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Crowdsourcing laws in finland. Tim O'Reilly - Google+ - This article about gamers solving a thorny protein folding… +Ben Watson That's the sad part and why all the noise on gamification is so frustrating. Many people working in game design seem to feel that way and it is a shame because so many of the very people with the talent and skills to apply the principle to changing the world for the better are fighting the concept as if it is snake oil. I got so excited at the possibilities of gamification when I first heard +Jane McGonigal speak at TED. I immediately saw the opportunity she was talking about, to take the essence of games and turn it on to solving huge problems in the world. I'd already used those principles to some success in my own life for years to give me extra motivation to stick to activities I knew were good for me but that I wasn't that enthusiastic about.

If we can just help even a small percentage of people focus their actions on some of the big problems we face as a species we stand a better chance of solving them. The Syrian War Crowdsourcing Experiment. Think of it as a DIY intelligence agency: An ambitious collaborative project is inviting volunteers to help crowdsource human rights intelligence from the Syrian rebellion. The joint project, organized by the Standby Task Force and Amnesty International USA's (AIUSA) Science for Human Rights Program, is distributing up-to-date satellite imagery to volunteers who will search for signs of troop movements, demonstrations, and military actions. Image analysis for the project began in early September. The Standby Task Force's Patrick Meier told Fast Company that the satellite imagery was obtained through DigitalGlobe, who have “kindly provided very recent high resolution satellite imagery for this human rights project.”

AIUSA's Science for Human Rights Program specializes in analyzing satellite imagery from around the world for signs of demonstrations, inter-ethnic warfare, and other potential indicators of human rights violations. Good news for activists, but bad news for governments. Elveos – Finance free softwares. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website. What is frogMob? | frogMob. An experimental method of guerilla research developed by global innovation firm frog design, frogMob is based on the idea that anyone can channel their inner design researcher by looking for inspiration from everyday life.

Tapping into frog’s global networks and the broader community, frogMob encourages people from all over the world to submit their photos and stories to help us take a quick pulse on emerging trends that can inform our design process. Process Rapid / 2 weeks or less from call for research to synthesisVisual / focuses on visual storytellingLightweight / no audio/video recordingsOpen / anyone can participateDistributed / outreach to participants around the globe How to Participate Keep it visual. Frequently Asked Questions Should you submit your photos to frogMob, we respect your privacy. What is Crisis Mapping? An Update on the Field and Looking Ahead. I last updated my piece on A Brief History of Crisis Mapping some two years ago, well before the first International Conference on Crisis Mapping was held (ICCM 2009). So a brief update on the past 24 months may be in order, especially for a field that continues to grow so rapidly. When I Googled the term “crisis mapping” in September 2009, I got 8,680 hits.

Today, one gets over 200,000. If you’re curious about the origins of the field and what happened before 2009, my original blog post still serves as a useful intro. Clearly a full update on the past 24 months would constitute at least an MA thesis (if you’re a grad student and looking for a topic, email me!). Crisis Mapping can be described as combining the following 3 components: information collection, visualization and analysis. Crisis Map SourcingCrisis Map VisualizationCrisis Map Analysis On Crisis Map Sourcing, there are multiple methodologies and technologies that one can use for information collection.

What else? Like this: Navy Crowdsources Pirate Fight To Online Gamers | Danger Room. Japan Status. RDTN.ORG. Open Source Jihad. Free GPS Navigation with Turn by Turn - Waze | Emergent organization. An emergent organization (alternatively emergent organisation) is an organization that spontaneously emerges from and exists in a complex dynamic environment or market place, rather than being a construct or copy of something that already exists. The term first appeared in the late 1990s and was the topic of the Seventh Annual Washington Evolutionary Systems Conference at University of Ghent, Belgium in May, 1999.

Emergent organizations and their dynamics pose interesting questions; for example, how does such an organization achieve closure and stability? Alternatively, James R. Taylor wrote in 2000 his seminal book, The Emergent Organization, where he suggests that all organizations emerge from communication, especially from the interplay of conversation and text.

Spontaneous order. Spontaneous orders are to be distinguished from organizations. Spontaneous orders are distinguished by being scale-free networks, while organizations are hierarchical networks. Further, organizations can be and often are a part of spontaneous social orders, but the reverse is not true. Further, while organizations are created and controlled by humans, spontaneous orders are created, controlled, and controllable by no one. [citation needed] In economy and the social studies, spontaneous order is defined as "the result of human actions, not of human design. " Spontaneous order is also used as a synonym for any emergent behavior of which self-interested spontaneous order is just an instance. History[edit] According to Murray Rothbard, Zhuangzi (369 BCE - 286 BCE) was the first to work out the idea of spontaneous order.

The thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment were the first to seriously develop and inquire into the idea of the market as a spontaneous order. Examples[edit] Markets[edit] Blogging Innovation » Combining Internal and External Innovation. Interview – Stefan Lindegaard I had the opportunity to interview Stefan Lindegaard, author of “The Open Innovation Revolution” recently. Here is text of the interview: 1. Why is open innovation so important for organizations? Open innovation is about combining internal and external resources and to act on the opportunities this creates.

It is one thing is to lose out on opportunities and yet another to lose out to competitors from doing nothing. It takes several years for an organization to reap the full benefits of open innovation. 2. It has to be about the executives and their ability and willingness to develop a truly innovative organization – or more so their lack thereof. 3. Companies engage in open innovation either because they are visionary leaders that can see the benefits in this new paradigm shift or because they feel pressured by the competition to do so. 4.

It is important, but I would advice companies to clean up their own house first before they bring in the guests. 5. 6. Primal. IdeaStorm | List of Open Innovation & Crowdsourcing Examples - Best practices. Intermediary Platforms Research & Development platforms Innocentive – open innovation problem solvingIdeaConnection – idea marketplace and problem – IP market placePRESANS (beta) – connect and solve R&D problemsHypios – online problem solvingInnoget – research intermediary platformOne Billion Minds – online (social) challengesNineSigma – technology problem solvingIdeaken – collaborative – Community of innovators & creators. Marketing, Design & Idea platforms Collective Intelligence & Prediction platforms Lumenogic – collective intelligence marketsUshahidi – crowdsourcing crisis informationKaggle – data mining and forecastingWe Are Hunted – the online music chartGoogle Image Labeler – crowdsourced image labeling HR & Freelancers platforms TopCoder – competition-based software crowdsourcingSpudaroo – crowdsourcing copywritingClickworker – small online task solvingAmazon Mechanical Turk – low-cost crowdsourcing Open innovation software 478Shares.

Crowdsourcing Examples / Individual businesses, sites or forums. Share your open innovation success stories with inventors and innovators. P&G Connect + Develop - Portal Home. My Starbucks Idea. Frog design: Openness, Or How Do You Design For The Loss Of Control? The power of pull So what can they do besides just bemoaning this loss and passively observing how the new centrifugal forces of the Social, Real-Time Web are disrupting their traditional business and engagement models?

Li lays out how business leaders can and (must!) Embrace the new rules of openness. John Hagel, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison, in the The Power of Pull, provide an actionable framework for how these new forces can be leveraged through “shaping strategies” on the individual, institutional, and societal level. These “shaping strategies,” as the term suggests, present an exciting challenge for design. In essence, businesses can use “shaping strategies” to amplify and accelerate the inevitable loss of control in order to avoid employees and customers abandon them. X-problems and social networks Openness is no longer just a nice stunt but a fundamental requirement for any business that wants to thrive in the new “pull economy.” Here are some recent examples: - easy access;

Crowdsourcing + Smartsheet = Smartsourcing. Crowdsourcing + Smartsheet = Smartsourcing Smartsheet is the only online software collaboration tool that makes it possible to connect to an on-demand workforce. We make it easy for you to get work done with co-workers, clients, and vendors so it made sense to us to take it to the next step – we make it easy for you to get work done with a global workforce that’s always available. You may have heard of crowdsourcing, for example Wikipedia, where people do work for free. Smartsheet has created Smartsourcing, which is a form of paid crowdsourcing where you pay for the work to be done and have much more control over the quality of the results. Smartsourcing is a great way to expand your capacity to get work done at an affordable price.

Smartsheet utilizes Amazon's Mechanical Turk on-demand workforce for the crowd labor behind the Smartsourcing feature. Home | InnoCentive. IdeaTorrent. Hypios - The First Social Marketplace for Solutions. GE: Ecomagination Challenge: Home. Assetmap : Coming Soon. Browse topics. Ushahidi :: Crowdsourcing Crisis Information (FOSS) Le crowdmapping au secours des Pakistanais » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Suite aux terribles crues qui ont touchées le Pakistan, Faisal Chohan a monté une plate-forme permettant aux personnes sinistrées de faire remonter l'information via SMS.

Info qui s'affiche ensuite sur une crowdMap. Il fait le point avec nous, depuis Islamabad. Faisal Chohan est un entrepreneur Pakistanais spécialisé dans les questions technologiques et sociales. Il est co-fondateur de Coligent Solutions et de Comment en êtes vous venu à mettre en place cette plate-forme de SMS reporting ? En fait, c’est une longue histoire. J’avais déjà essayé de mettre ce principe en place l’an dernier, lors des terribles déplacements de population dans le Nord-Ouest du pays mais ça n’avait pas abouti car les opérateurs locaux ne nous avait pas fourni de soutien et l’un des outils que nous voulions mettre en place sur le site internet n’était pas finalisé à temps. Comment avez-vous mis en place le projet techniquement ? Quelle est la prochaine étape pour vous maintenant ? En savoir plus:

BUY THIS SATELLITE - Connect Everyone. Ushahidi founders. Crowdmap. Ushahidi. Next step for Wikileaks: Crowdsourcing classified data - Computerworld. News Analysis July 26, 2010 05:33 PM ET Computerworld - WASHINGTON - The release on Sunday by Wikileaks of more than 90,000 documents about military operations in Afghanistan may just be the start of problems for the U.S. government. The online publication of the documents, which offer an inside -- and potentially embarrassing -- look at the war in Afghanistan between 2004 and the end of 2009, represent a failure by the U.S. to control its classified data from insider threat.

And it throws open to the whole world a chance to crowdsource the information the documents contain. With that in mind, Wikileaks' Editor-In-Chief Julian Assange on Monday urged intrepid researchers to cull the documents for information that the group -- and three publications given access to them -- have yet to uncover. Assange said that Excel, one of the formats in which the material was released, might be the best way to sort through it. A number of scenarios could emerge from the leak, said Aftergood. SwiftRiver | Verifying and Filtering News (FOSS) (Updated) Ten Reasons Why I Consider As Best in Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation - Mass Customization. What’s the Return on Investment for Open? | Civic Commons.

We’ve been talking to government IT departments at many levels about how to use open technologies, and how to release their in-house code for other jurisdictions to use. In that process, we’ve made a couple of profound discoveries: Everyone would love to open up their code, as long as it doesn’t cost anything to do so. That is usually followed by an even more profound thought: But we all know that there is a cost to going open.

The answer is “Possibly significant — if you do it right.” To explain why, I’ll start with a quantitative example, then look at the harder-to-quantify picture behind it. One of the collaborative projects I’ve worked the most on is Subversion (a system for tracking changes — ”versions” — made to files and folders; hence the name). At different points in the project — the first time starting three or four years in, if I recall correctly — various people at CollabNet have tried to measure the “amount” of contribution coming from outside. -Karl Fogel. OpenIDEO - Home. Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm.