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Free Online Course Materials. Videos from the World's Best Conferences and Events. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Open Knowledge Foundation. Science Videos Search Engine. Open Culture. Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. In early 2009, I began a project to make Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy available free online.

Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy

I began with a rather low quality OCRed scan of the 1920 Allen & Unwin printing, which I cleaned up by re-adding formatting, correcting mistakes, inserting mathematical symbols, and so on. Several members of the Russell-l mailing list helped as well. Kenneth Blackwell, of the Bertrand Russell Archives/Research Center, McMaster University, contributed to the project in a major way by not only error-checking the bulk of the edition but also comparing it against Russell’s handwritten manuscript, which turned up a number of errors in all previously published editions. The Free Information Society - Educating and Entertaining since 2003. The Science Network. Welcome to The New York Public Library. StanfordUniversity's Channel.

WikiVS. AA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - Lectures Online. Diaz Alonso is the principal and founder of Xefirotarch, a practice base in Los Angeles.


He is the Graduate Programs Chair and has served for the past several years as Distinguish Professor of Architecture and the Graduate Thesis Coordinator at SCI-Arc. He was a design studio professor at Columbia University GSAPP, and is the head studio professor in the 'Excessive' post-graduate program at the Universitat fur angewandte Kunst in Wien, Austria. He was recently honoured by Yale University with the Louis I.

Academic Video Lectures.