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Medicine. Herbal Remedies ACNE Herbs Used: Evening Primrose Oil, Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Dandelion, Lemon Grass Recipe for Acne Help Bring to a simmer in a non-metallic pan 2 quarts water, 3 tablespoons Witch hazel bark, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon ground cloves; let simmer for 5 minutes.


Then add 1/2 cup chopped fresh thyme, 1 cup fresh chopped peppermint leaves, and 1/2 cup fresh chopped marjoram. Simmer 5 more minutes, set aside until cold. Mix 1/2 cup of the simmered mixture with 2 teaspoons cider vinegar, 2 ounces grain alcohol (vodka is best), 4 drops lemon oil, and enough water to make one pint. Apply with cotton to acne prone areas after washing. ACNE For acne that hasn't seemed to respond to anything: Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. ANEMIA Herbs Used: Red Beet, Yellow Dock, Lobelia, Burdock, Nettle, Mullein Other uses: Energy, Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease BOILSPut breadcrumbs in a calico bag or between two pieces of gauze. Someone To Talk To, Online Therapy, Free Active Listening - 7 Cups of Tea. 12 Great Reasons To Start Alternate Nostril Breathing:

“I rest well.

12 Great Reasons To Start Alternate Nostril Breathing:

I sleep peacefully, and I awaken with joy” Louise Hay Your nose is exceptionally clever. Simply by practising a few rounds of alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) for a few minutes each day, you can help restore imbalances in your brain – improve sleep – calm your emotional state – boost your thinking – calm your nervous system. How impressive is that! Another interesting fact about your nostrils, is that you don’t breathe through them equally all the time. Left nostril for calming – right nostril for energy: Your nose is directly linked to your brain and nervous system. Breathing in through your left nostril will access the right “feeling” hemisphere of your brain, and breathing in through your right nostril, will access the left “thinking” hemisphere of your brain. Yogic breathing, the perfect relaxation tool: I happen to believe alternate nostril breathing is up there, as one of the most therapeutic calming rituals. 12 benefits of alternate nostril breathing: Caution:

What Everybody Ought to Know About Medicinal Uses Of These 22 Common Spices. 178 Home Remedies for Pink eye. Conjunctivitis gone in a day !

178 Home Remedies for Pink eye

September 26, 2014 Get a Saline bottle from any med store and use it both as eye drops and also dip your eyes in the solution keep blinking your eyes when dipped, and flush eyes. Repeat every 2 hrs for 4 to 5 times and IT'S GONE. NOTE: use DNS soln only i.E sodium chloride.Girish from Karnataka , India Hot water and eye drops September 15, 2014 After waking up with a really bad infection in my left eye I searched the Internet to find a home cure.

My wife went to the local Walmart found a off brand "pink eye drops" the combination of rag put in hot water rung out then placed on the eye that was infected has really cleared things up. Pink eye home remedy July 29, 2014 I've been prone to pink for a while just being around someone with it and I'm done. Combo remedy! July 28, 2014 I took a combination of remedies and mixed them together! 1. My daughters eyes are clearing up nicely! Coconut oil really works! July 23, 2014 So lying down after applying the oil is the key. 5 Natural Remedies For Pink Eye - MommypotamusMommypotamus. This post may contain affiliate links to products I use and recommend.

5 Natural Remedies For Pink Eye - MommypotamusMommypotamus

Here's what that means! 3 Reasons To ♥ Pink Eye 1. It’s a nice break from giving the stink eye. Gotta mix things up, you know? 2. 3. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies out there that mamas swear by. Is It Viral, Bacterial, or An Allergy? Viral Pink Eye Is . . . Typically marked by clear, watery drainageContagiousLikely to start in one eye and move to the otherNot treatable with antibiotics. Bacterial Pink Eye Is . . . Typically marked by greenish yellow drainageContagiousLikely to start in one eye and move to the otherUsually treated with antibiotic eye drops.

Allergic Pink Eye “Allergic pinkeye (caused by seasonal pollens, animal dander, cosmetics and perfumes) and chemical pinkeye (from chemicals or liquids, including bleach and furniture polish) are not contagious.”