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Paolo Monti

Postdoc Researcher in Ethics and Politics. Friend. Some other things.

Ethics and the Limits of the Randomized Controlled Trial: Time to Enhance Access to Novel Therapies in Lethal Diseases. Parts of this blog are drawn from ‘Improving access to medicines: empowering patients in the quest to improve treatment for rare lethal diseases’, a forthcoming paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics Jenn McNary witnesses the miracles that modern medicine can produce every day when she sees her son Max, once increasingly reliant on a wheelchair due to his Duchenne muscular dystrophy, now able to walk, run and jump, the progression of his deadly disease apparently halted due to his enrolment in a clinical trial of a new drug, Eteplirsen.

Ethics and the Limits of the Randomized Controlled Trial: Time to Enhance Access to Novel Therapies in Lethal Diseases

Tragically, she also witnesses the suffering of her son Austin, who has the same genetic condition, denied the drug as his disease progresses and left no longer able to leave his wheelchair unaided. The Girl Who Turned to Bone - Carl Zimmer. When Jeannie Peeper was born in 1958, there was only one thing amiss: her big toes were short and crooked.

The Girl Who Turned to Bone - Carl Zimmer

Doctors fitted her with toe braces and sent her home. Two months later, a bulbous swelling appeared on the back of Peeper’s head. Good People Doing Bad Things for Good Reasons. How Facebook Designs the 'Perfect Empty Vessel' for Your Mind - Alexis C. Madrigal. One day in March, I was sitting across from Facebook's design director, Kate Aronowitz, at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park when she told me, "It takes a lot of work to create the perfect empty vessel.

How Facebook Designs the 'Perfect Empty Vessel' for Your Mind - Alexis C. Madrigal

" In this near koan, lay a design philosophy and an explanation. Facebook as a series of beautiful empty vessels into which users pour their text and photographs, hearts and minds. A small world after all. Manifesto per la resistenza umanista. Taksim Gezi Parkı. #OccupyGezi. Istanbul: Revolution will be tweeted.

Immagin(ar)i e politica - Paolo Monti, "Rappresentazioni, rappresentanza, rappresentati" How Skeptics and Believers Can Connect. I DO not call myself a Christian. So maybe I should not have been surprised when I went on my first Christian radio show, a year ago, and the host set out to save me — live, on a nationally syndicated program, for 30 minutes. Dwelling Amid Absence. Religion can both hurt and enhance democratic attitudes. What effect does religion have on democratic attitudes?

Religion can both hurt and enhance democratic attitudes.

Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom and Gizem Arikan outline the results of three studies they have conducted into the relationship between religion and democracy. They note that while religious belief can undermine democracy by generating more conservative values, religious social behaviour enhances support for democracy by fostering greater trust in institutions and engagement in politics. Does religiosity hinder or enhance democratic attitudes? Results from the current literature are mixed. Starting with Adorno et al.’s (1950) theory of the authoritarian personality, which suggested a psychoanalytical connection between tendencies toward religious and undemocratic attitudes, many scholars have argued that religion has the effect of challenging democratic values and socialisation. What’s the point of political philosophy? In majority-Sikh societies, a law making it compulsory to wear a motorcycle helmet would go against the will of the people.

Are principles of justice universal or contextual? © Flickmor It is a near-truism that philosophy operates at a remove from the “real world.” Many philosophers suppose that the answers to questions in logic, epistemology and metaphysics are independent of particular empirical facts about how human society happens to be set up. But what about ethics and political philosophy? Not far at all, says one venerable tradition that dates back at least to Kant in the 18th century, and probably as far as Plato. Il limite e la potenza. Per ricreare lavoro e sviluppo dobbiamo trovare un nuovo rapporto con il corpo.

Il giuramento di Genovesi per gli economisti. La proposta di Luigino Bruni. Si muore per una cura sbagliata come per un licenziamento o mutuo negato o perché il pane comincia a mancare su troppe tavole. L’etica economica è un bene di prima necessità, come aveva capito Ippocrate in campo medico. Una proposta e un forum. McKinsey: «La Csr ha fallito» « ETicaNews. Maggio72013.

McKinsey: «La Csr ha fallito» « ETicaNews

Morality and Economic Freedom: A Response to Gregg. Here at Public Discourse , Samuel Gregg graciously notes my exchange in First Things with R.R.

Morality and Economic Freedom: A Response to Gregg

Reno (see here , here , and here ) about economic freedom, and he observes that neither Reno nor I address what he takes to be a more important question: Leaving aside merely utilitarian considerations such as dramatically rising living standards, what are the principled, moral arguments for economic freedom? Gregg argues that economic conservatives should base the case for economic freedom on a robust moral account of human fulfillment and that, until they do so, they are unlikely to overcome the common perception that capitalist systems are morally dubious. Interpretazioni del capitalismo contemporaneo /1. Fredric Jameson. A Realistic Radicalism. A Realistic Radicalism Photo by Mondragon Corporation, 2009, Flickr creative commons America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy By Gar Alperovitz Wiley, 2006, 336 pp.

Le radici e il volo. C’è una nuova voglia di comunità.

Le radici e il volo

Una voglia che non di rado assume la forma della nostalgia, del desiderio struggente, di saudade di appartenere a qualcosa di più grande e di più resistente della nostra singolarità. Essential Movies for a Student of Philosophy. I’m not talking about movies that make you think deep crazy stuff.

Essential Movies for a Student of Philosophy

I’m not talking about some new “existential twist” on common topics. I’m talking about movies that (seem to be) incarnations of classic philosophical thought experiments or movies that have a major philosophical problem as a main theme. I’m talking about movies that include topics that a serious student of philosophy needs to understand. ‘Hannah Arendt’ Directed by Margarethe von Trotta.

Zeitgeist Films Barbara Sukowa in “Hannah Arendt,” a film that follows the German-American philosophy professor as she covered Adolph Eichmann’s war-crimes trial in Jerusalem. “The Controversy” — as people simply called the growing dispute — is largely forgotten now, and the intense rancor it inspired might seem improbable. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) - Ordo Virtutum (ca. 1151)