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Morning-rituals-v23 - Business Punk. 11 schöne Dinge in Berlin, die ihr noch vor der Arbeit machen könnt. Hand auf's Herz, die oftmals kurze Zeitspanne zwischen Aufwachen und Arbeitsbeginn ist für die meisten von uns keine, der wir besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit oder Sorgfalt schenken.

11 schöne Dinge in Berlin, die ihr noch vor der Arbeit machen könnt

Nochmal umdrehen und weiterschlafen ist natürlich himmlisch, aber der Tag kann auch anders anfangen: Ob Yoga, Sport, Meditation oder der Besuch eines Frühstücksvortrags – es gibt viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, bei denen jeder individuell bewusster, entspannter und inspirierter die frühen Stunden nutzen kann. Hier kommen 11 schöne Dinge, die ihr noch easy vor der Arbeit machen könnt: © Shutterstock Als Hundesitter Frischluft schnappen und Geld verdienen Wer Hunde mag, kann als Hundesitter schon gleich morgens mehrere Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen: Ihr führt die Hunde von vielbeschäftigten oder verreisten Berlinern aus, bekommt dabei genauso viel Auslauf und Frischluft ab wie euer felliger Begleiter und etwas dazuverdienen könnt ihr euch auf diese Weise auch noch.

How To Have A Great Day Every Day (4 Habits To Try) We know that the happiest and most resilient among us choose to practice something every day — gratitude, meditation, or journaling — that lifts us up, reduces negative thoughts, and strengthens us.

How To Have A Great Day Every Day (4 Habits To Try)

But how does anyone stay positive all the time? The answer is you don’t. When striving for a positive mentality, it's important to acknowledge that we will not be positive all the time. That’s a dangerous and delusional goal. Life is challenging, tragedies occur, and we are all going to feel terrible sometimes. That said, it’s crucial to find ways to stay optimistic.

Optimism allows us to see opportunity in difficulty and learn from it. 8 Morning Rituals of the Most Successful People. A Simple Morning Routine That Helped Me Reach My Career Goals & Make More Money. For the past 12 years, I’ve worked from home.

A Simple Morning Routine That Helped Me Reach My Career Goals & Make More Money

For 11 of those years, I was working for other people. On my typical day, after hitting the snooze button too many times to count, I’d crawl out of bed and stumble my way downstairs and into the kitchen. iPhone in hand, I'd go right to checking emails and my social media while making multiple shots of espresso. Then it was rush, rush, rush, getting my son ready for school. By the time I made it into my home office, any control I thought I had over my day had slipped away.

But one year ago, my life changed dramatically. Behind door No. 1 was searching for another job like the one I’d just lost. I chose door No. 3. Fast-forward to today. 1. Have you ever heard the term decision fatigue? 2. After hearing so many highly successful people talk about the benefits of meditation, I pushed away my skepticism and gave it a try. 5 Gründe, um 5 Uhr morgens aufzustehen (und wie Du das schaffst)

Meine Uhr sagt: 5.05 Uhr morgens.

5 Gründe, um 5 Uhr morgens aufzustehen (und wie Du das schaffst)

Mein Körper sagt: hui, mein Kopf: was soll der Scheiß, so früh am Schreibtisch … ich hab doch den ganzen Tag Zeit. Aber mein Herz, mein Herz weiß: es ist verdammt früh und es ist verdammt gut, die beste Zeit, um zu schreiben. In den letzten Monaten bin ich stets ohne Wecker zwischen halb 6 und 7 Uhr aufgewacht und habe die ersten Stunden des Tages immer besonders genossen und produktiv verbracht. Daher geb ich mir einen Ruck und dem heutigen Tag noch etwas eher – und mit Wecker – einen Kuss. 25 Intentions To Set In The Next 25 Days To Reach Your Fullest Potential. 6 Rituals To Help You Become A Morning Person I used to sigh every time I read about someone attributing their success in life to waking up early and following a sacred set of morning rituals.

25 Intentions To Set In The Next 25 Days To Reach Your Fullest Potential

My boyfriend and I both enjoy being night owls, so Read Intentions help us gain clarity. They are tools for maintaining balance and order, tools to help you connect with the spiritual being within and maintain a sense of peace and clarity amid the external chaos and noise. Setting an intention or two each morning is a highly beneficial practice. So here are 25 intentions you can set for yourself each morning: 1. How Your Morning Routine Can Change Your Baseline Anxiety Level. I've always had a high baseline level of anxiety.

How Your Morning Routine Can Change Your Baseline Anxiety Level

When I think of the home I grew up in, this part of me makes sense. During my childhood, my mother was always an explosive bundle of raw nerves. I learned early on to protect myself by existing in a hypervigilant state, always on guard to detect subtle dangers like electrical tension in the air. Having learned the "art" of nervousness from my mother, I spent a good amount of time in my early adult life thinking I was doomed to be the same stressed-out type of person as my mother. But recently, I have realized was that there was a big difference between us — she never questioned or even seemed to notice her state, and to me it has always felt highly uncomfortable, and is a habit I wish to grow out of. But last year in particular, my anxiety took a turn for the worse. At the outset of my day, I felt pulled in all different directions — feeling the gravity of responsibilities, deadlines, bills and so on.

Can you relate? 3 Dos & Don'ts For A Great Morning. What you do first thing in the morning matters whether you're a mom, business owner, yoga teacher or a nurse.

3 Dos & Don'ts For A Great Morning

Because how you spend the first hour of your day determines how you'll feel the rest of your day. Set yourself up for less stress and more ease by tweaking just a few simple things in your morning routine, and watch your entire life change! Open your phone within the first hour of waking up. It's easy to fall into the trap of turning to our phones within the first few minutes (sometimes seconds!) 7 Morning Habits Of Healthy & Happy People. 5 Habits Of Emotionally Balanced People As a life coach, many of my clients come to me feeling like they're unable to cope with their emotions.

7 Morning Habits Of Healthy & Happy People

They feel overly sensitive and are fearful of experiencing any strong emotions. What I tell Read Do you consider yourself a morning person? Studies suggest morning people tend to be happier and even healthier. When I was stuck in a corporate career and diagnosed with clinical depression, I would dread waking up in the morning. So I studied happy and healthy people and learned what they did. Today my life is much different from when I was that sad girl who relied on her snooze button. Waking up can be difficult if you don't have something to look forward to.