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Collaborative Intelligence

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Multi-Stakeholder Processes. IOPS - Home. Yoomoot – organized collaboration. La valorisation des reseaux sociaux dans la recherche scientifique. What Type of Collaborator Are You? (By Central Desktop) 12 Principles of Collaboration. Co-Creation. The participation and involvement of consumers in the creation process formerly dominated by businesses.


"A quick search on Google Scholar confirms the pattern: from only 23 articles citing ‘co-creation’ in the 1970s, the 1980s delivered a paltry 102, the 1990s a more substantial 658, while the first 9 and a bit years of the 21st Century has already spawned an impressive 3,660. " ( "Co-creation is a very broad term with a broad range of applications. We define co-creation as any act of collective creativity that is experienced jointly by two or more people. From the Wikipedia: "Co-creation is the practice of developing systems, products, or services through the collaborative execution of developers and stakeholders, companies and customers, or managers and employees. Co-Creation is under-defined! "The literature review itself threw up two related observations: 1. 2. Welcome To Co.Create Nation.

The World Cafe Community - Hosting Conversations about Questions that Matter. Collaborative Intelligence. Welcome to the World Café! L'intelligence collective. La recherche de l'intelligence collective est le graal des organisations.

L'intelligence collective

Mais comment donc 1+ 1 finissent par faire 3? Voici quelques idées pour trouver la solution : [intelligence collective] – 37 caratéristiques du phénomène de cohésion collective des intelligences. Vive la corévolution ! Cet ouvrage montre en quoi le phénomène collaboratif influence profondément nos organisations (groupes humains, associations, collectivités, mouvement politique, entreprises, etc.).

vive la corévolution !

L’émergence du Web participatif facilite la mise en réseau et encourage la transparence des échanges : cette logique imprègne peu à peu notre façon de penser, d’agir, de consommer (mouvement de “consommation collaborative” qui nous incite à covoiturer, cotravailler, “louer citoyen”, etc.), mais aussi d’entreprendre (dépasser la logique de compétition), de militer et de manager. Qualifiée de “radicale” par certains hommes d’affaires américains convaincus de l’urgence de travailler en bonne intelligence pour construire le monde durable de demain, la collaboration peut renouveler nos façons de faire à différents niveaux de la société.

En le faisant passer du “moi” au “nous”, la corévolution donne un autre espace de déploiement concret au développement durable. Paru le 23 mai 2012. Intelligence Collaborative.... Collaborative-economy-2012.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Collective Action Toolkit. Collective_action_toolkit.pdf. Collective-action-design-framework.png (Image PNG, 1371x950 pixels) - Redimensionnée (82%) 6 thinking hats. Welcome to the Group Pattern Language Project. Coopération, co-opétition, collaboration, co-opportunité, économie collaborative, co-management, Co-Révolution… KesaCO? Guide méthodologique du travail en commun. Quel que soit notre métier, Internet représente une révolution majeure et bouleverse nos façons d’exercer notre profession.

Guide méthodologique du travail en commun

Collaborative Innovation. Generous Leadership, Connection & Communication. Lab: Bringing collaborative intelligence (C-IQ) and the catalyZer method to complex, cross-disciplinary design and innovation challenges. Zann Gill, Dennis Britton, Kevin Montgomery, Linda G. Francis, Sheldon Breiner, Richard Johnson, Chris McKay. DESYN Lab develops Interactive Frameworks for Decision Support (IFDS).

Lab: Bringing collaborative intelligence (C-IQ) and the catalyZer method to complex, cross-disciplinary design and innovation challenges. Zann Gill, Dennis Britton, Kevin Montgomery, Linda G. Francis, Sheldon Breiner, Richard Johnson, Chris McKay

DESYN Lab integrates outcomes of knowledge-sharing in the content space of each challenge, semantic meta-tagging and threading of user ideas and debates about each challenge, decision support systems to support challenge teams, and collaborative intelligence prompters, recommender systems and other devices for navigating the knowledge space. The passive wiki mode comprises a knowledge management framework to navigate information and grow resources and archives. The active IFDS mode offers process support for design and collaborative problem-solving. The passive/ active modes are tightly coupled, since each user's path through the knowledge archives (passive) leaves a "pheromone trail" that feeds into the design of the recommender system for future users of the site.

User preferences are reflected in automated site updating. Collaborative intelligence. Collaborative intelligence characterizes multi-agent, distributed systems where each agent, human or machine, is uniquely positioned, with autonomy to contribute to a problem-solving network.

Collaborative intelligence

Collaborative autonomy of organisms in their ecosystems makes evolution possible. Natural ecosystems, where each organism's unique signature is derived from its genetics, circumstances, behavior and position in its ecosystem, offer principles for design of next generation social networks to support collaborative intelligence, crowd-sourcing individual expertise, preferences, and unique contributions in a problem-solving process.[1] Overview[edit] Collaborative intelligence is a term used in several disciplines. In business it describes heterogeneous networks of people interacting to produce intelligent outcomes. History[edit] Study examines evolution of cooperative behaviour.

Culture Hack: Collaborating with Strangers. Via Mo Riza on Pinterest below is an entry for the CultureCon Contest by Sebastien Paquet The culture hacking story I want to share with you is almost ten years old now.

Culture Hack: Collaborating with Strangers

Back then I was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science with a deep interest in social software. I was posting to my blog daily, and building a reputation as a thinker in the field. One of my issues with the blogosphere (as we called the universe of all blogs) was that it appeared as this galaxy of nebulously-connected personal streams.

“I’d like to explain an idea that I have been bouncing around for a while. I then offered a short blueprint of a system for pulling together blog posts from all over the blogosphere with a shared topic into a single stream, thus helping people connect around shared interest. What followed exceeded my expectations many-fold. As you can imagine, I was excited and slightly flabbergasted at the news. I regard this as my first intentcasting success story. Takeaways Like this: Like Loading...