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(Download this explanation in PDF) We need to use the Present Simple a lot in English, so it's really important to understand it well. Many students have problems with the form (or how to make it). If you'd prefer to learn about how to USE the Present Simple jump to this page.Or, click here for all the practice exercises about this tense. Simple present tense with 'be' The verb 'be' is different from the other verbs in this tense. Here's the positive form (positive means a normal sentence, not a negative or a question. Click here to practise making the positive with 'be'. Next, here's the negative. Click here to practise making the negative with 'be'. And finally let's talk about the question form of the present simple with 'be'. Firstly, here's the 'yes / no' question form: Click here to practise making yes / no questions with 'be'. If you'd like to make a 'wh' question, you just put the question word at the front: Click here to practise making 'wh' questions with 'be' . Don't forget the 's'!

Present Simple Exercise 1 Here's an exercise where you need to make the present simple positive. Click here to review how to make the present simple tense.Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers)Click here for more present simple exercises Don't forget the 's'! Learning English as a foreign language: Tip #1 Read often in English. Click here for more present simple exercises

Present Simple Exercise 2 Here's another exercise where you need to make the present simple positive. Click here to review how to make this tense.Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers)Click here for another present simple positive exercise. Don't forget the 's'! Learning English as a foreign language: Tip #2 Watch films and TV in English. Try another exercise about the simple present here Return to the grammar exercises page

Present Simple Exercise 16 This is the second mixed present simple exercise using the verb 'be' - it includes positive, negative and questions. Click here to review how to make the present simple.Click here for all the present simple exercises.Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers) Click here for more present simple exercises Learning English as a foreign language: Tip #3 Try reading a newspaper in English - there will be a lot of difficult words, it's true, but don't try to read the whole thing at once. Present Simple Use Okay, now you know how to make the present simple. But how do we use it? In fact, we use this tense in several different situations: (More about the difference between the present simple and the present continuous here.) My Present Simple Video 1: First, we use the Present Simple when something is generally true: The sun rises in the east.People need food.It snows in winter.The sky isn't green.Plants die without water.Two and two make four. 2: We also need to use this tense for a situation that we think is more or less permanent (see the present continuous for a temporary situation - one which we think won't last long): Where do you live? 3: The next use is for habits or things that we do regularly. Do you smoke? 4: Four, we use the simple present to talk about what happens in books, plays, or films: 5: We use it in the first and the zero conditionals: If it rains, I won't come.If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. 6: Strangely, we can use this tense to talk about the future.

Present Simple Exercise 3 Here's an exercise where you need to make the present simple negative. Click here to review how to make the present simple. Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers)Click here for more present simple exercises Learning English as a foreign language: Tip #3 Try reading a newspaper in English - there will be a lot of difficult words, it's true, but don't try to read the whole thing at once. Click here for more present simple exercises Present Simple Tense Verbs Hangman Game ESL Interactive Fun Games Here we have the games carefully laid out for you. Follow the links to browse the variety of games offered. This is only the directory for interactive games and exercises. Grammar Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for Practising Grammar: Present simple/present progressive games, past tense games, present perfect games, comparative/Superlatives and more... Vocabulary Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for practising English vocabulary: Lots of games by topics and game types Pronunciation Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games to practice English pronunciation, phonetics and phonics. Reading/Spelling Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games and exercises to practice reading, spelling and lexis ESL Interactive Fun Games Here we have the games carefully laid out for you. Grammar Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Vocabulary Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here!

Present Simple Exercise 4 Here's another negative present simple exercise - type the whole sentence into the box and click 'check'. Click here to review how to make the present simpleClick here for another exercise about making the present simple negativeClick here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers) Learning English as a foreign language: Tip #4 Do grammar exercises about the English verb tenses until you feel really confident about how to make the tense. Many students say 'the past simple - that's easy', but then they still say 'Did you went', which is not correct of course. Or they forget the 's' in the 3rd person singular present simple. Click here for more present simple exercises Present Simple czyli czas teraźniejszy prosty - Czasy gramatyczne (Tenses) - Gramatyka angielska - Gramatyka angielska - Czas Present Simple stosowany jest gdy mówimy o czynnościach powtarzających się, naszych nawykach i zwyczajach, o tym co robimy zawsze, w określonych odstępach czasowych. Nie ma znaczenia w jak dużych odstępach powtarzają się wyrażane przez nas czynności, jeśli zdarzając się więcej niż raz, czas Present Simple jest czasem, który powinien być zastosowany. Jak poznać Present Simple? Poznać Present Simple w tekście jest bardzo łatwo. O jego użyciu świadczy użycie jednego z określeń oznaczających zwyczaje i odstęp czasowy, takich jak np: od czasu do czasu, codziennie, co tydzień, nigdy, zawsze... Jeśli jedno z nich, lub im podobne znajduje się w zdaniu, można być pewnym, że użyty czas gramatyczny jest czasem Present Simple. I tak: Every day – codziennie „Every day I go to work” Every week – co tydzień „Every week I swim” Every month – co miesiąc „Every month I play tennis” Every year – co rok „ Every year I travel” Never – nigdy „I never sleep late” Jak tworzymy Present Simple?

Present Simple - czas teraźniejszy prosty Present Simple - konstrukcja TWIERDZENIE: Podmiot + (określnik częstotliwości) + czasownik w bezokoliczniku PYTANIE: Do / Does + podmiot + (określnik częstotliwości) + czasownik w bezokoliczniku PRZECZENIE: Podmiot + do not / does not + (określnik częstotliwości) + czasownik w bezokoliczniku Zastosowanie: Present Simple jest zazwyczaj stosowany dla czynności powtarzających się, stałych, typowych. Kilka przykładów: I like football. Stosowane skróty: do not - don't, does not - doesn't W trzeciej osobie liczby pojedyńczej dodaje się do czasownika s. UWAGA! She must do her homework.Tom should take an umbrella. Najczęściej stosowane przysłówki częstotliwości:always - zawszefrequently / often - częstousually - zazwyczajsometimes - czasamirarely / seldom - rzadkooccasionally - od czasu do czasunever - nigdyevery day / month / year - każdego dnia / miesiąca / roku
