writer Jack Gibson describes as the “supremeness of whiteness”.

Included, but still marginalised: Indigenous voices still missing in media stories on Indigenous affairs

Narratives of Indigenous inferiority and deficiency, combined with paternalistic policies, have produced a cultural climate where non-Indigenous voices have often dominated debate on matters of concern and importance to Indigenous communities. However, in recent years, Indigenous journalists and storytellers have sought to change this. The Uluru Statement From the Heart calls for a process of truth-telling. Media release – National Sorry Day: A reminder that our systems must be transformed if we are to stop the trajectory of child removal - SNAICC. National Indigenous Australians Agency. NARPS 2018 FINAL WEB VERSION. Indigenous voices are speaking loudly on social media but racism endures. Social media are a vital resource for Indigenous Australians, connecting them to community and culture, helping identify those at risk of suicide or self-harm, and offering a powerful outlet for political activism.

Indigenous voices are speaking loudly on social media but racism endures

But racism is a major problem for Indigenous people online. A new report, Social Media Mob: Being Indigenous Online, unpacks the complex role social media play in the lives of Indigenous Australians. The research, conducted via qualitative interviews and an online survey, found the most popular social media platforms for participants were Facebook (for family and community posts) and Twitter (for more political activities). Younger people also used Snapchat and Instagram. Racism in media provides a blockage for Indigenous prosperity in a digital economy. Mobile Media has created a platform for mass communications changing the way humans both communicate and access information.

Racism in media provides a blockage for Indigenous prosperity in a digital economy

It is estimated that 91% of the world’s population own mobile and the global smartphone consumption is on the increase. Furthermore, 1.8 Billion people worldwide are on Social Networks and 1 billion people visit the YouTube site every month. Considering the Impact of Social Media on Contemporary Improvement of Australian Aboriginal Health: Scoping Review. Cultural Survival. The importance of land. Connection to Country For many Indigenous people, land relates to all aspects of existence - culture, spirituality, language, law, family and identity.

The importance of land

Rather than owning land, each person belongs to a piece of land which they’re related to through the kinship system. That person is entrusted with the knowledge and responsibility to care for their land, providing a deep sense of identity, purpose and belonging. Aboriginal peoples. There are about 500 different Aboriginal peoples in Australia, each with their own language and territory and usually made up of a large number of separate clans.

Aboriginal peoples

An Aboriginal child is being painted for a dance festival in Northern Queensland, Australia. © John Miles/Survival Archaeologists believe that the Aboriginals first came to the Australian continent around 45,000 years ago. Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Documents of Reconciliation > Policy > Briefing Paper > Terra nullius and sovereignity This section looks at the meaning of terra nullius and the constraints on sovereignty and treaties in the Australian context.

Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation

It explains how community interest led to cross-party support for a document of reconciliation. 1. Terra nullius. Infosheet 13 - The Constitution. What is a constitution?

Infosheet 13 - The Constitution

A national constitution is a set of rules for governing a country. Such rules may be based on tradition or may be written down in the form of a law or a number of laws. In some countries laws forming the constitution are ordinary laws which can be changed just like any other law, but in most countries the laws forming the constitution have a special status. Teaching Aboriginal curriculum content in Australian high schools. Closing the Gap. Opening up opportunities "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are diverse and intrinsically linked by centuries of cultural knowledge.

Closing the Gap

Education is an opportunity for our mobs to support and promote families to participate in life autonomy, take control of their opportunities and create a platform for the next generation to enhance their wellbeing. " - University of Sydney academic, Dr Vanessa Lee. Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners blowing up Juukan Gorge site was just one option for mine. Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners that it had the option of not blowing up significant cultural heritage sites in the Juukan Gorge and the company’s senior executives were not aware of the significance of the site until after it was destroyed, a parliamentary inquiry has heard.

Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners blowing up Juukan Gorge site was just one option for mine

Two rock shelters in Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia were blown up in the expansion of one of Rio Tinto’s open-cut iron ore mines, dubbed Brockman 4, on 24 May. One of the rock shelters showed evidence of 46,000 years of continual occupation and was classified by an archeologist hired by Rio Tinto to survey and salvage the sites to be of the “highest archeological significance” in Australia. Rio Tinto had approval under s.18 of the Western Australian Aboriginal heritage legislation to blow up the sties, but the destruction sparked global outrage and is the subject of a federal parliamentary inquiry “That is absolutely correct,” Jacques said.

Rio Tinto hit by huge protest vote on executive pay over Juukan destruction. Rio Tinto investors have given the miner a slap in the face at the company's annual general meeting in Perth by voting against big bonuses for top executives to protest the destruction of sacred Aboriginal caves at the Juukan Gorge. Key points: 60 per cent of Rio Tinto investors vote against executive pay plans after destruction of ancient cavesTraditional owners of Juukan Gorge say they are heartened and not surprised by the protest vote Rio Tinto boss says progress is being made in negotiations over protection of cultural heritage It was the big miner's first shareholder meeting in Australia since the destruction of 46,000-year-old Indigenous rock shelters in the Juukan Gorge in Western Australia's Pilbara nearly a year ago.

More than 60 per cent of shareholders in Australia and the UK voted against the company's executive pay package which included a huge payout for former chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques. 'There's a lot of work ahead of us' Juukan Gorge: Rio Tinto investors in pay revolt over sacred cave blast. ABORIGINAL HERITAGE ACT 1972 - SECT 18. [Index] [Table] [Search] [Search this Act] [Notes] [Noteup] [Previous] [Next] [Download] [Help] 18 . Consent to certain uses (1) For the purposes of this section, the expression the owner of any land includes a lessee from the Crown, and the holder of any mining tenement or mining privilege, or of any right or privilege under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 , in relation to the land. (1a) A person is also included as an owner of land for the purposes of this section if —

A 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site Was Just Deliberately Destroyed in Australia. In the expansion of its iron ore mine in Western Pilbara, Rio Tinto blasted the Juukan Gorge 1 and 2 – Aboriginal rock shelters dating back 46,000 years. These sites had deep historical and cultural significance. The shelters are the only inland site in Australia showing human occupation continuing through the last Ice Age. The mining blast caused significant distress to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama traditional land owners.

It's an irretrievable loss for future generations. Australia. Four ways Western Australia can improve Aboriginal heritage management. More than 50,000 years of Aboriginal habitation is Australia’s most unique cultural resource and point of connection across cultures and worldviews. But for too long indigenous heritage in Australia has been treated as a liability or a problem for land managers and owners. The Western Australian government decided last Friday to proceed with controversial changes to Aboriginal heritage management. Aboriginal heritage sites in WA are managed through different channels to non-Indigenous cultural sites, to their detriment.

While non-Indigenous heritage is managed by a network of professionals across all levels of government, Aboriginal heritage is managed by a section in the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. How our laws allow the destruction of Indigenous sacred sites - Hack - triple j. The destruction of a 46,000-year-old sacred site at Juukan Gorge by Rio Tinto last year was widely regarded as a catastrophic mistake.

The gorge in the Pilbara region was known for a cave that was the only inland site in Australia to show signs of continual human occupation through the last ice age. The humans who sheltered there are genetically linked to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura people. Rio Tinto faced international condemnation for its move to permanently destroy the ancient site and expand its iron ore mine, despite Traditional Owners and experts expressing their concerns.

But the mining company didn't break the law, and it wasn't a one-off event. Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Australia's problem with Aboriginal World Heritage. Four ways Western Australia can improve Aboriginal heritage management. Map of Indigenous massacres grows to include more sites of violence across Australia. Gold rushes. Rio Tinto chief to step down over cave destruction. British colonisation of australia. Aboriginal peoples. What significance does rock painting have to aboriginal. Evidence of first peoples. Rio kept destruction of Ice Age Australia heritage secret, Aboriginal group says. Family, domestic and sexual violence Overview. Domestic violence in Australia: definition, prevalence and nature of presentation in clinical practice. The effects of domestic violence. Rip07. Why People Abuse - The Hotline. What Eddie McGuire should have said the first time about his club’s racism.

Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, review finds. Pauline Hanson built a political career on white victimhood and brought far-right rhetoric to the mainstream. Immigration Australia Timeline. Islamophobia report.