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Tipi - Fabrication artisanale de tipis et tentes traditionnelles - Techniques et matériaux pour tipis Mélody Moulin. Avec mât central, le montage est rapide, un quart d’heure environ.

Tipi - Fabrication artisanale de tipis et tentes traditionnelles - Techniques et matériaux pour tipis Mélody Moulin

L’encombrement est faible. Dossier: Maison en paille. Container Homes. Container Homes Approximately 30 million steel shipping containers are in existence, filled and floating, or standing about empty in a port.

Container Homes

Eight feet wide by 8.5 feet high, and either 20 or 40 feet long, the steel shipping container has been the globally standardized transportation module since 1956. How to build a HOBBIT house. Green Home Building: Index. Earthship. Un article de Ékopédia, l'encyclopédie pratique.


Les Earthships (ou Vaisseaux terrestres) sont des habitations inventées par l'architecte américain Mickael Reynolds dans les années 70 avec comme perspective de créer des habitations totalement autonomes à moindre coût. 10 Reasons Why We Need An EarthShip Home - Radically Sustainable Buildings. I have never heard of “Earthship” when looking at green homes before, I am so glad I stumbled upon this article as It has really made me think about my own set up and maybe even changed my mind and build one for my family.

10 Reasons Why We Need An EarthShip Home - Radically Sustainable Buildings

Basicly an Earthship is a very green, sustainable home. “Earthships can be built in any part of the world and still provide electricity, potable water, contained sewage treatment and sustainable food production. The Most Versatile and Economical sustainable green building design in the world” Maison Écologique: Visite d'un Earthship Moderne.

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine. Have you ever dreamed about pending a romantic and relaxing holiday in the Norwegian forests?

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine

Your little getaway will be complete only if you stay in fairytale-like house as this one that you can rent on airbnb. The house is a beautiful earth sheltered hut in the heart of one of Norway’s forests and looks a lot like a magical Hobbit house. This little treasure is located in Hol, Buskerud, Norway and it’s for those who want to reconnect with nature and spend quality time with their loved one. Building a Roundhouse with woodhenge and cobwood. Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine.

Spending time outside in the garden is quite the wonderful opportunity to get closer to Nature.

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine

If you’re lucky enough to have a green area for lounging during the mornings or evenings, than the following project will become your favorite quickly. The Living Willow Structure is actually another living room in your yard; a natural and green one! Natural Building on the roof: 9 homes around the world. Earthship Official Store. Earthship Biotecture - Radically Sustainable Buildings. Being Somewhere - Low Impact Living. Ecoconstruction : construire une maison en paille. Simon Dale ou comment construire une maison naturelle pas chère, balllot de paille. Quatre mois, 1500 heures de travail et seulement 3600 Euros, c’est le temps de réalisation et le coût pour cette maison naturelle construite par Simon Dale avec son entourage.

Simon Dale ou comment construire une maison naturelle pas chère, balllot de paille

Oui, ça dépasse nos idées reçues, et remet concrètement et profondément en cause ce système d’endettement pour l’acquisition d’un logement principal. Alors qui a dit qu’acheter ou construire une maison était cher ? Cela peut paraître incroyable, mais cet Anglais a réussi avec sa famille un véritable exploit ! C’est en héros des temps modernes, que Simon Dale fait parler de lui sur la toile, de par le monde, depuis quelques années.

Il va maintenant nous livrer quelques uns de ses secrets. Amateur d’éco-construction, projet de premier achat immobilier ou simplement passionné de l’univers du Seigneur de Anneaux (Tolkien), je vous souhaite la bienvenue chez Simon Dale dans sa maison de Hobbit. Sinon c’est au prix d’un fort endettement, sur de trop nombreuses années et pour peu finalement. Sols et parquets. Fondations cyclopéennes. Galerie Foto - Photo gallery. Case naturale - Blog. Natural homes built by inspirational people and their advice... 5 maisons écologiques extraordinaires que vous pouvez faire vous-même. Puisque nous formons un tout indivisible avec la terre et la nature, nous devons construire des logements qui reflètent nos connexions avec la terre.

5 maisons écologiques extraordinaires que vous pouvez faire vous-même

Construction de cabane, matériaux, plans, législation des cabanes. Le webmagazine spécialiste des cabanes. Comment construire une cabane ?

construction de cabane, matériaux, plans, législation des cabanes. Le webmagazine spécialiste des cabanes

Les possibilités sont infinies, récup, neuf, kit, bois, métal, pierre... All Things Cordwood. Earthship 1. One building technique with many names. Have you ever heard of cordwood masonry, cordwood construction, stackwall, log-end, stovewood or stackwood?

One building technique with many names

It is a wall building technique commonly used to build homes, barns, saunas — just about any structure that uses walls above grade. Created by laying whole or split debarked wood, width-wise in a bed of mortar, the widths of the walls are equal to the length of the cordwood. Typical wall widths vary from 8″ to 24″. (1) Cordwood Construction. Masonry and wood. Corrado “Junior” Soprano: “My father was a master stone mason. He never cut fucking wood.” - From HBO’s “The Sopranos: He is Risen” Masons are known to sometimes be contemptuous of wood as a material, and of carpenters and carpentry in general. Heidi's Natural Home in Finland. Heidi didn't want to pour concrete on what she sees as her sacred space where she grew up as a child. She tarred the heavy logs for the cabin and stood them onto a compacted gravel base. More gravel was spread over the base and compacted, burying and securing the logs. An earthbag stem wall was then built around the timbers of the roundhouse with a layer of birch bark acting as a waterproof membrane between the earthbags and the straw bale, cob and cordwood walls.

Heidi then dressed the earthbag stem wall with stones to act as protection from rain splashing against the house. Cordwood Construction Basics - Green Homes. Cordwood is a building technique that is richly embodied in sweat equity and labor intensiveness. The actual physical process of building is not seriously strenuous (the log ends are only 16" long), but it does take time and will-power to complete all the walls. The materials for cordwood walls are found in the forest and not in the building supply store, so it is not something one can order and have delivered on Monday.

It requires planning, perseverance and patience. To start this cordwood blog I would like to offer some basic thoughts about cordwood and then provide some serious cordwood eye candy meant to interest and inspire. Pattern Language of Natural Homes No.180 Window Place. Alexander describes four types of the window place. The bay window, a window seat, a low sill and the glazed alcove. These, he recommends, should be designed in to any room in the home where you will spend any length of time during the day.

The bay window lends itself to sculptural cob homes, that's homes build with clay, sand and straw. Finally completed and it works! (rocket stoves forum at permies) One thing that the families and the producers all noticed was how long it took to heat water to do dishes and wash clothes. It took everyone by surprise, including the historians. Yup, I used to be one of those that liked to do the dishes immediately after every meal. Now we do them once or twice a day, depending on the number of people here and the volume of stuff to be washed. If you have a large container of water on the stove the whole time you're cooking, the water is hot by the end of the meal and there's no waiting.

Vous avez un poêle? Ça vous dirait de vous chauffer gratuitement tout l’hiver? Débrouille – Se chauffer : Je suis ravie de pouvoir vous expliquer une manière de pouvoir vous chauffer GRATUITEMENT tout l’hiver et chaque année. Bien entendu, il vous faudra un peu travailler en été mais pas tant que ça… vous allez comprendre! Vous êtes prêt(e)? On y va : How to build a HOBBIT house. Roundhouse build: making a Reciprocal Roof. Reciprocal roof frames are self-supporting structures that date back to the 12th Century. They are used in Chinese and Japanese architecture, as well as being something that Leonardo Da Vinci explored in detail.

Peinture à la farine. Simple et à petit prix à partager pour vos amis. - ¤ peinture à la farine ¤ laissez vous tenter par une belle peinture (avec les pigments naturels), écologique, résistante, simple, pour un coût ridicule. Ingrédients pour 3 litres de peinture à la farine - 300g de farine - 3l d’eau - 600g de pigment - 300ml d’huile de lin. Enduit terre finition en intérieur - stage d'Empreinte. HABITATION AUTONOME. YURTAO, la voie de la yourte. Build A Gorgeous Straw Bale Home for Around $20,000.

I work with people from all over the world who are looking to build their own dream straw bale home. One thing is always a concern: the cost. I know that times are tough for a lot of people these days when it comes to finances and building a home is a large undertaking to be sure. It doesn’t matter if you live in Australia, the United States, Canada, Europe, or anywhere else on the planet, housing is still a major part of the cost of being human.

Containers of Hope, a $40,000 Home by Benjamin Garcia Saxe. By Eric • Jun 16, 2011 • Selected Work Benjamin Garcia Saxe has recently completed the Containers of Hope project with a budget of $40,000. Located in San Jose, Costa Rica this container house is the result of a close collaboration between the architect and his clients, who went on to construct the building themselves. The 1,000 square foot home is composed of two 40-foot used shipping containers set together with a raised mid section and clerestory windows. More shipping container houses here Containers of Hope by Benjamin Garcia Saxe Architecture: “Gabriela Calvo and Marco Peralta dreamed of living in their fantastic property 20 minutes outside of the city of San Jose, Costa Rica; where they could be with their horses and enjoy the natural landscape.

(More) Sweet Hobbit House Pictures. Well, I’ve got a good excuse to post more Hobbit house pictures from The Hobbit set, so I’m going to go ahead and do it. They’re just so pretty to look at… I just love all the little details. Anyway, reader Jamie Morgan messaged me with some information after visiting the location in New Zealand. Read ahead for more pictures — and yes, the new sets have real building elements (and not just gross foam). Cob House 'Gobcobatron' For Sale. The interior of Gobcobatron with tile floor. Hobbit House Pictures. The quintessential dream house. HABITATION AUTONOME. Timber Frame & Straw Bale House For Sale. The main living space of Strawtron, a timber frame & straw bale home. Construire une maison en terre crue.