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Learning to Write Fully Undetected Malware - Lessons For IT. Open Hub, the open source network. Introducing Brewhouse's Rails Template. We’ve shipped over a dozen Ruby on Rails apps that all share the same base set of gems and configuration files.

Introducing Brewhouse's Rails Template

In order to save some time and ensure that our next web apps share a common set of best practices, we’ve put together the brewhouse-rails-template. Learn to Hack. Attack servers, crack passwords, exploit services, beat encryption - everything you need to protect yourself from evil.

Learn to Hack

There are two rules of computer security: one – don’t buy a computer; and two – if you have to buy a computer, don’t turn it on. If you break these rules then you’ll be opening yourself up to potential problems. No system is 100% safe from hackers, but by following a few simple steps you can make yours much harder for intruders to attack. Hacking is the art of gaining access to a computer system that you’re not supposed to access. The Julia Language. The Scala Programming Language.


In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos. ABM. 18 Free Tutorials for Learning R Programming. R is a powerful tool for data scientists and statisticians.

18 Free Tutorials for Learning R Programming

The capabilities of R are being further developed daily by the proactive user base at the Comprehensive R Archive Network. The applications of R are becoming greater as the number of add-on packages increases. Learning the basics of R now will unlock the door to a very useful tool for presenting and analyzing data. Best Programming / Developer Laptops List. Free computer algorithm Books Download. Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Setup. Start Developing iOS Apps Today provides the perfect starting point for iOS development.

Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Setup

On your Mac, you can create iOS apps that run on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. View this guide’s four short modules as a gentle introduction to building your first app—including the tools you need and the major concepts and best practices that will ease your path. 60+ R resources to improve your data skills.

This list was originally published as part of the Computerworld Beginner's Guide to R but has since been expanded to also include resources for advanced beginner and intermediate users.

60+ R resources to improve your data skills

If you're just starting out with R, I recommend first heading to the Beginner's Guide. These websites, videos, blogs, social media/communities, software and books/ebooks can help you do more with R; my favorites are listed in bold. Resources for learning R. R Programming - Manuals. R Basics The R & BioConductor manual provides a general introduction to the usage of the R environment and its basic command syntax.

R Programming - Manuals

The Reverse Engineers Toolkit. I remember when I first got started in reverse engineering.

The Reverse Engineers Toolkit

Well, let’s be honest. It was cracking commercial software. but I digress. Het GNU Besturingssysteem. Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2013: The Elite Eight. Updated on May 5, 2014 Having spent more than 5 years in software development and the computer programming arena, one of the most common questions I am asked is: This is a question that is asked by beginners, as well as experts.

Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2013: The Elite Eight

As with many important questions, the answer is not simple. There are many factors that should be taken into account while deciding a programming language to learn. Compile and Execute Programs Online.


About. What is Lua?


Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. DataLists. Country List ISO 3166 Country List of Countries. Download a list of all the countries in the world based on the ISO 3166 Standard for use on your website, application, or wherever you might find it useful!

Country List ISO 3166 Country List of Countries

To make your life easier we have compiled a list of all the countries in the world in a number of formats for download, pick one to continue. List of ISO 3166 Countries in CSV & XLS Format For example: Tuvalu|Uganda|Ukraine|United Arab Emirates|United Kingdom|United States Click to download CSV >> Click to download XLS (with country codes) >> List of ISO 3166 Countries in Select Box Option 1: Countries as Value Option 2: Country Code as Value List of Countries in Text File. Rheigh Henley Calderon's profile.


Untitled. Using R for statistical analyses - Simple correlation. Correlation and Significance tests Getting a correlation coefficient is generally only half the story; you will want to know if the relationship is significant. The cor() function in R can be extended to provide the significance testing required. The function is cor.test() As above you need to read your data into R from a .CSV file and attach the factors so that they are all stored in memory.

Web development and deployment tools: CodeRun. CodeExample. CodingTutorials. 20 Developers to Follow on Twitter. This post is part of Mashable’s Social Media series for developers, highlighting handy tips and resources for software developers. This series is supported by Forum Nokia’s Calling All Innovators competition. Twitter is more than just about sharing what you ate or who you just met up with; it's also a way to disseminate and pass on knowledge and advice to others. This can be especially useful for developers looking for productivity tips, finding interesting articles, learning about new releases, or even jumping into another programming language. While we cannot highlight the thousands upon thousands of insightful and talented developers on Twitter, we have found a breadth of insightful, successful, and helpful developers and designers that encompass the many languages, companies, and people that make up the world of development. 1.

Twitter: @meyerweb Associated with: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2. Twitter: @jeresig. Quants' Financial Engineering book reviews for quantitative finance programming and financial engineering modeling! This 200-page little book does its job very well. Mark starts the book with a simple Monte Carlo program to price a call option and he goes out adding other flavors around the center piece. CodeIgniter - Open source PHP web application framework. Open Source Software in Python. Regular Expression Library. How to create Windows executable (.exe) from Python script. Python is a simple and powerful language for scripting and even application development.

Python Excel. Sara J Chipps, software blog. My Experiences as a Female Software Engineer. Nerd Girls - Celebrating Smart-Girl Individuality. 5 Organizations Helping Women Get Ahead in Tech. » Stop talking, start coding Black Girls Code   imagine. build. create. - Black Girls Code, BlackGirlsCode. Girl geeks at Google. Connecting Women and Technology. Supporting women in open technology and culture. Welcome. How to Become a Programmer. ZetCode, tutorials for programmers. Hurricane Electric Interactive Programming. Python Programming Language. Project Euler. Natural Language Processing. Welcome to Learn Python The Hard Way's documentation! — Learn Python The Hard Way v1.0 documentation. PythonLearn - Self-paced learning Python. Javascript_cheat_sheet.png 763 × 1037 pixels. Coderbyte.

The Python Standard Library — Python v2.7.2 documentation. While The Python Language Reference describes the exact syntax and semantics of the Python language, this library reference manual describes the standard library that is distributed with Python. It also describes some of the optional components that are commonly included in Python distributions.

Python’s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities as indicated by the long table of contents listed below. The Python Tutorial — Python v2.7.2 documentation. Tutorials. Ladies Learning Code.