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Will Work for Art - Digital Artistry from Brad Cooper. Infographic: Digital Marketing Budget Trends for 2012. Below are statistics 6S Marketing uncovered during research to determine what percentage of marketing budgets organizations are currently allocating towards digital marketing, and what we can expect to see digital marketing budgets to look like in 2012. We’ve also created an infographic to illustrate these, and a digital marketing calculator to help businesses determine what they should be allocating to digital marketing in 2012. What are Companies Currently Budgeting? SEO and social media marketing currently make up 70% of online marketing budgets. Overall, 24% of budgets were spent on digital marketing in 2011. Although the percentage of budgets that include online marketing tactics increase every year, 28% of organizations are in the process of moving their marketing budgets to digital channels.

A Focus Towards Online Digital Marketing Budget Infographic The infographic below illustrates these and other 2012 Digital Marketing Budget Trends. Social Media Mobile Marketing. The Brewster Kaleidoscope Society - Kaleidoscope Writings. Miriam tensely clasps in her hands the blue token and trinket --- this is a scene in the movie "Bee season.

" When you see this scene, you will instinctively know that it is an important motif. In this film, kaleidoscopes play an important role. The 'fragments' in Miriam's hands are the objects to be put inside the end of kaleidoscope, and they are the symbols of memories and recollections of daily experiences ; some are in turmoil, or with regrets or sorrows, others are with hopes, joys, or blessings. Those pieces of memory seem to be scattered in disarray, causing chaos. When looking back into my life, I feel it is chaos. Richard Gere plays Saul, Miriam's husband and father of two children in the film. When Miriam comes across a holy child, she instinctively gives a kaleidoscope to him. From confusion to order, harmony ; from chaos to kaleidoscopes.

{*style:<i>by Richard Wilbur Poet laureate of the U.S. in 1987 From: Atlantic Monthly, November 2002 </i>*} In this tube you see - James Allen. Psy et Geek ;-) Daphne Koller. StoryPlaying. CaddE-Réputation. Designing Dashboards & Data Visualisations in Web Apps. L'Atelier des icônes | Le carnet de recherche d'André Gunthert. Les usages ordinaires des images L’histoire de l’art comme les visual studies privilégient une approche autonomiste des images, bien loin de leurs usages réels. Utilisées comme supports de récit ou espaces de projection, les images interviennent dans la culture ordinaire de façon décorative ou utilitaire, à des fins principalement référentielles, comme des outils de transaction ou de naturalisation des formes culturelles.

Seule la prise en compte de la globalité des dispositifs, des circulations intermédiales et de l’interaction avec la réception permet de comprendre les particularités et les forces des ressources visuelles. A travers une série d’études de cas, le séminaire se donne pour objectif de dégager les conditions théoriques d’une analyse du rôle du visuel dans la culture. Blog: Initiation à l’étude de la culture visuelle. The Global Mail. Crossfy, a Bridge Between Print and Digital. If you have attended Campus Party Brazil this week, you may have noticed a new name among the event sponsors: Crossfy. Its tagline? ‘Augmented Reality for Print.’ So what does Crossfy do and who’s behind this new product? Crossfy, “the link between offline and online” Crossfy may be debuting, but its creators aren’t. Yet, its scope is now much more ambitious, and includes creating interactive, AR-based experiences – for instance, it was responsible for what it describes as “the first newspaper in the world with an LCD screen,” in partnership with a Brazilian media group.

Developed by Sync’s in-house team, Crossfy is based on the same vision, but takes it one step up – hence Sync’s decision to launch it as a standalone product, with its own name and branding. What Crossfy does is that it connects the offline and online world, via a mobile phone. A white-label visual computing technology Publishers and newspapers are indeed Crossfy’s core target. Beyond advertising. The Psychology of Colour. We all know colours are a big deal in nearly everything. We also know that colour can have many psychological effects on us as humans. Different colours represent different things, and sometimes can represent different things in different countries. The Effect of Colours Green – Health, tranquillity, money, nature.Purple – Royalty, wealth, success, wisdom.Pink – Calming, love, romance.White – Purity, innocence, empty, spacious.Black – Evil, death, mourning, slimming.Brown – Reliability, boredom, practicality, earth.Orange – Excitement, enthusiasm, warmth, caution.

What Colour Should You Paint Your Home? White – Gives the effect of purity, space and cleanliness. Great for bathrooms to represent cleanliness. [source] Author: Oliur Rahman All posts by Oliur Rahman. G H A S B O U B A. La Social Newsroom. JavaScript Ajax Library - Components for Rich Web UI - Download Ajax/JavaScript UI Components. Influence Networks by OWNI • Home. The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial. Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls. Mnot. Homepage - Node Tuts - Node.js Free screencast tutorials. Toolkits and Guides. S blog: Protocol Design Entries. Protocol Design Entries Wednesday, 15 May 2013 Indicating Problems in HTTP APIs Friday, 4 January 2013 Exploring Header Compression in HTTP/2.0 One of the major mechanisms proposed by SPDY for use in HTTP/2.0 is header compression.

This is motivated by a number of things, but heavy in the mix is the combination of having more and more requests in a page, and the increasing use of mobile, where every packet is, well, precious. Tuesday, 18 December 2012 "Why Don't You Just…" A proposal by John Graham-Cumming is currently doing the rounds: HMURR (pronounced ‘hammer’) introduces a new pipelining mechanism with explicit identifiers used to match requests and responses sent on the same TCP connection so that out-of-order responses are possible. Tuesday, 4 December 2012 Evolving HTTP APIs One of the most vexing problems that still seems to be facing people when I talk to them about HTTP APIs is how to handle versioning and extensibility — i.e., how they evolve.

Monday, 29 October 2012 Profiles DOM vs. Banzai - Document Processing Pipelines in Node.js. La WebTV de La Cantine. ★ De l'OpenData au LinkedData : exemple de, dans django, python, web semantique sur BioloGeek, l'avis d'un freelance passionné par le web et son évolution. Je suis en train d'écrire un framework permettant d'apporter du sens et du lien à des données plates (csv, xls, etc), l'objectif est de les rendre directement exploitables par les utilisateurs et surtout d'en faciliter la publication pour les détenteurs originaux. J'ai choisi d'en tester l'application sur des données répertoriées dans le tout nouveau dont je salue l'initiative citoyenne. L'avantage d'avoir des données réelles est de pouvoir arriver à des analyses marrantes, je me suis donc concentré sur l'Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune par commune 2009 et sur le Taux de Fiscalité Directe Locale par région 2001-2009.

La seule manipulation a été de convertir les fichiers xls en csv mais je n'ai pas essayé de nettoyer les données en amont. Modélisation Analysons le premier jeu de données qui nous donne l'ISF pour l'année 2009 en fonction des communes, regroupées par région. Relations Publication Participation. ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform. | Sushi-Propelled Idea Monkey. Grasshopper - generative modeling for Rhino. Fruit Emporium: fruit pictures - Tomata, Lemon, Melon... Le Guide de la curation (2) - Les pratiques. 01net le 15/03/11 à 15h44 Pour mieux définir la curation et en tirer les bénéfices, décrivons les différentes tâches qui constituent cette activité. Les tâches [D’après MasterNewmedia] Cette liste est relativement exhaustive et toutes ces tâches ne sont pas obligatoires pour faire de la curation.

Si l’on considère le strict minimum, sélectionner et partager, peut-on encore appeler cela de la curation ? C’est ce que fait, par exemple, un retwitteur (un utilisateur de Twitter qui reposte un tweet en cliquant sur le bouton retweet). La curation introduit une étape essentielle : SélectionnerEditorialiserPartager L’éditorialisation du contenu est une phase clé, c’est elle qui va faire la différence entre une simple republication et une curation.

Le positionnement L’arrivée du concept de curation a généré, dans les communautés des veilleurs et des documentalistes, des réactions très réservées : doutes, rejets, sarcasmes. Qu'est-ce qui différencie le curator des autres métiers ? Content Curator : Héros ou Emmerdeur ? Content Curation, avenir du web? : Pearltrees, Scoopit, RWW ont organisé hier une conférence sur le content curation… malheureusement je n’ai pas pu participé. Ce matin j’ai lu un article de DarkPlanneur, Le Curator : un Emmerdeur qui vous veut du bien…en 6 points. Selon l’auteur le Curator emmerde : Google, le Geek, le journaliste, le Documentaliste, le Blogueur, les boites de Brand Content. Dans une perspective cela est vrai mais on peut dire aussi que le curator apporte du bien à Google, le Geek, le journaliste, le Documentaliste, le Blogueur, les boites de Brand Content.

Voici pourquoi je le crois vraiment : Google a été développé et pensé avant l’explosion du UGC, les résultats de réponses basées sur des mot clés et du PR ne vont plus couvrir l’ensemble du contenu disponible. La présence d’être humains passionnés qui classe l’information et la qualifie peut aider Google à améliorer les résultats de recherche. A votre avis, le curator serait un emmerdeur ou un héros?


Arabic. Exploring Proceduralism. Procedural Liberalism can be clarified by exploring various objections that critics might raise. First, a political process may be inherently unjust, due to the disenfranchisement – whether de jure or de facto – of dissenting groups. Excluded minorities are surely not required to respect the laws that result from such a process. But procedural liberals can agree with this. The procedural liberal’s first priority is to establish and uphold just processes – and they may support radical action to this end, as explained here.A more serious objection begins from the observation that just procedures may yield horrifically unjust results. Sectarian majorities may democratically decide to engage in genocide, slaughtering a minority group with popular support, and paying no heed to the occasional outraged cries of dissent.

Critics may ask: “Is crying really all that a procedural liberal would do in such a situation?” I suggest not. P.S. Flink Labs | Data Visualisation | The Studio. Sunlight at the International Open Data Hackathon. Commercial Open Source Software. Google Tutorials. This page contains tutorials for using Google tools. The tutorials that I've created you are welcome to use in your own blog, website, or professional development session. Before using the tutorials created by others, please contact their creators. Google Docs for Teachers 2012 Google for Teachers Google for Teachers II - Google Earth Across the Curriculum - How to remove the Navigation Bar from Blogger Blogs.

Google Voice. VoiceMail Transcription. Number porting in Google Voice. SMS to Email. Conference Calls. Make calls from your computer. Creating a blog using Blogger. Adding Static Pages to Blogger. Posting to your Blogger blog from your phone. TojiCode. Noah Iliinsky. The french touch of Network Sciences. What's New on Of nodes and edges | home page. Portfolio de Raphaël Velt. TCHNLGX / YOUCEF ES-SKOURI. The 5 most-useful social media tools this week. The latest social media scoring system, a personalized search engine, a clever online newsroom, and more. It’s Platform 5, a weekly collection of the social media tools you need to explore. Now, let’s get down to business. 1. A new key performance indicator (KPI) for social media performance from Sociagility.

Do you know your company’s PRINT Index score? 2. We will be announcing our selections for the top 50 new social media tools of 2011 in the next few weeks. The Journal of Electronic Publishing. Zickler Lab | GVI Group. Generative art and data visualization. Timeline.js. Timeline.js is a compact JavaScript animation library with a GUI timeline for fast editing. Again? Why? As with ActionScript3 there exist many animation libraries for JavaScript.

Some of them are too specific, some are too structured and others are too simple. None of them has all the features I needed though: simple apiworks easily both for short animations fired by e.g. mouse events and for long sequences Additionally there is the same problem with procedural animation coming over and over again: tweaking by hand (edit -> save -> refresh)hardcoded values And, Yes. Wouldn't it be easier to use graphical timeline like in Flash or After Effects? Meet Timeline.js Let's say we have a rect object with x and y properties and we want to animate x to 50 over 1s. Thant's it. If we want to edit this animation using graphical timeline just add the timeline-gui.js file This time I had to add "rect" string as a first parameter that will be used as an animation track name and is required for code export.

Marcin Ignac : Generative art and data visualization. Cindermedusae. My experiments for – a generative book. All these creatures were generated by an algorithm controlled by number of parameters that can be randomized and animated. The look was inspired by amazing works of Ernst Haeckel. Background Recently I was working on a project about underwater life. Short algorithm description: The base for the whole creature is the head made out of deformed sphere. To output images at hi-res print quality I decided to use OpenGL and new library called Cinder . Some more pictures: New version animated on the GPU: One of animated sketches: Process screenshots on Flickr .

Experimenting with projections and materials . Various exhibitions . Real-Time News Curation - The Complete Guide Part 4: Process, Key Tasks, Workflow. I have received a lot of emails from readers asking to illustrate more clearly what the actual typical tasks of a news curator are, and what are the tools that someone would need to use to carry them out. In Part 4 and 5 of this guide I am looking specifically at both the workflow, the tasks involved as well as at the attributes, qualities and skills that a newsmaster, or real-time news curator should have. 1.

Identify NicheIdentify your specific topic-theme. The more specific, the better. The broader your coverage the less relevant it will be to your readers, unless you are already a very popular individual that people trust on a number od different topics. As news, information and general content keeps growing in quantity, highly curated niche news streams on specific topics-themes are what people are going to be increasingly asking for to keep themselves super-informed on the topics that matter most to them. 2. Photo credits:1. Plates-formes de curation | SocialCompare - Site communautaire de comparatifs. Tiki'mee : prenez en main votre e-reputation et offrez-vous une identité numérique web, mail et mobile remarkable. Déployer sa marque employeur sur Facebook : les outils et services - Blog du modérateur.