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The Value of a Twitter Follower. Social media: like the staffroom, but without all the negativity | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional. I once heard someone describe Twitter as, "like the staffroom but without all the negativity". This resonated with me. Teaching is one of those professions where everyone has an opinion on how it should be done; teachers are often harangued for short working hours and long summer holidays, and whenever things go wrong in schools it makes national headlines. But very rarely do you see good practice being celebrated. This negativity – and the pressures of the job – quickly seep into the staffroom and it can be difficult to stay motivated.

I once heard Dr. Her advice was to get out of a school if this was the situation, but this isn't an option for most teachers. I came to teaching later in my working life – I was 30 years old when I started. Social media has become a lifeline for me. Through these platforms I have built up a network of connections for help, advice, information and products. Many schools frown upon teachers using some, if not all, social media sites. 22 Effective Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom. Using Twitter in the classroom is a no-brainer.

It’s a powerful and free tool that already has wide adoption among educators, students, administrators, and parents. So how do you effectively use Twitter to resonate with students? Why not start by using the following methods that are organized by Bloom’s Taxonomy? The below visual showcases a variety of cases that should be of use for any teacher looking to effectively integrate Twitter into courses, lessons, projects, etc. What if you could use your favorite social network in the classroom? That’d be the cat’s pajamas. (For our many international readers not familiar with that term, it simply means ‘that’d be great.’) You can actually use Twitter with Bloom’s Taxonomy thanks to this below table built by TeachBytes .

Welcome to Forbes. The Teacher's Guide To Twitter. Twitter has proven itself to be an indispensable tool for educators around the globe. Whatever skill level you may be, Twitter is downright fun and worth your time. So here’s a useful guide that we curated from Edudemic’s archives in an effort to put something together that was a bit easier to read than random blog posts. We hope you enjoy and will be regularly adding to this guide so feel free to leave your ideas down in the comments or by, what else, tweeting us @edudemic anytime! Our Biggest Twitter Tips For Teachers For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning. Many are also harnessing Twitter as a part of their PLN (personal learning network) to connect, share, and network. Check out our biggest Twitter tips for teachers below!

Create, Don’t Just Consume The best way to get the most out of Twitter is to use it. Connect and Network Share Your Resources Keep At It Guide To Education-Oriented Twitter Hashtags Search Rule #1. Crestwood students tweet their way into history. North York Mirror Other kids may be lounging around on March Break, but students from North York’s Crestwood Preparatory College are spending part of their vacation participating in a “first-of-its-kind” cross-Canada social media initiative.

Called the Twitter Book Club, the project will see Crestwood students join with students from Barrie, Ontario, Lloydminster, Alberta, Warren, Manitoba and Gander, Newfoundland. The grades 10, 11 and 12 students will read a book called Survival Kit, written by North York Holocaust survivor Zuzana Sermer, and, along the way, tweet their thoughts and observations as part of a real-time conversation. Teachers can pose questions for students to ponder and tweet about as they read and can follow the students’ comments.

“I told them it’s like doing a book report one tweet at a time,” said Scott Masters, the head of social studies at Crestwood, near York Mills Road and the Don Valley Parkway. “I think it’s an experimental idea. Can Twitter open up a new space for learning, teaching and thinking? | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional. At the end of 2011, a few geeks in Sweden set up the Swedish Twitter University, which brought lectures in a series of tweets to a class of around 500 followers. It may have been the first time Twitter was used to deliver higher education, and given recent debate about massive open online courses (MOOCs), it seems apt that we reflect on what Twitter might do to transform the classroom and open up a new space for public education?

Last month we put together an experiment that tested these limits, using a bespoke hashtag to bring together all of the content. Running a seminar in Twitter might sound like a relatively simple exercise: ensure students have devices through which to tweet, then position your visiting professor – aka Andy Miah of the University of the West of Scotland – in front of his computer and let rip, but there was a bit of prep time involved too.

Is there something to gain by being 'alone together', as MIT's Sherry Turkle would say? Did it work? Three pros: Three cons: Ethnographic Qualitative Observations using Twitter (with tweets) · verenanz. 7 tools to present a Twitter stream at your event. For a number of reasons, Twitter and events are a good match: Before the event, it is a great tool to spread the word about the contents of your event (speakers, topics etc.), to engage and to connect with potential attendees.During the event, it is perfect to add a virtual component to your conference or meeting, by linking the real life audience with the tweeps out there.It is also great to collect feedback, questions, do polls during the event.After the event, it allows you to refer back to useful content like slides, videos, blog summaries etc.

You can also track and analyze who took part in the discussions, what the sentiment was, what you can improve and what was particularly appreciated.It is a perfect foundation to create a post-conference review, using Storify. Check out this example from the Emerge Conference 2011 in Oxford. This tool can be customized regarding backgrounds, colors, pictures, speed of display. Twitterfall Refynr. Twitter and my Self Directed PD. As I reflect upon the completion of my 11th year as an educational professional, I can't think of a better or more powerful PD tool than Twitter. Yes, you read that accurately, Twitter. When I tell my friends and colleagues this fact, they look at me in a way that makes me feel as though all my professional credibility is being stripped away. Nevertheless, I am leveraging Twitter to facilitate professional development (mine and others) and I am really enjoying doing so. I have established a professional learning network and I am connecting with educators around the world everyday.

Here is an example of a conversation where one of the educators I follow tweeted about her blog, I read her blog post and included another individual in my reply, and was then tweeted back: Both of the above mentioned individuals (K. Survey on Teachers who use Twitter. Expanded tweets: Tweets are about to get a whole lot longer. Hooray! Photograph by Brian Harkin/Getty Images. Almost a year ago, I proposed that Twitter double its character limit from 140 to 280. The microblogging site long ago outgrew its original purpose as a platform for simple status updates. Now people use Twitter for news, jokes, conversations, and ferocious arguments—and 140 characters is too cramped for all of these things. That’s why people often resort to hacks like multipart tweets, ugly textese, and TwitLonger to express their expansive thoughts. Though it would be a bad idea to drop the character limit entirely, allowing up to 280 characters would let people add more heft to their tweets while ensuring they wouldn’t drone on.

Farhad Manjoo is a technology columnist for the Wall Street Journal and the author of True Enough. Follow Everyone thought I was nuts. Imagine my surprise, then, when I read last week that Twitter is beginning to push past the sacrosanct 140. How many characters is all that? But I kid. Nine Things You Didn’t Know About Twitter. All About Twitter / Be Better at Twitter: The Definitive, Data-Driven Guide.

Twitter Questions and Tips. I'm prepping for a workshop on Twitter for Professional Learning that I will be facilitating at the TCEA 2012 convention in a couple of weeks. Today, as I was discussing my agenda with a colleague, she offered up a suggestion for something I should include. It was an awesome suggestion, and it made me realize that there are probably a lot more suggestions out there in my PLN! So, here I am, asking you for input on what important info you think I should include. The workshop is aimed at folks who are brand new to Twitter.

With that in mind, here are my questions for you: If you are new to Twitter, or can remember when you were, what questions do/did you have about how the Twitterverse works? If you'll take a couple of minutes to answer one or both of these questions, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance! All About Twitter / How to Get More Clicks on Twitter. Teachers take to Twitter to improve craft and commiserate. After her first year teaching history in a public high school in the District, Jamie Josephson was exhausted and plagued by self-doubt. Teaching had been more grueling than she ever expected. Law school began to sound appealing. Then she stumbled onto Twitter. In the vast social network on the Web, she discovered a community of mentors offering inspiration, commiseration and classroom-tested lesson plans. “Twitter essentially prepared me to go into my second year and not give up,” said Josephson, now in her third year at Woodrow Wilson High in Northwest Washington.

“I never would have imagined that it would have been the place to find support.” Josephson (known to fellow tweeters by her handle, @dontworryteach) is one of a small but growing number of teachers who are delving into the world of hashtags and retweets, using Twitter to improve their craft by reaching beyond the boundaries of their schools to connect with colleagues across the country and around the world.

Tweeting tips. Social Media & Tech / Hootsuite - 3 years, 3 million users. All About Twitter / Twitter in the Classroom. All About Twitter / Capture More Inbound Marketing Leads From Twitter With Tweet Spinner. 46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed. Get ready, because it's time for another weekly serving of features. This week, we got ready for CES. Not making the trip out to Vegas? Don't worry, we'll keep you covered here.

In the political sphere, social media is playing a different role than we've seen before in the presidential campaign, and we're keeping up with the digital trends. It's still the beginning of the new year, so we have a few more tech and social media predictions for you too. Enjoy your weekend, relax and catch up on all of our social media resources here. Editor's Picks 7 Social Media Predictions for 2012YouTube in the living room, celebs investing in startups and mobile security threats are among the social media trends that will shape 2012.CES 2012: What to ExpectIs this the end of CES? Social Media 5 Fitness Brands Kicking Butt on Social MediaTrying to get fit in the new year? Delete Your Klout Profile Now! Klout’s CEO Joe Fernandez gave an interview this summer—before the new Klout algorithm rolled out—in which he said, ““When you think about it, the idea of measuring influence is kind of crazy.

Influence has always been something that we each see through our own lens.” Don't get me going, pal. Enough people have flamed Klout for their scoring mechanics over the past three weeks that I don’t need to add my rant to that pile. But I need to write this post to explain the ethical problem Klout poses for those of us who use social networks for a significant amount of connection, communication and information. And to ask you to do something about it.

Please, when you get done reading this, go to and delete your profile from Klout forever. Completely. What do these “key influencers” get for their efforts? That’s the big inequity. Beyond this fundamental sleaziness, there is a bigger issue that makes Klout wrong, and frankly all social scoring wrong. It’s easy to do. How To: Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet. Here’s the scene: You’ve been on Twitter a while, you’ve had fun tweeting about what you are doing, you’ve been retweeting the power users, but now you are ready to up your game. You are ready to start providing valuable links and content to your followers. You are ready to start being a contributor to the great information that is passed through the twitterverse every single day. You want to establish yourself as a leader and someone that people look to for their daily supply of knowledge. How do you start that? I am very grateful and humbled to have been retweeted over 51,000 times, but learning to find valuable content wasn’t always easy for me.

@Flipbooks Blair has received over 341,000 retweets [Source: He is a very special friend of mine on Twitter and I’ve had a lot of fun watching his success in this area. @AskAaronLee With over 117,000 Twitter followers and over 70,000 RTs; Aaron is no stranger to Twitter success. Get TwitSprout. Why Educators Should Join Twitter - Finding Common Ground. 35 Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom. Twitter Has Changed My Life! Twitter Tidbits: Twitter Has Changed My Life! By Laura Komos Twitter has changed my life. Yes. You read that correctly! I'll admit, when I first joined Twitter, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing or how it all worked.

My first tweet on January 18, 2010 was, "I'm on Twitter. Now what? " Twitter has become an invaluable addition to my professional development. Not only have I become a writer because of Twitter, but my Tweeps encouraged me to start a class blog and individual blogs for my students. On a weekly basis, my Canadian friend Melody and I co-moderate (host and facilitate) a chat about the Daily Five/Cafe. Last week, I met many of my Twitter friends at the NCTE convention held in Chicago. Ultimately it was also Twitter that brought Joan, Gail and me together! Twitter in K Video. home Help The National | Dec 3, 2011 | 2:48 Twittergarten Kindergarten students in Calgary are using Twitter to learn about and connect with different countries around the world. Now Playing on CBC Radio Refresh CBC Radio One Now Playing: The Current08:30 AM to 10:00 AM - MDT CBC Radio 2 Tempo09:00 AM to 01:00 PM - EDT CBC Radio 3 Listen Live Radio 3 Program information temporarily unavailable.

See what is playing on all streams > Check out the CBC Music service with more than 60 online radio stations. About the Show of 34> Featured Sort by: Featured Most Recent Most Popular Apr 16, 2014 | 14:21The National Class of 2014: Generation Screwed? The National Class of 2014: Generation Screwed? Apr 16, 2014 | 47:49The National The National for April 16, 2014 VideoClosed Captions available The National The National for April 16, 2014 Apr 16, 2014 | 47:49Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News, hosted by Peter Mansbridge. Apr 16, 2014 | 2:58The National Quebec floods Video Twitter launches major redesign | Geek Gestalt. So you want to tweet with kindergarten... Kuvva. Visual awesomeness. 13% of Online Americans Use Twitter [STATS] Best individual tweeter2011.

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Big Brands Sponsor College Classes to get Social-Media Help. Twitter Tips: Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask. Map your Twitter Followers. 18 Months of Parenting on Twitter. 34 Interesting Ways to use Twitter in the Classroom. Like Tweeting in a Crowded Theater. 10 New Twitter Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier. Quick Twitter Tips: A Twitter Guide For Beginners. Meet Twitter's New Homepage [PIC] Types of Tweets and Where They Appear. @Junkie: How I Went from Mocking Twitter to Dreaming in Tweets. The 5 Stages Of ‘Getting’ Twitter | Twitter - Professional Tool. Soccer Team Places Twitter Handles on Jerseys. @twitterstories. PlusTo - beta. Tweetree - Birds in a tree. Nine great reasons why teachers should use Twitter - Laura Doggett.

Has Inclusion Been Effective? How Can We Tell? A guide to using Twitter for teachers. Twiigs - Online Polls: Create, Vote, Share. Top 20 Sites To Improve Your Twitter Experience. Feature: Join the Flock. TodaysMeet. Micromobs | HootCourse. Tweetworks.

Twitter Blackboard » eLearning Learning. IM. How to Use Twitter to Grow Your PLN. Twitter Releases Videos To Teach You How To Tweet. Twitter Tips: for Teachers & Educators | eLearning Blog Dont Was.