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Why We Believe in Gods - Andy Thomson - American Atheists 09. Iron Chariots Wiki. Conflict. The Persecution of Galileo "The Earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved.


"-Psalms 104:5 The bible verse shackled the minds of men for thousands of years, and held back the advance of science. It was this verse that was used as evidence against Galileo, who argued for the theory of Copernicus, that the earth is not immovable, but rotates around the sun. TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy.

The Skeptic's Dictionary. Near-death experiences ’caused by cascade of electrical activity in dying brain’ London, May 30 (ANI): The mystery of why people “brought back from the dead” report powerful spiritual experiences may have been solved by scientists.

Near-death experiences ’caused by cascade of electrical activity in dying brain’

In the study, researchers, who studied brainwaves of dying patients, found a surge of electrical activity in the brain moments before their lives ended. According to the boffins, this surge may be the cause of near-death experiences, the mysterious medical phenomena in which patients who have been revived when close to death report sensations such as walking towards a bright light or a feeling that they are floating above their body, reports The Times. Individuals who experience the sensation, call it a religious vision and treat it as confirmation of an afterlife. In fact, many revived patients have reported being bathed in bright light or suffused with a sense of peace as they start to walk into a light-filled tunnel.