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Past simple

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PINKFONG Story Time for Children. PINKFONG Story Time for Children. Classroom Decoration. What happened? (was/were) Изучаем дни недели на английском с детьми. Совсем недавно у нас стартовал проект «Calendar — Изучаем календарь на английском с детьми» В рамках этого проекта мы разучиваем стишки и песенки и делаем поделки.

Изучаем дни недели на английском с детьми

Я постоянно стараюсь придумать — как мы можем еще повысить эффективность наших занятий по календарю? Во-первых, мы можем ввести небольшой ритуал — каждый день (или каждое занятие) мы обсуждаем какой сегодня день, месяц, время года и т.п. Мы также можем отметить на календаре важные события, праздники, посчитать сколько дней осталось до этих событий, посмотреть сколько дней в месяце, посчитать сколько воскресений, например и еще много чего. ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids. Problem loading page. Witch is practising witchcraft with ghosts. I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin' English. -ed endings. Was/were. 5 Little Tiny Frogs - by ELF Learning. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner - what did you eat. Online games to practice the past tense with regular and irregular verbs. Grammar games online to practice verb tenses, spelling, reading, writing, conversation, and grammar in use.

online games to practice the past tense with regular and irregular verbs

All of the games have sound, so you can listen and check your understanding, practice conversation, or just listen and repeat. There are 10+ activities with each topic providing a lot of practice for ESL students or just use them as games for kids to learn spelling and vocabulary online. - practice the past tense with spelling, grammar practice games, reading and writing activities. Practice the past tense using "be + going to + verb" with these fun games. You can practice spelling, vocabulary, speaking, questions and answers, as well s check your grammar with these free online activities for kids. Pattern Practice Chant - Past Tense Verbs 1. Pattern Practice Chant - Past Tense Verbs 3. Pattern Practice Chant - Past Tense Verbs 2.

The Goldilocks song. This little pig - song. Little Red Riding Hood. Sentence game (time limit)(irregular verbs) Irreg. verbs exercise. Reg./irreg. verbs (+ - ?) Questions and short answers. How to talk about the past (interactive book) Bananas for Lunch. All on my way to school (song, irreg. verbs) Where were you? Bingo song(was/had) A banana tree. Was/were - find the differences. What we did yesterday (regular verbs)