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Ami à ami. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Ami à ami

Les réseaux d'ami à ami (friend-to-friend networks ou F2F en anglais) sont un type particulier de réseau P2P anonyme dans lequel les gens n'utilisent des connexions directes qu'avec leurs amis. Un logiciel ami à ami ne permet qu'aux personnes à qui vous faites confiance (reconnues par leur adresse IP ou leur signature numérique) d'échanger des fichiers avec votre ordinateur. Puis, les amis de vos amis (et ainsi de suite) peuvent indirectement échanger des fichiers avec votre ordinateur, sans jamais utiliser votre adresse IP (un F2F anonyme se charge de faire suivre automatiquement et anonymement les fichiers et les demandes de fichiers). Contrairement aux autres réseaux de type P2P privé, les réseaux F2F anonymes peuvent grandir sans compromettre l'anonymat de leurs utilisateurs. Dan Bricklin a introduit le terme "ami à ami" le 11 août 2000. Decentralized computing.

All computers have to be updated individually with new software, unlike a centralised computer system.

Decentralized computing

Decentralised systems still enable file sharing and all computers can share peripherals such as printers and scanners as well as modems, allowing all the computers in the network to connect to the internet. A collection of decentralized computers systems are components of a larger computer network, held together by local stations of equal importance and capability. These systems are capable of running independently of each other. WebRTC is almost here, and it will change the web. Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is a new HTML5 standard framework that enables the sharing of video, audio, and data directly between web browsers.

WebRTC is almost here, and it will change the web

These capabilities open the door to a new wave of advanced web applications. If all goes according to plan, over 50% of all web browsers will support this capability in the next three to four months. This is the most significant step forward in web browser connectivity since 2004, when Google launched Gmail and AJAX was coined. Friend-to-friend. A friend-to-friend (or F2F) computer network is a type of peer-to-peer network in which users only make direct connections with people they know.


Passwords or digital signatures can be used for authentication. Infinit. Hive2Hive. Four Design Principles for True P2P Networks. Excerpted from a mini-essay by Mark Pesce URL = Design Principle One: Distribute Everything The recording industry used the courts to shut down Napster because they could.

Four Design Principles for True P2P Networks

Napster had a single throat they could get their legal arms around, choking the life out of it. In a display of natural selection that would have brought a tear to Alfred Russel Wallace’s eye, the selection pressure applied by the recording industry only led to the creation of Gnutella, which, through its inherently distributed architecture, became essentially impossible to eradicate. Break everything up. Category:Commons. = What we share.


Creations of both nature and society that belong to all of us equally, and should be maintained for future generations. The Commons has the potential to replace the commodity as the determining form of re-/producing societal living conditions. Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or – this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms – with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto.

Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons

From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure. Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy New words expressing new concepts usually indicate stirrings at other levels of reality. We are witnessing the emergence of a new ‘proto’ mode of production based on distributed, collaborative forms of organisation. The World of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) A printable version of The World of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Wikibook is available.

The World of Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

You can use WikiType an online application which converts the Wikibooks into formatted PDF.


Peer2Politics. Social peer-to-peer processes. RetroShare. The Pirate Wheel. The Pirate Wheel is an overview of pirate policies as I’ve understood them from talking to pirates across the world.

The Pirate Wheel

It’s not an authoritative source over any other, but merely my interpretation — which, in pirate spirit, is no more valid than anybody else’s. A problem with old-style policymaking has always been that the political programs have been flat; they have been an unordered heap of opinions, where assemblies and other meetings occasionally reword or replace a section without regard to impact on other sections.

In contrast, the Pirate Wheel focuses equally on what the policy is and why the policy is that way, starting with the fundamental change that has happened to society and deriving from there. Gamers will feel right at home with the model of a policy tree rather than a flat document; a tree where it is immediately clear which policies derive from which. The policy tree of The Pirate Wheel. Peer-to-peer. A peer-to-peer (P2P) network in which interconnected nodes ("peers") share resources amongst each other without the use of a centralized administrative system Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or work loads between peers.


Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. Pair à pair. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. P2P. Why we need true p2p technologies and why citizens and geeks will have to do it, not corporations. Selected citations; you can find the sources here. * Keith Curtis: The corporations won’t do it “Given currently available technology, we should all have cars that drive us around in absolute safety, leaving us to lounge in the back and sip champagne. We have all the hardware to do this — the video cameras, motion sensors and high powered computers — and we’ve had this technology for decades.

So why don’t cars drive themselves? The answer is that we don’t have the software. . * Anil Dash: THE VALUES THAT MAKE THE SOCIAL WEB REVOLUTIONARY “1. 2. And the fundamental value which has given blogging and social media its moral grounding and its most significant impact: 3. P2P File Sharing Programs - Free File Sharing Software. Millions of people use free P2P file sharing programs - software to swap music, video and other files over the Internet. Many free P2P file sharing programs exist. Some P2P software offers a larger user base and greater numbers of files to choose from. Some software better utilizes network resources and may be easier to use. Finally, some P2P file sharing programs are increasing in popularity while others are declining. Social and political movements related to the P2P (participatory), open (open access to knowledge), and ‘commons’ paradigms.

Please read: Mapping a Coalition for the Commons. By Philippe Aigrain. Introduction Marco Berlinguer: The Foundation for P2P Alternatives. The Future is Peer to Peer. I want to take this opportunity to inspire you with the amazing world that is the Peer to Peer Foundation. This philosophy can empower us to initiate the transition, if we chose to embrace it. The Peer to Peer Manifesto: The Emergence of P2P Civilization and Political Economy. Skip to content NOW SERVING Psychedelic Culture Menu Search Search. P2P Economy: The next great economic age. eMule. eMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing application for Microsoft Windows. Started in May 2002 as an alternative to eDonkey2000, eMule now connects to both the eDonkey network and the Kad network. The distinguishing features of eMule are the direct exchange of sources between client nodes, fast recovery of corrupted downloads, and the use of a credit system to reward frequent uploaders.

Furthermore, eMule transmits data in zlib-compressed form to save bandwidth. eMule is coded in C++ using the Microsoft Foundation Classes. Since July 2002 eMule has been free software, released under the GNU General Public License; its popularity has led to eMule's codebase being used as the basis of cross-platform clients aMule, JMule, xMule, along with the release of many eMule mods (modifications of the original eMule) on the Internet. As of August 2013, it is the second most frequently downloaded project on SourceForge, with over 665 million downloads, only behind VLC media player.[3] History[edit] FileDonkey: The Little Search Engine That Can... Site Officiel d'eMule. Téléchargement, Aide, Documentation, Nouvelles,

Qu'est-ce qu'eMule? A l'aube du 13 mai 2002, un gars nommé Merkur n'était pas satisfait du client eDonkey2000 original et était convaincu qu'il pourrait faire mieux. C'est ce qu'il fit. You Have Downloaded - We show what you downloaded. Trade group efforts against file sharing. Arts and media industry trade groups, such as the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) and Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), strongly oppose and attempt to prevent copyright infringement through file sharing. The Battlespace of Online Piracy. The Freenet Project - /index. List of warez groups. Warez groups typically tag their releases with NFO files. Due to the nature of the warez scene, not much is known about these groups. Groups[edit] Listed here are many of the more significant warez groups, with a short introduction of when they were formed and what they have done.

Note that there are many other warez groups that are not included here. Warez., a forum for warez Warez distribution[edit] Kazaa - Analyse des parasites contenus dans la version 1.7.2. Si vous avez installé une version officielle de Kazaa, le logiciel de P2P permettant le pillage de musiques au format MP3 et de bien d'autres formats de fichiers, elle embarque (et vous embarque avec) un paquet d'espions (dans le genre, ça frise le record !!!).

Ils y sont presque tous et KaZaa pourrait servir de table des matières à un chapitre consacré aux agressions sur Internet. Le propriétaire de KaZaa, Sharman Networks, ne s'en cache pas : le modèle économique de la division KaZaa de Sharman Networks repose sur l'apport d'argent de ces sociétés qui payent pour introduire leur logiciel dans KaZaa, Sharman Networks ne faisant aucune distinction entre les méthodes des uns et des autres. Osiris - Serverless Portal System. Peer(-to-peer) review of Marxism. Le peer to peer: nouvelle formation sociale, nouveau model civilisationnel. Pipe.