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Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino! So, I get two or three emails a day, all basically asking the same thing: "Where can I learn about electronics? " In general, most of these people have seen some of my projects and want to be able to build similar things. Unfortunately, I have never been able to point them to a good site that really takes the reader through a solid introduction to microcontrollers and basic electronics. I designed this tutorial course to accompany the Arduino starter pack sold at the Adafruit webshop. The pack contains all the components you need (minus any tools) for the lessons Follow these lessons for happiness and prosperity.

Lesson 0 Pre-flight check...Is your Arduino and computer ready? Here are some recommended tools: If you need to get any soldering done, you may also want.... All of the content in the Arduino Tutorial is CC 2.5 Share-Alike Attrib. Love it? To some extent, the structure of the material borrows from: The impressively good "What's a microcontroller? " Tutorial - Learn Python in 10 minutes.

NOTE: If you would like some Python development done, my company, Stochastic Technologies, is available for consulting. This tutorial is available as a short ebook. The e-book features extra content from follow-up posts on various Python best practices, all in a convenient, self-contained format. All future updates are free for people who purchase it. Preliminary fluff So, you want to learn the Python programming language but can't find a concise and yet full-featured tutorial. This tutorial will attempt to teach you Python in 10 minutes. It's probably not so much a tutorial as it is a cross between a tutorial and a cheatsheet, so it will just show you some basic concepts to start you off. Properties Python is strongly typed (i.e. types are enforced), dynamically, implicitly typed (i.e. you don't have to declare variables), case sensitive (i.e. var and VAR are two different variables) and object-oriented (i.e. everything is an object).

Getting help Syntax Data types Strings Functions Classes. Training Materials - Python programming for beginners - handouts and exercises | Bioinformatics Training Network. Python:Basics:Strings - Python. From Python Strings are variables that hold a contiguous group of characters. Strings in the Real World A string in the real world is a cord, wire, gut, or, well, "string" of some substance that holds together from beginning to end. The term "string" has become so intuitive to us that we use it in other contexts. For example, I might say that I "don’t want to string you along about Python’s potential". That string would involve one promise after another that together that would lead you to some conclusion.

Strings in Python In Python, a string is more than just a contiguous group of characters. Suppose that I want to make a string, and then turn it to upper case. $alphabet = "abcdefghij"; $upperCaseAlphabet = strtoupper($alphabet); In Python, I would write: alphabet = "abcdefghij" # Using method of string object upperCaseAlphabet = alphabet.upper() or import string # Using string class itself upperCaseAlphabet = string.upper(alphabet) In PHP, $alphabet is just that, a group of letters from a - j. A Python Book: Beginning Python, Advanced Python, and Python Exercises. 2.2 Regular Expressions For more help on regular expressions, see: 2.2.1 Defining regular expressions A regular expression pattern is a sequence of characters that will match sequences of characters in a target.

The patterns or regular expressions can be defined as follows: Literal characters must match exactly. For example, "a" matches "a".Concatenated patterns match concatenated targets. For example, "ab" ("a" followed by "b") matches "ab".Alternate patterns (separated by a vertical bar) match either of the alternative patterns. Because of the use of backslashes in patterns, you are usually better off defining regular expressions with raw strings, e.g. r"abc". 2.2.2 Compiling regular expressions When a regular expression is to be used more than once, you should consider compiling it. Import sys, re pat = re.compile('aa[bc]*dd') while 1: line = raw_input('Enter a line ("q" to quit):') if line == 'q': break if print 'matched:', line else: print 'no match:', line Comments:

Python Training Course | Classes | Courses | Class | Public | Private | Online | Onsite | Individuals | Hands-on | Bootcamps - Firebox Training. Advanced Python Programming – PYT200 – 3 Days This Advanced Python three day training class covers topics from basic syntax to more advanced topics such as metaclasses. Our Advanced Python training Class includes the syntax for both Python 2 and 3. The Advanced Python course is 3 days and covers more advanced topics compared to our introduction class. At the beginning of class we review basic Python concepts covered in our Introduction to Python Programming class (PYT100). Advanced Python training course provides participants intermediate/advanced level topics of using the Python programming language. It builds upon the first course in the series which discusses language fundamentals and introduces the Python Standard Library. Check out the quick Python video tutorial to see some of what you will learn!

Advanced Python Programming – PYT 200 – 3 Days ENROLL NOW - Individuals & Small GroupsGet a Group Quote Location Instructor-Led Online Course ID: PYT200 Duration: 3 days Python Classes. CodeLesson - Instructor-led online technology learning. Python Fundamentals Tutorial : Variables. A variable in Python is defined through assignment. There is no concept of declaring a variable outside of that assignment. >>> ten = 10 >>> ten 10 In Python, while the value that a variable points to has a type, the variable itself has no strict type in its definition. You can re-use the same variable to point to an object of a different type. It may be helpful to think of variables as "labels" associated with objects.

>>> ten = 10 >>> ten 10 >>> ten = 'ten' >>> ten 'ten' >>> 'Day ' + 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects This behavior is different from some other loosely-typed languages.

d8> 'Day ' + 1 Day 1 In Python, however, it is possible to change the type of an object through builtin functions. >>> 'Day ' + str(1) 'Day 1' This type conversion can be a necessity to get the outcome that you want. >>> float(10) / 3 3.3333333333333335 >>> 10 / float(3) 3.3333333333333335 >>> float(10 / 3) 3.0. Python Tutorial. Python Programming Exercises - Free PDF downloads. Sponsored High Speed Downloads Python programming | exercises - Technical University of Denmark Python programming | exercises Extra task After installing Cherrypy see that it works. Try to get the from the tutorial to work. Python Programming Exercises Python Programming Exercises Control Structures 2.1 Write a program that inputs a 4 digit year and then calculates whether or not it is a leap year. A Python Book: Beginning Python, Advanced Python, and Python ... 3.5.3 if: statement exercises.....154 3.5.4 for: statement exercises ... oriented programming, Python enables us to write clear, logical applications for ...

Python programming exercises , I - UZH - GC3: Grid Computing ... Grid Computing Competence Center Python programming exercises, I Riccardo Murri Grid Computing Competence Center, Organisch-Chemisches Institut, University of Zurich Python course in Bioinformatics - Donald Bren School of ... Programming in Python – Exercises - NeuralEnsemble Python for Rookies. 2.2. Declaring Functions. Python has functions like most other languages, but it does not have separate header files like C++ or interface/implementation sections like Pascal. When you need a function, just declare it, like this: def buildConnectionString(params): Note that the keyword def starts the function declaration, followed by the function name, followed by the arguments in parentheses. Multiple arguments (not shown here) are separated with commas. Also note that the function doesn't define a return datatype. The argument, params, doesn't specify a datatype. 2.2.1.

An erudite reader sent me this explanation of how Python compares to other programming languages: statically typed language A language in which types are fixed at compile time. Dynamically typed language A language in which types are discovered at execution time; the opposite of statically typed. Strongly typed language A language in which types are always enforced. Weakly typed language. Python / Functions. Python: Functions Python/Functions at YouTube slides PDF Hello, and welcome to the eighth episode of the Software Carpentry lecture on Python. In this episode, we'll show you how functions work, and how to define new functions of your own.

First, a bit of design philosophy. A programming language should not try to include everything that anyone might ever want, because (a) it's impossible, and (b) the resulting language would be so large that it would be impossible to learn. Instead, languages should make it easy for people to create what they need to solve their specific problems. Every language does this by allowing programmers to define functions that carry out new higher-level operations.

Which leads some people to regard programming as the act of creating a mini-language in which the solution to the original problem is trivial. In Python, we define new functions using the keyword def. For example, here's a function that does nothing but return a particular string to its caller. Teach the web. Your browser may lack functionality needed by Webmaker to function properly. Please upgrade your browser for an improved experience. Welcome to Webmaker! That username is taken You must choose a username Invalid username. All usernames must be between 1-20 characters, and only include "-", "_" and alphanumeric characters You must agree to our terms and conditions. Let's teach the web! We've got creative ways to help anyone teach web literacy, digital skills and making. Learn Web Development with Ruby on Rails Tutorial & Example app. PythonBooks - Learn Python the easy way !

2.1.4 String manipulation | GEOG 485: GIS Programming and Automation. Printer-friendly version You've previously learned how the string variable can contain numbers and letters and represent almost anything. When using Python with ArcGIS, strings can be useful for storing paths to data and printing messages to the user. There are also some geoprocessing tool parameters that you'll need to supply with strings. Python has some very useful string manipulation abilities. We won't get into all of them in this course, but following are a few techniques that you need to know. Concatenating strings To concatenate two strings means to append or add one string on to the end of another. You may need to concatenate strings when working with path names. The following example, modified from one in the ArcGIS Help, demonstrates this concept.

String concatenation is occurring in this line: outputPath = resultsFolder + featureClass. The above example shows that string concatenation can be useful in looping. Casting to a string Now try to run it. Readings. Python String Manipulation. We already saw a brief introduction to the Python string type. In this section we will try to further explore how strings can be used in this language. Length of a String Finding the length of a string is done using the built-in function len(): Strings Are Immutable Strings in Python are immutable i.e. they cannot be changed once created.

Concatenation and Substrings Concatenation of strings in Python is done using the plus operator. We can use * as a short hand notation for concatenating a string with itself multiple times: Other types such as ints and floats are not forced into strings when on either side of the concatenation operator: Output: => TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' We can, however, convert the int into a string and then perform the concatenation: Similarly we can use str() to convert floats (and other types) to a string. Single characters can be read from a string using the indexing operator (brackets, []).

Format Strings String Methods. Code Avengers - fun effective beginner web app courses for HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Getting the Hang of GitHub. A project is always more fun when you've got friends working with you, but how can do it when working on a coding project? I'll keep my keyboard to myself, thanks. Enter GitHub. With this web service, you can share your coding projects and collaborate with ease! Disclaimer This tutorial will assume that you're familiar with Git, arguably the best distributed version control software there is. Getting Started Of course, you'll need a GitHub account if you're to experience any of the social coding goodness. Creating an Account There are several different plans you can use, depending on your needs. Open up your terminal and type this: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "".

Warming up to the Interface When you first log in, you'll see the dashboard; it's something like this: In the top right corner, you can see a toolbar with options for controlling your account. The main panel offers a number of actions; later, it will be used to keep you up to date on projects you're interested in. Commits. Degreed - The Digital Lifelong Diploma. Getting Started: Building a Chrome Extension. Extensions allow you to add functionality to Chrome without diving deeply into native code. You can create new extensions for Chrome with those core technologies that you're already familiar with from web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you've ever built a web page, you should feel right at home with extensions pretty quickly; we'll put that to the test right now by walking through the construction of a simple extension that will give you one-click access to pictures of kittens.

Kittens! We'll do so by implementing a UI element we call a browser action, which allows us to place a clickable icon right next to Chrome's Omnibox for easy access. If you'd like to follow along at home (and you should!) The very first thing we'll need to create is a manifest file named manifest.json. In order to display kittens, we'll want to tell Chrome that we'd like to create a browser action, and that we'd like free-reign to access kittens from a particular source on the net. Mozilla Thimble. Webmaster Academy - Webmaster Tools Help. CodeSkulptor. Read, Write, Innovate! Silicon Valley May 3rd, 4th, and 17th, 9am-4pm What do Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have in common? They were all created by people who knew how to code.

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