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Re-Imagine Your Professional Development Experience... with Twitter! Twitter_en_ducation. 11 EdTech Bloggers To Follow in 2014. Looking for new ideas for how to use technology in your classroom in 2014?

11 EdTech Bloggers To Follow in 2014

Looking for colleagues to inspire your practice? Ideas to help integrate technology into your lesson plans? Look no further. One of the things we love most about teaching in the age of technology is the ability it gives educators to share innovation in the blogosphere and Twitterverse. Connected educators can now share what's working (and not working) in their classrooms across the globe, quickly and easily. Here are some of the educators whose blogs and tweets we’ll be keeping an eye on in 2014. Related Posts: Re-Imagine Your Professional Development Experience... with Twitter! The 15 best educational Twitter hashtags. Digital Skills Social Media The 15 best educational Twitter hashtags When it comes to learning through your Personal Learning Network (PLN), the very first app or web tool mentioned is typically Twitter.

The 15 best educational Twitter hashtags

That’s because it’s a never-ending stream of useful information, resources, and news curated by you. Digital-Citizenship-infographic. 20 applications coup de coeur. Digital Citizenship Poster for Middle and High School Classrooms. Teach With Web 2.0 - Animoto. What Is It?

Teach With Web 2.0 - Animoto

Animoto is a FREE web tool that allows users to create 30 second videos that incorporate:imagesshort video clipstextmusicUsers may provide all content or utilize images, videos, and music provided on the website. Completed videos may be viewed online or downloaded and viewed offline. View a video overview. Animoto for Education Teachers may apply for a Free PLUS account that allows users to create videos up to 20 minutes in length. Resources Lesson Plans The Great Gatsby and The Roaring 20s Lesson plan for an English III projectPoetry Interpretation Music Video Lesson plan for English I Honors and English IIBringing Lessons to Life with Animoto from ReadWriteThink How Do I Integrate It?

13 chiffres fascinants sur les réseaux sociaux en 2013. Les réseaux sociaux sont en perpétuel évolution.

13 chiffres fascinants sur les réseaux sociaux en 2013

Et l’année 2013 n’a pas été de tout repos avec des chiffres incroyables qui témoignent de l’importance des réseaux sociaux dans notre vie quotidienne. Sparefoot a réalisé une infographie en reprenant les statistiques les plus fascinantes de l’année dernière. Découvrons ces chiffres. 1. Slideshare 30% du trafic des réseaux sociaux provient de Slideshare. 2.

Cette actualité n’est pas passée inaperçue! 3. Chaque jour, ce sont plus de 35 millions d’images avec le hashtag #Selfie qui sont publiées sur Instagram. 4. Social-media-2014-copy600w. Helps you remember what's happened in your life. Drole. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about. Below is a list I have been working on for the last couple of days.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about

This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine. There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important. 1- Google drive Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices.

Google Drive provides 15 GB of free storage. 2- Dropbox Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. Twitter and Canadian Educators. Do you roll your eyes when someone urges you to go on Twitter?

Twitter and Canadian Educators

It’s too easy to ignore Twitter and to dismiss EduTweeters (educators who tweet) as a group of ego-driven shit-disturbing techies – with way too much time on their hands – spewing 140-character snippets of “technobabble”. If you’ve already lurked on Twitter to see what all the hubbub is about, you’ve probably scanned a few teacher exchanges of mutual support and encouragement as they rolled down your screen – or maybe you heard about the contents of an edu-tweeter’s sandwich. Avid and casual edu-tweeps (educators who follow EduTweeters) who are flocking to Twitter are learning to take the good with the inane. For the uninitiated, Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages called Tweets. 40 Educational Tweeters Every Teacher Should Follow. Visible Learning An Interview with Dr John Hattie. Untitled. Re-Imagine Your Professional Development Experience... with Twitter!

Mentimeter. Sedeschamps : +100! “@danhaesler: It's... 13_Fullan_Australia_Handout1. Excellent Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students. BYOD and/or BYOT are (a) trend that is making the news in different sectors including education.

Excellent Videos Explaining BYOD for Teachers and Students

Bring Your Own Device/Technology is an initiative meant to increase students learning opportunities through technology. Given the importance of technology in today's learning and knowing that school districts do not always have the financial means to enable them to provide schools with the needed technology, some schools now are trying the BYOD strategy to compensate for this shortage of technology resources. However, BYOD is not only about students bringing their own technology to school, it is rather a structured process of teaching and learning through the mediation of digital devices. There are rules and conventions students and teachers have to pay heed to in order to make the BYOD experience successful. Les 100 outils les plus utilisés en formation. Depuis 2007, le Center for Learning & Performance Technologies édite chaque année le classement des 100 outils les plus utilisés en formation (initiale ou continue) par le biais d’un sondage auprès de 500 professionnels dans 48 pays différents.

Les 100 outils les plus utilisés en formation

Cette année encore, et pour la 5ème année consécutive, Twitter domine ce classement. Identifions pour cette année les coups de cœur par catégorie qui apportent une valeur ajoutée indéniable. QR Codes in the Classroom June 2012. Photo digital citezenship. 21stcenturylearning-synthesis1. On failli Superman! Bloom's Apps - 21nnovate.