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The Story of Stuff. Khan Academy. Get facts, articles, pictures, video. Academic Video Lectures. Home. RSA Comment. Crisis of Capitalism. The Economics of Enough. The financial crisis and concerns about environmental sustainability have led to some to conclude that economies should no longer strive for growth.

The Economics of Enough

Diane Coyle, FRSA and author of The Economics of Enough, argues this conclusion is misplaced. The economy faces several kinds of problem, each of which seems depressingly intractable. They include climate change, the government debt and aftermath of the financial crisis, and social inequality for starters. Taking them together, the challenge of devising economic policies can look daunting. So it is not surprising that simple solutions look appealing. The Internet in Society: Empowering and Censoring Citizen? Can Free Schools Work? The challenges that face free schools can be overcome by learning from experiences elsewhere argue Loic Menzies FRSA and Laura McInerney.

Can Free Schools Work?

They set out the six predictable failures of free schools and how to avoid some of them. In Beyond Beveridge, the Commission on 2020 Public Services based at the RSA outlined three shifts in public services that were needed: first, a shift in culture, from social security to social productivity; second in power, from the centre to citizens and, finally, a shift reconnecting financing with the purposes of public services. The government’s flagship policy of Free Schools might seem an exemplification of these principles. RSA Projects. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Themes. Chimamanda Adichie: O perigo da história única.