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I Can’t Believe I Now Have To Convince White People That I Like White People. Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism. Blindness means being unable to see.

Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism

What is racial colorblindness? Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity. At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing — really taking MLK seriously on his call to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. However, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. White People Have to Give Up Racism. Share Protesters march in memory of Trayvon Martin.

White People Have to Give Up Racism

(Frank Reynolds.) Last week, I argued that a repeal of so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws and the outlawing of racial profiling are necessary but insufficient to prevent murders like that of Trayvon Martin. On Twitter, someone asked me, “What’s your solution?” My short answer: white people have to give up racism. As complicated an issue as race has become in the United States, that might sound like an overly simplistic answer, but it’s the root of it all. Watching TV Boosts the Self-Esteem of White Boys - Hans Villarica. New research in Communication Research uncovers a surprising exception to the typical correlation between TV viewing and decreased self-confidence. greenland/Shutterstock PROBLEM: When kids aren't in school, there's a good chance they're sprawled on their couch living vicariously through the characters they watch on TV.

Watching TV Boosts the Self-Esteem of White Boys - Hans Villarica

Addressing Shame As White Racial Justice Advocates. A couple of weeks ago I read Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly (2012 Gotham Books) and while there are several valuable points to be found in her work on shame, vulnerability, and resilience, there was one set of ideas in the book that had significant resonance with what I watch white people struggle with when addressing their internal responses to issues of race, racism and whiteness.

Addressing Shame As White Racial Justice Advocates

But before I expound on them I want to be very clear that I am merely adding my own thoughts onto Dr. Brown’s work and I want to give full attribution to her, her research, and the voice she brings to an important and complicated conversation about shame, vulnerability, and resilience. As such, I ask that you honor the copyright agreements for these blog postings so that her work does not somehow get lost in any re-postings. Her intent, however, is not merely to explicate the ways shame trips all of us up in our lives, it is to offer a countervailing idea she describes as “shame resilience”.

Again, though Dr. No More "Allies" By Mia McKenzie.

No More "Allies"

Practical Ways We Can Stop Centering Everything Around White People’s Feelings. Kyle “Guante” Tran Myhre Fun fact: white people’s feelings are magic.

Practical Ways We Can Stop Centering Everything Around White People’s Feelings

They can bring any conversation, meeting or movement to a halt. In a debate, they can outweigh even the most credible, concrete evidence. They can threaten someone’s job. They can even kill. Because of all this, any conversation about social justice, power, or history is going to naturally settle into orbit around white people’s feelings. Three white college students file racial discrimination complaint against professor over lesson on structural racism. He Was Asked Why Whiteness Made Him So Uncomfortable. His Response Is Pretty Profound. VIDÉO. États-Unis : un raciste apprend en direct qu'il a du sang noir. Craig Cobb, un Américain de 62 ans, doit avoir du mal à trouver le sommeil.

VIDÉO. États-Unis : un raciste apprend en direct qu'il a du sang noir

Et pour cause, ce suprémaciste blanc, qui tient le racisme pour religion, a appris en direct que du sang africain coulait dans ses veines. Un comble pour celui qui rêve de fonder une communauté 100 % blanche à Leith, une bourgade tranquille du Dakota-du-Nord. La nouvelle lui a été annoncée par Trisha Goddard, une présentatrice de télévision britannique. Trop sûr de lui, pour les besoins de l'émission, il avait accepté de se livrer à un test ADN. Grave erreur. Sous le choc, le suprémaciste blanc, désormais Africain à 14 %, a plaidé pour l'erreur statistique.

Maintenant que l'ADN de Craig Cobb a parlé, il y a fort à parier que ses amis racistes ne l'accepteront plus dans leur bande. VIDÉO : Regardez Craig Cobb apprendre que du sang africain coule dans ses veines : One Easy Thing All White People Could Do That Would Make The World A Better Place. Whitewashing et Racebending. Alors que j’écrivais mon article sur Hunger Games, je suis retombée sur la polémique provoquée aux États-Unis par le casting.

Whitewashing et Racebending

En effet, lorsque certains fans du livre ont découvert que les acteurs interprétant Rue, Thresh et Cinna (les deux tributs du district 11 et le styliste de Katniss) étaient interprétés par des acteurs noirs américains (Amandla Steinberg, Dayo Okeniyi et Lenny Kravitz), des propos haineux sont apparus sur le web. Une avalanche de tweet racistes, mentionnant notamment le personnage de Rue, plus importante dans l’histoire que les deux autres, ont suivi cette « révélation ». Pourtant Rue est décrite dans le livre comme étant « une petite fille de douze ans venant du district 11. Elle avait une peau et des yeux brun foncés » « […], a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. Check Your Privilege at the Door. When white people on tumblr deny white privilege... Mieux vaut être blanc pour intégrer Cambridge et Oxford. Recevez nos newsletters : Les étudiants blancs ont 20% de chances de plus d’être admis en médecine à l’université de Cambridge que les étudiants issus de minorités ethniques, rapporte le Guardian.

Mieux vaut être blanc pour intégrer Cambridge et Oxford

Ils ont le même niveau d’excellence et visent une université de renom. Mais pour entrer à Cambridge, mieux vaut être blanc pour maximiser ses chances de réussite au recrutement. Parmi les meilleurs élèves, 56% des étudiants blancs sont acceptés en médecine contre 46% des étudiants de minorités ethniques. This site is the cat’s pajamas. Understanding White Privilege and Our Mental Colonisation. For the past two months, I have been hitting twitter hard with white privilege.

Understanding White Privilege and Our Mental Colonisation

And unsurprisingly, white twitter followers (and non followers) are filling my mentions with the likes of ‘you racist’, ‘go back to your country’. Now most who follow me on twitter, don’t really know my origin, I don’t look like a white European, my name isn’t that common, you’d only guess if you were from the same country, but due to the nature of my tweets (pro Palestine) I’m regarded as Arab or at least some ‘rag head sand nigger Muslim’.

I am Muslim that’s for sure, but everything else is questionable. Now coming from an ethnic minority in the UK, having been born here (but I firmly argue that I am not from here) and been brought up here, I have decided about 2 years ago that I will go back to my own country (good news for EDL). This derived from the concept of reclaiming my roots, which is arguably one of the hardest things to do for people like me who are born out of their homeland. Louis CK - Being White. De l’expression "racisme anti-blancs" Vous savez que vous ne trouverez pas cette expression validée sur ce blog. Mais j’aimerais énumérer quelques unes des choses que j’entends et que je rapporte à celle-ci: Voilà pèle-mêle certaines des idées qui résonnent dans mon esprit quand j’entends cette expression.

Elle résonne dans un endroit émotionnel spécial, et l’utiliser fait de vous un mauvais allié dans la lutte antiraciste. "That's Racist Against White People!" A Discussion on Power and Privilege. To (All) the White Girls Who Didn’t Get Into The College Of Their Dreams. The Last Word on That Word. De l'urgence d'en finir avec le « racisme anti-blanc » Un militant repenti balance les secrets de l'ultra-droite. Damien (1) a été, pendant quatre ans, membre d'une petite organisation politique d'extrême-droite proche du Bloc Identitaire. Originaire d'un petit village dans l'Aude, il a côtoyé pendant une dizaine d'années un groupe de militants de la région dont le but était de « réveiller les consciences nationales » comme il le dit, en agissant principalement sur internet.

Rangé des voitures, il a souhaité témoigner de cette période de sa vie et de ses dérives. Comment êtes-vous entré en politique ? Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet) - Reverse Racism.