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noel davies

71 retired but very interested in the world and computers

Slow Cooker. Human body. 10 magical spices. Fat-burning, anti-ageing, breath freshening, antiseptic… many spices have surprising and truly magical virtues... © Thinkstock But do be careful not to get too much of a good thing and overdoing it, as some of them are very powerful… they are to be used in medicinal doses.

10 magical spices

Take a little tour on our culinary spice route and learn how to spice up your life! 10 Spices That Heal. By Vicky Uhland, Natural Solutions There’s good reason to season: Doctors and dietitians agree that your spice rack can be just as essential as your medicine cabinet when it comes to preventing and treating disease.

10 Spices That Heal

Research consistently shows that many spices and herbs have medicinal qualities and can help prevent everything from cancer to the common cold. We asked two experts–Glen Aukerman, MD, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Ohio State University Medical Center, and Ruth Knill, PhD, LAc, a Chinese herbalist–about the spices and herbs that best improve overall health. Here are their picks, plus easy ways to work them into your diet. Cumin: Prevents Cancer HOW IT WORKS: It’s no surprise to many spice researchers that cancer rates are lower in India, where cumin is a diet staple. Basil: Combats Colds HOW IT WORKS: Basil is rich in antioxidants, which help boost immunity. Medicinal Herbs Guide - Natural Herbs Guide - Healing Herbs Guide.

Medicinal Herb Vaults. One Glassy Garden: Growing Herbs in Mason Jars. Forget the usual terracotta and (ugh!)

One Glassy Garden: Growing Herbs in Mason Jars

Plastic pots for container gardening. When you grow herbs in mason jars, you can have garden fresh ingredients on hand and also add some style to a sunny windowsill. Medicinal Uses Of 22 Common Spices. 10 Spices That Heal.


36 Perfectly Timed Animal Shots. Great pictures. Banksy’s Street Art. Banksy is an England-based graffiti artist.

Banksy’s Street Art

His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine irreverent dark humor with graffiti done in a distinctive stenciling technique. Such artistic works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world. (source) 80+ Beautiful Street Crimes done by BANKSY. Asked about his technique, Banksy said: “I use whatever it takes.

80+ Beautiful Street Crimes done by BANKSY

Sometimes that just means drawing a moustache on a girl’s face on some billboard, sometimes that means sweating for days over an intricate drawing. Efficiency is the key.” Oh, wait! Maybe we should start by explaining who the heck is Banksy first of all? [Read more...] Who is Banksy? Banksy is a quasi-anonymous English graffiti artist. He’s gone from a teenage tagger to a well-known artist making multi-million dollar art. Can I buy one? According to Wikipedia, Banksy does not sell photos of street graffiti (why should anyone be interested in buying PHOTOS of graffiti in the first place?). Technique. Ars Erotica: The Erotic Art Museum - sex art, erotic art galleries, pinups, pinup art, free pics, free xxx, erotic drawings, erotic paintings, erotic cartoons, erotic comics, erotic nude art, erotic fantasy art, toon sex.

Celebrating the Dionysian YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO VIEW THIS SITE.If you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to view adult material in your community, please leave now.

Ars Erotica: The Erotic Art Museum - sex art, erotic art galleries, pinups, pinup art, free pics, free xxx, erotic drawings, erotic paintings, erotic cartoons, erotic comics, erotic nude art, erotic fantasy art, toon sex

The following web pages and associated links and other material contain nudity and depictions of a sexual nature. All materials beyond this page and linked locations are intended and authorized for access by ADULTS ONLY. No minors are authorized, allowed or permitted to enter beyond this point. Minors are persons under the age of 18 or 21 years in places in which 18 years is not the legal age of majority.

If you are offended by nudity or depictions of sexual activity, please do not enter. Links. Fantasy KAGAYA Wallpaper - pretty fairy wallpapers, fantastic girl wallpaper, leo wallpaper. Artistic nude photos from the world - Nude photos. Common Etiquette Mistakes - How to survive.

Interesting facts

The 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time. 10 false facts most people think are true. Up until the late 16th century, everyone "knew" that the sun and planets revolved around the Earth.

10 false facts most people think are true

Up until the late 19th century, epidemic illnesses such as cholera and the plague were "known" to be caused by a poisonous mist filled with particles from rotting things. Up until the early 20th century, the most common procedure performed by surgeons for thousands of years was bloodletting, because we "knew" that blood drained from the body balanced the whacky humors responsible for poor health. Well alrighty then. But as misinformed as all that may sound now, our predecessors believed these "facts" with the same certainty that we believe that the Earth is round and hot fudge sundaes make us fat.

Living in a time of such dazzling science and technology, we stand firmly behind our beliefs … even if so much of what we think we know to be correct is actually wrong. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 "Life's too short for the wrong job". 35 Amazing Uses For Old Pallets. Gadgets.