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Female Film Directors Put Together a List of Must-See Movies Made By Women. Director Sarah Polley at work on her documentary The Stories We Tell.

Female Film Directors Put Together a List of Must-See Movies Made By Women

Last month, I put together a podcast about systemic sexism in the film in industry. You probably know the stats: Although women make up over half of the movie-going audiences in America, this past year less than five percent of the top-grossing box office films were directed by women. After the show came out, a couple listeners had the same question: So, what are some recent female-directed films we should be seeking out? NO MORE PSA CAMPAIGN "ANTHEM" :30.

Hamilton mom gives Barbies a multicultural makeover - Latest Hamilton news - CBC Hamilton. It was about a year ago that Queen Cee Robinson tried to find a doll that resembled her daughter and had a revelation – there weren’t any.

Hamilton mom gives Barbies a multicultural makeover - Latest Hamilton news - CBC Hamilton

Robinson had seen black Barbie dolls before. Most of them wore bikinis, and they all had long, straight hair. And they all looked the same — sidekicks to the white dolls, or as Robinson describes them, “Barbie’s token black friend.” That started Robinson down a path of giving dolls makeovers — providing them with loose curls and dreadlocks, hijabs and sarongs, all in the name of giving little girls a realistic image of themselves.

Growing up, Robinson never played with dolls much herself. "On peut tous être des crocodiles à un moment donné. Ce qui compte, c'est de faire sa mue" Roger Weiss Studies The Hypocrisy Of Beauty In A Series Of Photos Which Distort The Objectification Of Women. Artist Studies The Hypocrisy Of Beauty In A Series Of Photos Which Distort The Objectification Of Women Roger Weiss is a Swiss-born photographer, who displays in his work the obsession with the human form and try to touch in his work, issues such as the objectification of women.

Roger Weiss Studies The Hypocrisy Of Beauty In A Series Of Photos Which Distort The Objectification Of Women

Human Dilations is a study in the feminine form and foray into the subject of beauty and it’s stereotypes. A woman is often boiled down info a series of visual queues that objectify and define her. Weiss’s project studies whether each form—in it’s distortion and elation—is a physical whole, or simply an object. “Human Dilatations does not fear the marks of frailness of the body and its imperfections,” said Weiss.

Pages Matam - "Piñata" (NPS 2013) Des violences faites aux femmes à Angoulême. Alors que les manifestations en faveur du droit à l’avortement se multiplient, deux expositions au Festival d’Angoulême racontent en dessins la cruelle réalité des violences, physiques ou morales, que subissent les femmes.

Des violences faites aux femmes à Angoulême

La première, «En chemin, elle rencontre…», est installée symboliquement au Tribunal d’Angoulême. Elle décrit les injustices faites à la condition féminine, en France et ailleurs. Il y est aussi bien question du monde du travail et des conjoints violents que de l’excision. La seconde est la très belle expo coréenne, «Fleurs qui ne se fanent pas…», au Théâtre d’Angoulême : un hommage aux «femmes de réconfort», doux euphémisme pour raconter le sort de milliers de jeunes filles, coréennes, mais aussi chinoises, philippines, indonésiennes, enrôlées de force dans les bordels ambulants de l’armée japonaise. The Subliminal Message In So Many Animated Kids’ Movies And Shows Isn’t About Violence. Building True Female Characters for Video games. Projet d'émission de jeu vidéo féministe - Les Hystériques. Vous avez peut-être suivi ma petite aventure sur Twitter depuis que j'ai décidé - suite à une réaction ultra positive lorsque j'ai proposé l'idée - de lancer une émission de jeu vidéo à sensibilité féministe.

Projet d'émission de jeu vidéo féministe - Les Hystériques

En attendant d'avoir un WordPress dédié au projet, je vous fais le résumé de l'avancement du projet ici. Moi en quelques mots : Je travaille dans la communication sur les réseaux sociaux et je réalise pour le plaisir des contenus sur le jeu vidéo ici comme ailleurs. Pour voir ma trogne, c'est ici par exemple (je suis la deuxième actrice). Mes sagas vidéoludiques phare sont Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Mass Effect, Portal ou encore Final Fantasy, pour n'en citer que quelques-unes. Maintenant, pour le projet, dans les grandes lignes : L'idée est de donner une vision fraîche ou du moins pas très entendue du jeu vidéo, de l'industrie, de son actualité, etc. : je veux prendre l'angle des joueuses. Sex in Games as a Human Experience. Creating Diversity in Video Games. Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. Frozen - A Musical feat. Disney Princesses.

Take Back Halloween! This Inspiring Photo Series Dresses Little Girls as Feminist Icons. Who needs Disney princesses when you've got real-life heroines to admire?

This Inspiring Photo Series Dresses Little Girls as Feminist Icons

That's the thinking behind Because of Them We Can, the inspiring new photo project by Eunique Jones. The series features photos of little girls dressed as influential women alongside famous quotes. Not just a girl….. » Jaime Moore photography. So my amazing daughter, Emma, turned 5 last month, and I had been searching everywhere for new-creative inspiration for her 5yr pictures.

Not just a girl….. » Jaime Moore photography

I noticed quite a pattern of so many young girls dressing up as beautiful Disney Princesses, no matter where I looked 95% of the “ideas” were the “How to’s” of how to dress your little girl like a Disney Princess. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Disney Princesses, from their beautiful dresses, perfect hair, gorgeous voices and most with ideal love stories in the mix you can’t help but become entranced with the characters. Cultural Studies & Feminist Film Theory.

Inversions & parodies

Kakenya Ntaiya: A girl who demanded school. GoldieBlox commercial rewrites the Beastie Boys, urges young girls to pursue engineering, is fabulous. Gender-Neutral Language Tips: How to Avoid Biased Writing, Without Sounding Awkward. En Suède et en Allemagne, les hommes sont des femmes. Guide du langage non sexiste. Pondu par Lady Dylan le 12 juin 2012. Challenging Casanova. 7 Memes That Will Change The Way You Think About Raising Boys. The Friendzoner vs The Nice Guy. Louis C.K. Told a Feminist Rape Joke. Humour Feministe. Typecast : parodie de Royals, par Lorde, sur les problèmes rencontrés par les actrices non blanches, bien souvent réduites à des stéréotypes ethniques.

Humour Feministe

Ecrit et interprété par Tess Paras, avec la participation de Haneefah Wood et Ayana Hampton.Réalisation : Rebekka JohnsonMusique produite par Jack Dolgen. Crédits complets et paroles :Cast:Tess Paras (“Grimm,” “Wilfred”) @TessParasHaneefah Wood (“Ave Q,” “Nurse Jackie”) @HaneefahWoodAyana Hampton (“In Living Color” reboot) @ayanadiscoStephen Guarino (“Happy Endings”) @IAmStephenGMo Welch (“The Mo Show”) @momowelchMike Still (Artistic Director, Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, LA) @mikestillJohn David “J.D.” Witherspoon ( @JDwitherspoonSofia Gonzalez (“Community”) @SofiaMarieGJin Namkung (“Arrested Development”) @Rjnamkung Special thanks to Mo Welch, Jimmy Fowlie, Joseph Porter, and Ryan Noggle. Tess Paras is represented by:Manager, Bryan Brucks at Luber Roklin EntertainmentAgent, Brianna Ancel at Clear Talent Group.

So A Dirty Joke And A Hilarious Muslim Feminist Walk Into A Bar... Things We Don't Talk About. Share on Tumblr Things We Don’t Talk About: Woman’s Stories from the Red Tent is a groundbreaking 72-minute documentary film by award winning filmmaker Dr.

Things We Don't Talk About

Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost. Spontaneous and organic, a Red Tent is a red textile space where women gather to rest, renew, and often share deep and powerful stories about their lives. « Pour le dire », un spectacle de la Cie Théâtre... Burka Avenger! Feminist Fiction. PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical. Image taken from tumblr.

PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical

Recently, SFF author Tansy Rayner Roberts wrote an excellent post debunking the idea that women did nothing interesting or useful throughout history, and that trying to write fictional stories based on this premise of feminine insignificance is therefore both inaccurate and offensive. To quote: “History is not a long series of centuries in which men did all the interesting/important things and women stayed home and twiddled their thumbs in between pushing out babies, making soup and dying in childbirth.History is actually a long series of centuries of men writing down what they thought was important and interesting, and FORGETTING TO WRITE ABOUT WOMEN.

It’s also a long series of centuries of women’s work and women’s writing being actively denigrated by men. Writings were destroyed, contributions were downplayed, and women were actively oppressed against, absolutely.But the forgetting part is vitally important. Let’s start with the latter claim, shall we? I hate Strong Female Characters. I hate Strong Female Characters. As someone spends a fair amount of time complaining on the internet that there aren’t enough female heroes out there, this may seem a strange and out of character thing to say. And of course, I love all sorts of female characters who exhibit great resilience and courage. I love it when Angel asks Buffy what’s left when he takes away her weapons and her friends and she grabs his sword between her palms and says “Me”. The Bechdel Test needs an update: We’ve set the bar for female representation too low.

20th Century Fox The Bechdel Test, the brainchild of cartoonist Alison Bechdel, bubbled out of a 1985 comic strip called Dykes to Watch Out For. The Mako Mori Test: 'Pacific Rim' inspires a Bechdel Test alternative. Fans of feminist film, or any lovers of media with strong female characters, might have a hard time justifying why they love certain movies. But the Mako Mori test, named after a Pacific Rim character at the center of a controversy, is attempting to change the conversation about what constitutes "strong women" in film.

The Legend of the Last Princess! Little girls R better at designing heroes than you. Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You is a project where superheroes are drawn based on the costumes of young girls. This submission is drawn by the talented SaEun Moon at This submission is Amazing Girl! This submission is Leopard Girl and her sidekick, Mouse Girl, drawn by the talented SaEun Moon at. Women Fighters In Reasonable Armor. Here’s a suggestion for reasonable armour in a more modern sense. She’s a soldier of IDS, a vicious PMC seeking to conquer a post-apocalyptic world in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. I like it, very PMC-y. Thanks :) Female Tradition as Feminist Innovation by Annie Finch. Introduction Annie Finch is a contemporary American poet whose work is deeply engaged with the connection between feminism and formalism. This essay, “Female Tradition as Feminist Tradition,” which was published in her essay collection The Body of Poetry (2005), traces the historical and psychological paths that have drawn contemporary women poets toward the use of traditional formal structure, despite a lack of critical and theoretical attention.