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Distracted by Technology: Focusing Attention on Homework. Does your child stay up all night doing homework?

Distracted by Technology: Focusing Attention on Homework

Browse Research. New Teachers: Resource Roundup. How Do You Evaluate Art? Friendly lessons for lasting insight. The Surprising Truth About Learning in Schools. Pinterest. Folding way-new origami - Robert Lang. You can download Robert Lang’s TreeMaker software for free from his web site at Experiment with the software to develop an original origami pattern.

Folding way-new origami - Robert Lang

Share the patterns and—if you’re feeling adventurous—challenge your classmates to follow the patterns and fold up the actual objects! Origami is just one of many art forms involving paper. Explore other paper art, and curate a collection of the pieces you like best. ART401 402 Photography%201%202013. How to Set Good Goals for Your Photography Practice - Envato Tuts+ Photo & Video Tutorial. Artofphotography. Digital and Graphic Design Targets. Educational Leadership:What Students Need to Learn:Knowing Your Learning Target. HOE Schuhl WritingLearningTargets CFF305. How to Be Happy and Grateful: 6 Sacred Secrets Shared by Grandmothers, Mutants and Cajuns (and Proven by Scientists)  Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Field Guide to Finally Getting Started. Pray for Paris Street Art. How a Designer's 'Peace for Paris' Sketch, Made in Minutes, Became a Global Symbol. Friday's terror attacks in Paris produced an avalanche of empathy online, and proved once again the power of simple images to unite people in times of crisis.

How a Designer's 'Peace for Paris' Sketch, Made in Minutes, Became a Global Symbol

From Facebook's feature allowing users to overlay profile pics with a filter of the French flag to a Charlie Hebdo cartoonist's #ParisIsAboutLife sketch, the most affecting responses were simple and visual. And none was more compelling than Jean Jullien's sketch combining the Eiffel Tower and the peace symbol—an image made in just minutes on Friday that soon rocketed around the web, becoming a symbol of hope and defiance amid the grief. Businessinsider. The Coca-Cola CompanyThe prototype of the 1915 contest-winning Coke bottle.


Monday marks the 100th anniversary of the iconic Coca-Cola bottle, packaging that is just as recognizable as the logo or product itself. In the book "Design to Grow," released earlier this year, Coca-Cola VP of innovation and entrepreneurship David Butler and co-author Linda Tischler designate the uniquely contoured bottle as one of seven marketing strategies that allowed The Coca-Cola Company to scale into a global behemoth.

When the Georgia businessman Asa Griggs Candler became the majority shareholder of Coca-Cola in 1888, two years after its invention, he set his sights on making Coke the nation's most popular cola through marketing and partnerships with regional bottlers. 8499581922_95e3eb960f_b.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 796 pixels) Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four. The Nepal quake: a Google Earth tour of the destruction — the team. 21st Century Skills Definitions. The IMLS Project Team and Task Force considered the list of skills commonly referred to as "21st Century Skills" and modified it slightly to better align with library and museum priorities.1 The resulting list includes the following additions: Basic Literacy, Scientific & Numerical Literacy, Visual Literacy, Cross-Disciplinary Skills, and Environmental Literacy.

21st Century Skills Definitions

Not every skill on this list will be aligned with every institution’s vision and mission. Further, not every community will prioritize the same skills. Library and museum leaders should consider this list as a starting point beyond which it should be customized to fit the unique character, requirements, and priorities of the institution and its audiences. Reason Effectively Use various types of reasoning (e.g., inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the situation Use Systems Thinking Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems. A Wonderful Copyright Flowchart for Your Class. June 11, 2014 Today, I am adding another wonderful work in this direction.

A Wonderful Copyright Flowchart for Your Class

Peter callesen. Unbelievable Sculptures Made From A Single Sheet of Paper. National Punctuation Day. Strategies for Writing a Thesis Statement: Part I. 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management. Since I started my quest a few years ago searching for the ultimate knowledge management tool, I’ve discovered a number of interesting applications that help people efficiently organize information.

15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management

There certainly is no shortage of solutions for this problem domain. Many tools exist that offer the ability to discover, save, organize, search, and retrieve information. However, I’ve noticed a trend in recent years, and some newer applications are focusing more on the visual representation and relationship of knowledge. I believe this is in part due to the wider adoption of mind mapping (and concept mapping), and leveraging concepts and advances in the semantic web community. Most traditional personal knowledge management (PKM) or personal information management (PIM) applications offer the same basic set of features: Jim Boles Designs: Elements & Principles of Design in Glass Art (Image ...

Art Project Ideas: A Guide to Subject Matter Selection. Looking for art project ideas?

Art Project Ideas: A Guide to Subject Matter Selection

A theme for high school art boards? Whether specialising in Painting, Graphic Design, Photography, textiles or Sculpture, most senior high school Art students begin by selecting a topic for their portfolio, coursework or examination project.