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As a WebSockets Proxy - NGINX. The WebSocket protocol provides a way of creating web applications that support realtime bi-directional communications between clients and servers.

as a WebSockets Proxy - NGINX

Part of HTML5, WebSockets makes it much easier to develop these types of applications then the methods previously available. Most modern browsers support WebSockets including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Opera and more and more server application frameworks are now supporting WebSockets as well. For enterprise production use, where multiple WebSocket servers are needed for performance and high availability, a load balancing layer that understands the WebSocket protocol is required, and NGINX has supported WebSockets since NGINX 1.3 and can act as a reverse proxy and do load balancing of WebSocket applications. The WebSocket protocol is different than the HTTP protocol, but the WebSocket handshake is compatible with HTTP, using the HTTP Upgrade facility to upgrade the connection from HTTP to WebSocket. - Open Source Workflow Automation. Google Ranking Factors: The Complete List. You probably already know that Google uses about 200 ranking factors in their algorithm… But what the heck are they?

Google Ranking Factors: The Complete List

Ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost. Edge.js. Run node.js and .NET code in-process An edge connects two nodes.


Phaser - Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework. Quintus JavaScript HTML5 Game Engine. A platfomer in ~80 lines of code, you can edit the code on the left.

Quintus JavaScript HTML5 Game Engine

Click to focus, arrow keys to move. more A breakdown of the example is below. Create an HTML file, pull in the Quintus library and setup the engine. Dominictarr/through. Dominictarr/scuttlebutt. Myclabs/ACL. Recorder. Record Users’ Screen Interaction,Hear Their Thoughts and See TheirFacial Expressions New video and audio capabilities combined with UserZoom’s quantitative UX metrics enable you to tell a complete story about your users’ experience.


Recorder UX Metrics Closing theloop betweenquantitative andqualitative worlds. KnpLabs/Gaufrette. Thousands of Free Icons. Dynatable.js - jQuery plugin for HTML5+JSON interactive tables and more. Creating CSS Animations Using Move.js. CSS3 transitions and animations are currently the preferred method for creating lightweight animations on websites.

Creating CSS Animations Using Move.js

Unfortunately, many developers find their syntax to be complex and confusing. If this sounds like you, Move.js may be the perfect solution for you. Move.js is a simple JavaScript library that creates CSS3 animations using simple functions. This tutorial explores the basics of Move.js, and provides a live demo of Move in action. The Basics. Express-di by luin. Installation npm install --save express-di Usage To get started simply require('express-di') before var app = express(), and this module will monkey-patch Express, allowing you to define "denpendencies" by providing the app.factory() method, after which you can use the "denpendencies" in you routes following the Dependency Injection pattern(DI).

Express-di by luin

Example. Service Oriented Architectures with Symfony2 — Alessandro Nadalin. A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy. Fn.js is an opinionated JavaScript library that pushes you to to adopt strategies that encourage a functional programming style.

A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy.

I do not purport to be a master of functional programming especially as it relates to mathematical concepts, and I do not expect you to be either. Rather, fn.js provides functionality that you may be used to in Underscore.js or Lodash, but in a way that lends itself to greater self-composability and support of core functional programming tenets. Core Functional Programming Tenets Avoidance of Side Effects The concept of side effects is closely related to the design pattern of the Single Responsibility Principle, or as I like to say: "A function should do one thing, and do it well.

" Referential Transparency In object-oriented or classic programming applications, the flow of code is controlled by creating objects that mimic real-world or virtual beings. PhpStorm - Top Productivity Hacks and Shortcuts. We all have our favorite IDEs/editors when coding.

PhpStorm - Top Productivity Hacks and Shortcuts

Mine is PhpStorm, and it took a while to master all its shortcuts and establish a rapid workflow. In this article, I’ll share some keyboard shortcuts and tips with you which you should make part of your regular routine if you, too, do your work in this IDE. This article was partially inspired by this Reddit thread, and will be mentioning and demonstrating some of the shortcuts found there as well. Note that as I’m doing my development on Linux in a vagrant box hosted on Windows, my shortcuts might be different from yours. 10 SCSS utilities I can’t live without. Every front-end developer needs a battle-tested SCSS arsenal for starting new projects.

Here are 10 of the best SCSS utilties I find myself using most often. You can download the entire file to use in your projects from the UtilityBelt Repository on Github. Download “UtilityBelt.scss” – Downloaded 109 times – 10 kB Triangle Sagi likes to call this the chupchick (don’t ask me why). It’s great for adding a point to tooltips or some extra flair to a component, but can also be used as a standalone icon.

Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG) JavaScript Debounce Function. One of the biggest mistakes I see when looking to optimize existing code is the absence of the debounce function.

JavaScript Debounce Function

If your web app uses JavaScript to accomplish taxing tasks, a debounce function is essential to ensuring a given task doesn't fire so often that it bricks browser performance. For those of you who don't know what a debounce function does, it limits the rate at which a function can fire. A quick example: you have a resize listener on the window which does some element dimension calculations and (possibly) repositions a few elements. That isn't a heavy task in itself but being repeatedly fired after numerous resizes will really slow your site down. Why not limit the rate at which the function can fire? Here's the basic JavaScript debounce function (as taken from Underscore.js): function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { timeout = null; if (!

Older. Packery. Favico.js - Make a use of your favicon. Badges Animate your favicon with animated badges. You can customize type of animation, position, background color and text color. Slide animation Fade animation Pop animation Pop & fade animation. Offline.js – Handle your users losing their internet connection like a pro. What is Offline.js? Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail. It captures AJAX requests which were made while the connection was down, and remakes them when it's back up, so your app reacts perfectly. It has a number of beautiful themes and requires no configuration.

Ifvisible.js by serkanyersen. Crosbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it. Check out the Demo or read below for code example or Check Annotated Sorce // If page is visible right nowif( ){ // Display pop-up openPopUp();} Handle tab switch or browser minimize states. Videoconverter.js - Convert Videos In Your Web Browser. Videoconverter.js is a program that lets you process videos in your browser. View a DemonstrationView a Sample Application or view code on github About [#] Auduno/clmtrackr. DVR for Java.

The Failures of "Intro to TDD" I'm now halfway through teaching a two-week crash course on "agile development stuff" to a team of very traditional enterprise Java developers. Condensing fifteen years of our community's progress into 8 half-day workshops has presented an obvious challenge: given the clear time constraints, what set of ideas and practices could conceivably have the biggest positive impact on these developers' professional lives? After a few days of fits and starts, I've come to at least one realization: test-driven development ("TDD") as it's traditionally introduced to beginners is officially off my list.

Jiko - Documentation. OriDomi - origami for the web. Dbg. Pub-sub with RabbitMQ and WebSocket - Blog - Vanbosse. Aren't realtime updates great? Here's another way of implementing realtime into apps. Announcing Elasticsearch.js For Node.js And The Browser. A few months ago we released client libraries for PHP, Ruby, Python, and Perl and today we add another to the family, JavaScript!

FasterCGI with HHVM « HipHop Virtual Machine. FasterCGI with HHVM Posted on December 17, 2013 by Juliusz Kopczewski. Jimhigson/oboe.js. C* Summit 2013: Cassandra at Instagram. Phaser - Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework. ETeeskiTutorials. TooTallNate/node-weak. Faster Workflow: Mastering Emmet, Part 1. Emmet is a free plugin for text editors to write HTML and CSS code faster. In this multi-part series, I will show you how to write HTML and CSS code faster then ever with Emmet, profiling all the features of Emmet and how to use syntax, abbreviation and keyboard shortcuts to save your time. Pineapple · Web Tutorials and Resources That Don't Suck. LearnBoost/kue. Ionic: The Most Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework.

Automating Front-end Workflow. Krakjoe/phpdbg. StickUp - a free jQuery Plugin. Setting up stickUp in Wordpress is a breeze. I am also working on development of a Wordpress Plugin version of stickUp, which will allow for an easy backend to work with and include many features. Its exactly the same as setting it up on any other website, but here are exact instructions for Wordpress users. Foundation: The Most Advanced Responsive Front-end Framework from ZURB. Odometer — Transition numbers with ease. Free Mercurial and Git Client for Windows and Mac. Salvattore — A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration.

Kriskowal/es5-shim. Cboden/Ratchet. Rove. Új lap. Apigility by Zend Framework. Game Maker Studio: Shaking Screen Effect. Real-time Customer Analytics - Woopra. API Blueprint. Monitorama 2013 - Mike Dewar - D3 Workshop. Monitorama 2013 - Pete Fritchman - Logstash Workshop. Mozilla Labs : TogetherJS. Budapest Agile Meetup: Scrumban azál. Naver  /  Formstone  /  Ben Plum. Usage Installation Include the following resources on your page before initializing: Bower You can deploy and update via the command line with Bower: bower install Naver Implimentation Simply target the existing navigation system when initializing:

Getting Started. Jrecog.js. Facebook’s Cassandra paper, annotated and compared to Apache Cassandra 2.0. Eight Ways You’ve Misconfigured Your A/B Test. REST Hooks. Talentbuddy. Meet RegExpBuilder: Verbal Expressions' rich, older cousin. Lolcommits: git+webcam=lulz. The Open Graph protocol.


Frontend, JS. Google I/O 2013 - Cognitive Science and Design. Chapter 4. Branching and Merging. Following Up My Beyond Frameworks Talk. How Google Does It: Using Closure Tools for Large JavaScript Applications.