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Mission: Abominable. Mission cheating and complaining: this is where I see the most inconsideration – on both sides.

Mission: Abominable

I have accepted many Mission Avenue Missions and I have launched at least ten – so I know full well that those complaining and/or calling out those who take the reward without doing the required action are “seeing” that they are cheated. Having launched a number of Missions that were probably impossible to not be able to fulfill (i.e. a Facebook like/share – and I even explain where the buttons are on the blog/site), and still been robbed of the reward by people who probably had no intention of doing even the simplest of actions, I know it happens. I am with you also, in knowing that many people run wild through the Missions – with no intention to even attempt to follow through with what’s asked. Where I cry foul, I see no one else acknowledging, and wonder about this: What about the most inconsiderate of Mission-Issuers?

Gamification is what Mission Issuers need to consider Oh, the horror! Mission Irrational: 3 Empire Avenue Mistakes to Avoid. Empire Avenue “Missions” are a great thing.

Mission Irrational: 3 Empire Avenue Mistakes to Avoid

They are nothing short of terrific and flexible in their configuration, and provide a very rapid collection of reactions for those who are crowd-sourcing. I love watching what happens with “Missions” in EA, and intend to run my own for sourcing suggestions on verbiage, user experience issues, and testing this and that with my web application projects. I offered one Mission, which was a great success, and nearly every day I accept Missions for a number of reasons: It Isn't All Social Good We're Doing When Tweeting.

Via the ScoopIt curation magazine: Gaming Social Media for Results For Every 1,700 Tweets, Someone Dies #BlameTwitter What happens when you compare Twitter’s most recent usage stats to all sorts of other terrible things that are bad — toxins in the environment, death rates, cigarette and drug usage, obesity? Thanks for the contribution to Gaming Social Media for Results, Greg @socialgreg Viloria The Best News? There is… (courtesy Marshall Hayes in Quora) We are working on solving many issues around natural disaster data management and disaster relief at and what we saw during the wildfires in Boulder, CO last summer was a huge amount of data coming through twitter, at a rate of around 2 tweets per second that contained the #boulderfire hashtag. This information is helpful, but it needs organized and presented in a manner that people can easily see and understand.

Overall, I would say that Twitter is a useful tool for emergencies. About Saul Fleischman Related OsakaBentures Must-Reads. Redirect Wordpress to New Domain: What About Google Ranking. Assuming you continue to use, if you keep the permalink structure intact (all URLs should remain the same) on your self-hosted blog, nothing should change for you in regards to your Google ranking.

Redirect Wordpress to New Domain: What About Google Ranking

One detail: the blog location of your servers matters for Google, so if the new host you use is not based in the US, your rankings may likely change. Then again, if you actually move to a host closer to your target audience, that will only be better. SEO juice won’t transfer, and you need to consider this. This article and resources from Google’s webmaster Blog central gives a guide to best approach to moving your domain and minimising impact on seo and ranking, see this link.

The new site won’t automatically rank, but the traffic will. There are a handful of ways to move a website up and increase the rankings in Google search. Movin’ on up About Saul Fleischman Founder of emerging social media tool sites. Related OsakaBentures Must-Reads. Cons Me - like and Branchout. Or did you do it on BranchOut, or – simply because they lead you to do it, and make it a seconds-per-rope-in-each-friend operation, rather than, say, a LinkedIn recommendation which should require much more thought…? Cons Me - like and Branchout

(and perhaps that’s not a good thing) Scam applications may tell you that you can find out who your top 10 stalkers are on Facebook and how many hours you’ve spent on Twitter. The intention is to gain access to your social networking account, so that internet marketers can the can spread their links virally, and drive traffic to their money-making schemes. Via you. You would think people would be wary of allowing a third-party app, which doesn’t explain its intentions and doesn’t explain who’s behind it, from gaining access to their Facebook or Twitter account.

But that’s exactly what hoards of people seem to be doing right now with suggested I vouch for people, and I did. Saul Fleischman has professional score of 65 on PROskore. How Guest Posting Destroyed My Klout Score.