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Recettes pour nettoyer toute la maison

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Récurer une baignoire ou un lavabo : 13 astuces miracle au bicarbonate pour tout nettoyer dans la maison. 13 astuces miracle au bicarbonate pour tout nettoyer dans la maison. Détartrer les WC : 13 astuces miracle au bicarbonate pour tout nettoyer dans la maison. How To Make Pure Coconut Oil Soap For Cleansing And LaundryMommypotamus. Amazing Lather?

How To Make Pure Coconut Oil Soap For Cleansing And LaundryMommypotamus

Check! Simple ingredients? Yep, only three. When it comes to soap, this is probably the easiest recipe you’ll ever make. And if you’re willing to break a few rules it can one of the most versatile, too. Traditionally, soaps are made from 5-7 oils blended to balance cleansing/moisturizing/and lathering properties. Fortunately, there’s a way to simplify things without skimping on the end product – it’s called “superfatting.” The best part? How To Adapt This Recipe To Make Laundry Soap Normally it is not advised to make soap with under 4% superfat due to the fact that it can be excessively drying and even burn skin if some of the lye remains unconverted, but for laundry soap it’s perfect! I’ve found that using a 1% superfatted recipe yields a very cleansing bar with no extra oil. 20 substituts économiques aux produits d'entretien. En moyenne, les Français dépensent 220 € en produits d'entretien chaque année, budget qui équivaut à 22 places de cinéma, 8 dîners au restaurant, ou encore un billet d'avion pour un pays européen...

20 substituts économiques aux produits d'entretien

Faire le ménage n'est pas seulement une corvée chronophage, c'est aussi une corvée coûteuse... Un nettoyant pour le réfrigérateur : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. Un détartrant pour les WC : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. De l'huile pour entretenir les meubles cirés : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. Un nettoyant pour les vitres : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. Nettoyant pour le sol : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. Des lingettes imprégnées faites maison : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. Une crème à récurer à base de sel et de bicarbonate de soude : 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. 10 recettes pour fabriquer vos produits ménagers. How to Clean Your Whole House Without Nasty Chemicals - Red and Honey. Produit de nettoyage : multi usages au savon de Marseille. Pour nettoyer facilement votre maison, voici une recette rapide et facile pour faire soi-même son nettoyant.

Produit de nettoyage : multi usages au savon de Marseille

[sc:1] Mettez directement dans votre vaporisateur le savon de Marseille et le jus de citron.Ajoutez-y l’huile essentielle.Faites chauffer l’eau dans une casserole.Versez l’eau chaude dans le vaporisateur, puis fermez-le.Secouez légèrement le vaporisateur afin de dissoudre le mélange.Utilisez votre nettoyant multi usages pour faire briller et désinfecter votre cuisine, salle de bain … Make your own Laundry Detergent.

The following Content was Provided by "Digging yourself out of debt, when all you have is a spoon" Here is an amazingly simple Do It Yourself detergent that doesn't leave any residue on clothing, gets nearly every stain known to man out the first time around and smells clean and fresh- oh and did I mention that it costs about $1.76 for 128 loads of laundry?

Make your own Laundry Detergent

Since our teen son started working at a fast food restaurant, this has become our most-loved detergent recipe. His clothing was so saturated with heavy french fry and onion ring grease scent that even washing them in TIDE didn't take out the horrendous smell. I whipped up a half gallon of this detergent and washed his clothes while he was at school- he thought I'd gotten a new shirt from his boss at work! 25 Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier. How To Clean and Freshen Your Mattress. Diy home sweet home: How to Clean Oven Glass - it seriously is that easy. So here is what my oven glass looked like when we moved in.

diy home sweet home: How to Clean Oven Glass - it seriously is that easy

And here is what it looks like now Want to clean your oven? Happy Home: How to Make your Stainless Shine. Addition: Hi y'all!

Happy Home: How to Make your Stainless Shine

I just have to say WOW, I can't believe the traffic that this post has been getting from pinterest, other bloggers, home improvement sites, and even personal recomendations. Thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed about this post. Cheap Green Cleaning - AND THEN WE SAVED. Okay, so Spring Cleaning isn’t exactly a party.

Cheap Green Cleaning - AND THEN WE SAVED

But if you’re anything like me, it’s usually still a big to-do. Lately I’ve been inspired to be more environmentally responsible in my cleaning, and it’s usually the case that the natural, green, safe products with the pretty packaging are far more expensive than the hardcore off-brand Clorox made of god-knows-what. And part of what you’re paying for is that pretty packaging. (An exception: Target often has great in-store sale prices on J.R. Watkins stuff, which I love.)

Kosher salt – $2. Homemade Jewelry Cleaner - Effective Natural Recipe. I Believe I Can Fry: Reconditioning & Re-Seasoning Cast Iron Cookware. I LOVE cooking with cast iron.

I Believe I Can Fry: Reconditioning & Re-Seasoning Cast Iron Cookware

As more reports come out about the dangers of nonstick pans and the toxins that they can emit, I appreciate my cast iron cookware more and more. They distribute heat evenly, can stand up to almost any abuse, and will last for many years - some of the pieces in my collection are around 100 years old! Most people I know think that cast iron skillets are solely for making cornbread or for frying. I use mine for everything from homemade cinnamon rolls & scrambled eggs, to steaks and roasted chickens. The only thing I DON'T do in my cast iron is boil water. I seek out older cast iron pieces, made back when the pieces were machine polished to a smooth glassy surface after casting.

Greg has a great restoration tutorial over on his Black Iron Blog. I picked up this Birmingham Stove & Range skillet and this Griswold skillet at a local junk store. All that is needed for the reconditioning process are a few inexpensive, readily available items: MON NETTOYANT MULTI-USAGE MAISON (2 recettes !) Parce qu’il y a des jours où j’aime bien me promener avec un torchon noué sur la tête et faire des poses à la James Bond girl (si si, je vous jure), j’ai pensé à vous présenter aujourd’hui mon nettoyant multi-usage maison.


Bon, j’avoue, c’est aussi un peu parce que j’ai entendu des petites voix m’en faire la requête et puis parce qu’il est tellement simple à faire, pratique à utiliser et efficace face à la crasse que je ne pouvais pas le garder pour moi ! Et, soyons francs, c’est aussi parce que j’aime faire des gifs (attention, spoiler !). Homemade Bleach. In my quest to make my home as natural and non-toxic as possible, naturally I wondered whether I could make bleach at home.

Homemade Bleach

Chlorine bleach is nasty stuff, and short of a major catastrophe where it be required for purifying water for survival, I don’t want it anywhere in my home. And besides, some people are allergic to chlorine – might there be a decent alternative for them? But the question is – homemade bleach is great for whitening laundry, as Jillee at One Good Thing and Robin at Thank Your Body have shown, but what about cleaning?

Have I been wrong about chlorine bleach? Les gestes à adopter pour une maison saine. Que ce soit au quotidien ou pour le grand ménage de printemps, entretenir sa maison de façon la plus saine possible est idéal pour votre santé et pour l'environnement. Entretien : misez sur les produits écolo ! Make Your Own Antibacterial Soft Scrub Cleanser. I have been so excited about this post I could hardly wait for today to come! That is either a sign that it’s a really great idea…or that I really need to get a life! Lol. Either way…I think you are going to LOVE this one!

50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making. As a society, we have become over-reliant on “ready made” products. We have lost the ability to make things from scratch. Rather than blend up some peanuts to make delicious, tasty and fresh peanut butter, we’ll spend many dollars on a jar from the store that contains artificial preservatives, unnecessary packaging and that simply lines the pockets of huge, unethical multinational corporations.

Aside from foods, you can also make your own personal care products, beauty and make up products, cleaning products and home accessories that taste, work or look better than store bought, without the harmful chemicals and toxins and free from excessive, earth damaging packaging. Foods Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t brake the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. How To Replace 10 Household Products With Castile Soap. How to Clean Your Whole House Without Nasty Chemicals - Red and Honey.

Produits ménagers. How To Waterproof Your Shoes & Boots. How To Naturally Clean The Carpet. 31 Household Products You'll Never Have To Buy Again. DIY: How To Wash Your Washing Machine. I know…It seems silly, right?! By washing clothes you’d think you are in turn washing your washer, but in truth, even the machine that gets the job done needs a nice washing and a little TLC.

Faire durer les fleurs coupées sur Nettoyer les tuyaux et canalisations sur Homemade Carpet Powder. How To Naturally Clean Grout and Tiles. Homemade Carpet Cleaner With Essential Oils. 3 Natural Ways To Unclog a Drain. How To Clean a Washing Machine Naturally. The other day I received this request from a DIY Natural community member: “I am looking for a way to make the Affresh washing machine tablets or a recipe to clean my new top load washer. The tablets smell of vinegar and baking soda. Any ideas would be helpful. THANKS!” I quickly thought of my own dirty washing machine and took this as an opportunity to write a post that would hopefully help many others. Adhesive Remover - Homemade Goo Gone. One of the greatest things about natural DIY products is that many of them have multiple uses.

This is rarely the case with store-bought products. Example: Would you ever use your store-bought deodorant as an exfoliating scrub for your face, and also as a sticker remover? Probably not. BUT – when you make your own products out of all-natural ingredients, you have more options for using them in different applications.

Homemade Furniture Polish and Other Natural Cleaning Tips. When it’s time to put the Christmas tree outside, or put the artificial tree away and take down the decorations, then it’s time to clean house. Winter is as good a time as spring to clean and make your house feel fresh and new. I take a few extra steps when I clean because I like to keep it as natural as possible. Here are some of my natural cleaning tips. Bicarbonate de soude. Inspiration For Moms: 12 DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes. Happy Thursday and Happy First Day of Spring! With this winter being so long and cold, I've been eagerly waiting for Spring!

It looks like today's weather is going to be beautiful and sunny. :) 10 Handy Castile Soap Uses. You’re really missing out on something great if you haven’t tried castile soap. It’s wonderful because not only is it all natural and gentle, but it can be used for multiple purposes, everything from face soap to laundry detergent! Castile soap is a great natural alternative to many of the products that contain harmful chemicals. The list of castile soap uses is virtually endless because you can use it to clean practically anything! Photos du journal - Herbs, Health and Happiness. Photos du journal - Herbs, Health and Happiness. Types of Houseplants That Clean Indoor Air. Why invest in expensive electrical air purifiers when you could purchase a few types of houseplants to clean and filter the air naturally and inexpensively?

Top 38 Homemade Non-Toxic Cleaning Products. Soap Nuts - Natural Homemade All Purpose Cleaner. Useful DIY - Photos du journal. Diy Natural - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - Herbs, Health and Happiness. DIY Furniture Cleaners with Olive Oil (Video) - Healthy Home. Learn how to add olive oil to DIY household cleaners, including a homemade furniture polish and homemade leather conditioner, making your clean home a healthier one.

How To Make Natural Drain Cleaner. 25 Ways To Clean Naturally With Salt. Homemade Toilet Cleaner [All Natural Recipes] Home Design - Photos du journal. 7 façons de réutiliser le marc de café. How To Clean a Washing Machine Naturally. Photos du journal - Herbs, Health and Happiness. DIY Furniture Cleaners with Olive Oil (Video) - Healthy Home. Diy Natural - Photos du journal. How To Remove Mold With Tea Tree Oil. Clean Grout Lines Using Chemical-Free Products. How to Clean Your Dishwasher Naturally - Natural Living Mamma. How to Clean a Laptop or TV Screen. 6 Natural Homemade Cleaners. 22 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda - Rethink Simple. Natural cleaning solutions for every room. The Coolest Homemade Tub & Shower Cleaner EVER: The DIY Scum Buster Bar.

Natural Homemade Carpet Cleaner. DIY Naturally Scented All-Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaners. How To Clean Your Microwave With A Lemon. Nettoyer une casserole brûlée sur Déboucher un WC sans ventouse sur Eliminer le calcaire dans la salle de bains sur Des produits d'entretien ménager fait maison : Entretien, nettoyage et ménage. Les cristaux de soude : Un nettoyant multiusage. Cool Things to Make at Home that Save Money.

Trucs et astuces : comment nettoyer avec des oeufs ? Le bicarbonate de soude pour faire son ménage. Easiest way to clean burnt pots - scrub free! Bicarbonate de soude : le chouchou des adeptes du fait maison. Cleaning. Cleaning. Household. 6 Natural Homemade Cleaners. 25 Ways to Naturally Clean with Salt. 13 Ways to Use Lemons Around the House - Healthy Home. Cleaning Tips. DIY Soap & Household Products. Homemade Orange Peel Cleaner. White Vinegar [Cleaning, Laundry, and So Much More] 7 Homemade Vinegar Cleaning Recipes. Homemade Toilet Cleaner [All Natural Recipes]