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Recipes. Chocolate Coconut Energy Bar Recipe. Chocolate Coconut Energy Bar Recipe. Recipe for Roasted Kale Chips with Sea Salt and Vinegar. Countless other food bloggers have started out their post on kale chips saying "Why did it take me so long to make kale chips?

Recipe for Roasted Kale Chips with Sea Salt and Vinegar

" so I'll spare you that lament and just say that now that I've finally made roasted kale chips myself, I certainly see what all the fuss is about. Not only are they full of nutritious goodness, but roasted kale chips are delicious. If you don't believe these roasted crispy kale leaves can be that special, just check my list after the recipe to see how many other bloggers have raved about them. When I finally decided I had to try making kale chips myself, I found there were endless variations on the recipe, with different cooking times and slightly different methods. I can be rather a perfectionist, so I had to test 6 slightly different versions before I came up with the recipe I liked best, where the kale chips are roasted for a longer time at a fairly low temperature. Start with a lovely bunch of curly kale. Here are the chips after they roasted for 10 minutes.

How to Make Elderberry Wine. How to make elderberry wine – it’s something I’ve wondered about since watching Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail many years ago. :-) (“Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.”)

How to Make Elderberry Wine

Now that I’ve gotten into wildcrafting and learned that elderberries are loaded with antioxidants (they’ve made it into the superfood category), I thought wine would be a great way to use the abundance of local elderberries. (I’ll also be making more jellies and syrups this year, too.) The wine isn’t done yet, but people have been asking for the recipes, so I thought I’d share my experience to date. How to Find Elderberries Elderberries like moist soil, so you’ll find them in ditches, along the edges of wet woodlands, near lakes and rivers, and other damp ground. We went foraging for elderberries along country roads here in northeast Wisconsin.

Roadside elderberry patch Be careful to make sure you have a positive identification. Natural Ginger Ale Recipe - Homemade Fermented Probiotic Drink. Bread Recipes Round Up - Never Buy Bread Again. When I asked on the Common Sense Homesteading Facebook page if people were interested in bread recipes, I got a resounding, “Yes!”

Bread Recipes Round Up - Never Buy Bread Again

So I’ve rounded up some of my favorite bread recipes, plus some from my friends, to give you enough options that you should never have to buy bread again. The first section has a number of yeast bread recipes using wheat flour, the second section has bread recipes for special diets including gluten free breads, a kombucha sourdough and a bread recipe that uses soaked or sprouted whole wheat flour. Ditch all the nasty ingredients in store breads, save yourself some money and enjoy some really good bread! Homemade Yeast Bread Recipes Note: I use SAF-INSTANT yeast, which does not require proofing (activating the yeast in warm liquid). Sandwich Bread – This sandwich has eggs and butter for extra richness. Basic Sourdough Bread – This simple sourdough recipe uses only four ingredients – sourdough starter, flour, water and salt. From Adrienne at Whole New Mom: 17 Homemade Spice Mixes {with Recipes & Why You Should Use Them!}

Golden Milk. Golden Milk is a wonderful beverage to have in the evening and the benefits are extraordinary.

Golden Milk

The main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component and which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Additional benefits: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,.Boosts immunity.Anti-carcinogenic.Helps maintain cholesterol levels.Promotes digestive health.Liver detoxifier.Regulates metabolism and weight management.High blood pressure.Memory and brain function.Various skin conditions.Neurological disorders.Lowers Triglycerides Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine.

Step 1: Turmeric Paste: Ingredients: 1/4 cup of turmeric powder1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper1/2 cup of filtered water. Photos du journal.


Dinner. Juices. Soups. Sandwiches. Salads.