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Bibliographie sur l'altermondialisation. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Bibliographie sur l'altermondialisation

Le mouvement de l'altermondialisation est sujet à bien des commentaires et analyses. Cet article présente une ébauche de bibliographie divisée en quelques sections principales : Sociologie de l'altermondialisation, faisant partie de la théorie et de la sociologie des mouvements sociaux.Description et analyse de l'altermondialisme, ainsi que de l'altermondialisation, par des protagonistes revendiquant leur appartenance à ce mouvement, qu'ils soient écrivains, économistes, journalistes, syndicalistes, etc.Analyse de la mondialisation : ouvrages de référence pour les altermondialistesCritique de l'altermondialisme : livres d'économistes, journalistes…opposés au mouvement altermondialiste.

Dans chaque section, les livres sont présentés par ordre alphabétique d'auteurs. Par la suite, ces sections pourraient être subdivisées en sous sections : économie, politique, reportage, thématique… Sociologie[modifier | modifier le code] Bibliographie sur l'altermondialisme. Crimethinc for Beginners. Portal:Books. Books that will induce a mindfuck. Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author.

Books that will induce a mindfuck

Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. Top 14 Survival Downloads You Should Have. The Greatest Books: The Best Books of All Time - 1 to 50. 101 Books To Read This Summer Instead of '50 Shades of Grey'. The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time. In my younger days if I heard a book or movie was disturbing or hard to handle I generally took that as a challenge.

The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time

Most books generally turned out to not be too bad, but occasionally I’d come across something that would leave me with a sick feeling in my stomach for weeks. I’ve largely outgrown this “genre” of late, but here are my picks for the ten most disturbing books of all time. Any one of these books is capable of leaving you feeling a little depressed at the least, and permanently scarred at the worst. I’d say enjoy, but that doesn’t really seem appropriate … 10. Blindness is a book with a truly horrifying scenario at it’s heart: what if everyone in the world were to lose their sight to disease in a short period of time?

9. Anti drug crusaders should stop airing goofy commercials that nobody takes seriously and start pushing to have Requiem For A Dream made required reading for every high schooler in the country. 8. Naked Lunc is another ode to drug addiction. 7. 6. Bleak. 5. The 1billionhungry Project. The Book List. 623 of the Best Books ever Written. Book Country: Discover New Fiction with the Genre Map. Publishers, booksellers, and readers describe books by their literary categories, or genres.

Book Country: Discover New Fiction with the Genre Map

It's how books are placed in stores and sold online. We created the Genre Map to help you find the right genre for your book. Roll over the map with your cursor to see the different genres. Some categories, such as women's fiction, stand alone. If you select mystery, fantasy, romance, science fiction, or thriller, you'll see the many subgenres that you can explore within these categories. Please contact us if there's a category you'd like to see on the Genre Map. The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time. Dystopian novels—stories of the horrific future—are so common as to be almost forgettable.

The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time

Here is a compilation of what I believe are the 16 greatest of the genre. I could happily list twice as many that are amazing, but these are the best. From the post-apocalyptic wasteland to deadly viruses to social malaise, all possible bad futures end here. Sci-fi-book-flow-chart.jpg (Image JPEG, 3800x2300 pixels) - Redimensionnée (33. Word Porm - Words Words Words! 110 Best Books: The Perfect Library by The Telegraph - The Greatest Books.

Explore collections at Anobii - Find New Books to Read. CoIL Bookstore. Publications. Bibliographie essentielle. A new way of choosing what to read next. Popular Science - A Nerd’s Guide to Reading. The 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written. The 100 Best Books of All Time. Many publishers have lists of 100 best books, defined by their own criteria.

The 100 Best Books of All Time

This article enumerates some lists of "100 best" books for which there are fuller articles. Among them, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (Xanadu, 1985) and Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels (Grafton, 1988) are collections of 100 short essays by a single author, David Pringle, with moderately long critical introductory chapters also by Pringle. Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century. The 100 Books of the Century (French: Les cent livres du siècle) is a list of the one hundred best books of the 20th century, according to a poll conducted in the spring of 1999 by the French retailer Fnac and the Paris newspaper Le Monde.

Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century

Starting from a preliminary list of 200 titles created by bookshops and journalists, 17,000 French voted by responding to the question, "Which books have stayed in your memory? " (« Quels livres sont restés dans votre mémoire ? »).[1] The list of acclaimed titles mixes great novels with poetry and theatre, as well as the comic strip. The 10 Most Expensive Books in the World - Emily Temple - Entertainment. The astonishing prices people will pay to own a piece of human history On Friday, Christie's New York auctioned a copy of John James Audubon's Birds of America, which already holds the title of most valuable printed book in the world, having sold for about $11.5 million in 2010.

The 10 Most Expensive Books in the World - Emily Temple - Entertainment

In fact, according to The Economist, a true list of the ten most valuable single books ever sold would have to include five copies of The Birds of America. Though Friday's sale didn't break the record, the book still sold for a considerable sum: $7.9 million. To help you brush up on your knowledge of the very old and very valuable, we've compiled a list of the ten most expensive books ever sold—no white gloves necessary. Look through our overview, and then head upstairs to check your attics for any forgotten dusty tomes—you could be a millionaire and not even know it.

The Greatest Books: The Best Books of All Time - 1 to 50. Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature.