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Dessine-moi l’éco : 3 minutes pour comprendre le pouvoir d’achat. 6 creative uses of Twitter for business. 47 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Buffer 20 Google+ 6 LinkedIn 21 inShare21 47 Flares × Every Tuesday, I spend quite a lot of time on the road traveling on the highway to meet some business associates.

6 creative uses of Twitter for business

While on the highway, there would always be announcements on neon boards that constantly promote a Twitter account that one could follow to follow the latest news on traffic in the area. It got me thinking about how businesses could use Twitter differently rather than to just using it to promote their brand, engage with their audience or for customer services. Having used Twitter for a couple of years now, I remembered some amazing uses of Twitter that I’ve stumbled before. Here are some interesting accounts that I would like to share. 1. How to tell a story. Le storytelling, la strategie marketing qui fait rever ! Vecam - Réflexion et action pour l'internet citoyen.

Profession: interprète social - Le Huffington Post. Plus de 2 millions de références sur Google à la mention anglaise « Social Entrepreneur ». 133 millions à la mention « Entrepreneur » tout court. 70 fois plus.

Profession: interprète social - Le Huffington Post

Seulement. Seulement 70 fois plus, quand on sait combien le statut d'entrepreneur social demeure une exception dans le spectre de la création d'entreprises à l'échelle mondiale, lequel nous propulse sans ménagement du boulanger auto-entrepreneur à Mark Zuckerberg... Surprenante illusion d'optique, qui nous porterait presque à penser qu'une nouvelle catégorie d'individus est née et que son potentiel libérateur est le sésame de la révolution solidaire tant attendue. Or, l'entrepreneur social est une pure exception. Concevoir l'économie sociale comme le seul fait d'une création d'activité « nouvelle » - et non de la transformation d'une activité « existante » - revient à nier le besoin qu'a l'économie au sens large de faire elle-même sa mutation.

Et pour cause, la tâche serait insurmontable. Suivre Le HuffPost Québec. Blinded by Expertise. Changing the world requires leaders with new vision.

Blinded by Expertise

Six blind men are asked to determine what an elephant looks like by touch. The one who touches its leg says the elephant is a pillar; the one who touches the tail declares it a rope; the one who touches the trunk thinks it a branch; the next says the ear is a hand fan; another declares the belly a wall; and finally one feels the tusk and says it must be a pipe. Plans & Pricing. Latest entries. Agile42 is organising the Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2014 conference in Bologna on May 30th, an event endorsed by Lean-Kanban University We are happy to welcome the Lean Kanban global conference series to Italy!

Latest entries

The Lean Kanban Southern Europe conference brings together professionals who realize the value of Lean thinking. This is the event for technology managers, business leaders, and change agents who want to build quality, predictable delivery, and a culture of continuous improvement into their organizations. 25 Ideas for Blog Topics. Stumped for post ideas?

25 Ideas for Blog Topics

Here are 25 writing prompts and ideas to get you started! 1. List: Lists are eye-catching and attention-grabbing—and we say that not just because this post is an example of one. By their very nature, lists move your content forward. For inspiration, think about top 10s, X reasons to do something, X places to visit, X benefits of an activity that relates to your industry. 2. 3. 4. 5. The source of information and best practices in strategic sourcing. Comment Parler en Public. Phrase-résumée de “Comment parler en public” : Être éloquent ou charismatique n’est pas quelque chose d’inné, cela s’apprend, et Dale Carnegie montre comment chacun peut devenir un orateur talentueux avec de l’entraînement et l’application de quelques techniques simples, et cela quel que soit votre niveau d’études.

Comment Parler en Public

Par Dale Carnegie, Dorothy Carnegie et Didier Weyne (traduction) 1992 (réédition), 215 pages. Titre original : The quick and easy way to effective speaking. Note : cette chronique est une chronique invitée écrite par Claire du blog Univoix, les clés du succès de votre voix. Startup Tools. Startup Tools 1.

Startup Tools

Startup Tools Click Here 2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here 3. 4. 5. Business Dashboard. Cap Digital. WWW.PIEDDEBICHE.FR. Dallas Marks on Business Intelligence. – December 12, 2011Posted in: Dashboards, Data Visualization Several months ago, while downloading the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and Mobile BI apps in the Apple iTunes store, the “genius” recommended that I take a look at an app called Chart Soup.

Dallas Marks on Business Intelligence

FirstBrick - The first brick to your success ! How To Become A Social Entrepreneur. Grantmaking & Philanthropy. Valoriser monétairement l’impact social. Home » DSVP. Avise. Jordi Bertran Company. Antoine Msika. After Effects Projects, Motion Graphics, C4D Templates. Storytelling. Explee - Give impact to your ideas. 5 Strategies for Digital Storytelling. To convey a strong message, digitally, brands must take on the role of a storyteller.

5 Strategies for Digital Storytelling

The narrative has to be robust enough to withstand the shortened attention spans and quick turnaround of information found on the web. Now that nearly half (49.7%) of U.S. mobile subscribers have smartphones, and Google is activating 1.3 million Android devices per day, it is clear we live a hyper-connected lifestyle that requires mastering mobile and digital storytelling. The ability to speak in sound bites and effectively humanize your message to your following— a tribe of potential employers or customers, and even other brands—in a compelling, clear, concise transmedia format in real-time is expected.

Let’s cover a few quick strategies on how you can use photos, tweets, hashtags, videos and short bursts of content to create positive brand touchpoints. Inspirationfeed - be inspired! Attain Daily Success: Use Motivational and Inspirational Quotes. Changing our day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined.

Attain Daily Success: Use Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

By meditating and repeating motivational/inspirational quotes, we have a tendency to be better prepared to change our thought patterns, behaviors and in flip, modify our lives for the better. Here’s how it’s done. Mutinerie, libres ensemble - espace de coworking à Paris 19. Learn to code.

Learn PHP the easy way - John Barnes - Decision to Make in an Uncertain Future? Try the Payout Matrix. Home | Blogs | Message Boards | Webinars | Resources. Top Visualization Tools, from maps to charts to infographics. From simple charts to complex maps and infographics, this round up of the best - and mostly free - tools has everything you need to bring your data to life Net Magazine, By Brian Suda, September 17, 2012 In this article, I want to introduce you to 20 different tools for creating visualisations: from simple charts to complex graphs, maps and infographics.

Almost everything here is available for free, and some you have probably installed already. Cup of teach.