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The Sixteen Personality Types - High-Level. ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.

Click here for a detailed description of ISTJ. ISTP - The Mechanic Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Click here for a detailed description of ISTP. ISFJ - The Nurturer Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Click here for a detailed description of ISFJ. ISFP - The Artist Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Click here for a detailed description of ISFP. INFJ - The Protector Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive. Click here for a detailed description of INFJ. INFP - The Idealist Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Click here for a detailed description of INFP.

Generalized anxiety disorder. Causes[edit] Genetics[edit] Generalized anxiety disorder may be hereditary with it running in families.[9] Genetics seem to play a role in this; those with genetic predisposition are more likely to develop GAD, usually in response to a life stressor.[10] Substance induced[edit] Long-term use of benzodiazepines can worsen underlying anxiety,[11][12] with evidence that reduction of benzodiazepines can lead to a lessening of anxiety symptoms.[13] Similarly, long-term alcohol use is associated with anxiety disorders,[14] with evidence that prolonged abstinence can result in a disappearance of anxiety symptoms.[15] However, it can take up to 2 years for anxiety symptoms to return to baseline in about a quarter of people recovering from alcoholism.[16] Tobacco smoking has been established as a risk factor for developing anxiety disorders.[17] Caffeine[edit] Other[edit] Mechanisms[edit] Amygdala Diagnosis[edit] DSM-IV-TR criteria[edit] D.

ICD-10 criteria[edit] A. Autonomic arousal symptoms (2) Sweating. C. Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation. Sheet-for-Emotions.jpg (JPEG Image, 1700x2200 pixels) - Scaled (29%) Trân trọng kính chào quý vị độc giả | Psychology. 15 styles of Distorted Thinking. 15 styles of Distorted Thinking Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation.

Polarized Thinking: Things are black or white, good or bad. You have to be perfect or you're a failure. There is no middle ground. Checklist for Hidden Anger Procrastination in the completion of imposed tasks. Erowid. Psychoactive Vaults : Effects. Psychology of Behavior. Body Language Basics - Syncrat Publishing. Throughout history it has been an advantage if an individual can read body language. Body language helps in everyday life from closing a business deal or trusting someone with your life, to recognising when someone is upset.

Body language is the art of making an educated guess at a person’s feelings or intentions based on their posture, movement and positioning. To understand a person’s body language you need to take into account more than one aspect of their body language. Take tears for example. Just seeing tears on a person’s face does not tell you much as they could mean a person is happy, sad or just they might just have watery eyes. It is only when you also observe a smile that you can assume a person is very happy. Each action or stance in the following list means very little, unless there is more than one indicating the same thing. Arms Feet Head Chest Other. How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns. Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss.

After gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. The following deception detection techniques are used by police, forensic psychologists, security experts and other investigators. Introduction to Detecting Lies: This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions. This is just a basic run down of physical (body language) gestures and verbal cues that may indicate someone is being untruthful. If you got here from somewhere else, be sure to check out our Lie Detection index page for more info including new research in the field of forensic psychology. Signs of Deception: Body Language of Lies: • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Bored? Reading her body language: Is she interested - Syncrat Publishing. When it comes to body language, it does not matter whether she is interested in you.

You will attract her attention if you do not play it too needy. If you look out for these signs, you will be able to tell if you are making progress. It also makes for interesting watching whena guy is trying so hard, but the lady is showing no signs of interest. You can't help but have a chuckle about it. Her lips: Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face. Her eyes: She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated. Her hair: She pushes her fingers through her hair. Her clothing: If she is wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect.

While she is seated: She moves in time to the music, with her eyes on you. Her hands: She exposes the palms of her hand facing you. Her voice She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours. Miscellaneous: She mirrors your body language and body positions. Get Anyone to Like You – Instantly – Guaranteed. Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. This golden rule of friendship works every time - guaranteed! The principle is straightforward. If I meet you and make you feel good about yourself, you will like me and seek every opportunity to see me again to reconstitute the same good feeling you felt the first time we met. Unfortunately, this powerful technique is seldom used because we are continually focused on ourselves and not others. We put our wants and needs before the wants and needs of others.

The irony is that people will fulfill your wants and needs in any way they can if they like you. The simple communication techniques that follow will help you keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking to and make them feel good about themselves. The Big Three Our brains continually scan the environment for friend or foe signals. Eyebrow Flash Head Tilt Smile A smile sends the message "I like you. " Psychology of Behavior. Personality Stuff. Humor. Psychology. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY.

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Getting started. DIY. Home Decor. Music. (s)WORDS. Top Ten - Top 10 Banned Books of the 20th Century - Top 10 - Top 10 List - Grapes of Wrath - Lady Chatterly's Lover Quote - Slaughterhouse Five Quote - To Kill a Mockingbird Quote - Fahrenheit 451 Quote - Catcher in the Rye Quote - Tropic of Cancer Quote. Top 10 Banned Books of the 20th Century #10 - The Grapes of Wrath "Before I knowed it, I was sayin' out loud, 'The hell with it! There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do. . #09 - Lady Chatterley's Lover "Ravished! #08 - Slaughterhouse-Five "All this happened, more or less.

. #07 - To Kill a Mockingbird "The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience. " #06 - Fahrenheit 451 "The sun burnt every day. . #05 - The Catcher in the Rye "It was that kind of a crazy afternoon, terrifically cold, and no sun out or anything, and you felt like you were disappearing every time you crossed a road. " #04 - Tropic of Cancer "I believe that today more than ever a book should be sought after even if it has only one great page in it.

. #03 - Naked Lunch "The Planet drifts to random insect doom... " #02 - Ulysses " a nightmare from which I am trying to awake. " "Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. Auto. Technology. Software. Electronics. Fitness. Health. All Arts. Optical Illusion Of The Day. Photography. Martial arts.