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Mahmoud Essam presents: - Python

It is an online environment for interactively exploring programming languages. The name comes from the read-eval-print loop, the interactive toplevel used by languages like Lisp and Python. How do I start? Once you have selected a language, start by typing an expression into the console on the right side of the screen and pressing Enter. Can I use variables or other state? Yes! Can I save my session? Yes! Is open source? Can I use on my phone or tablet? Yes! How does work? All code processed by runs entirely on your computer, with no server-side evaluation. Enter Evaluate the entered command. Shift+Enter Continue to the next line. Tab Indent. Shift+Tab Unindent. Up Previous history item. Down Next history item. Ctrl+Up Move to the line above the cursor. Ctrl+Down Move to the line below the cursor.

Ctrl+E Move to the end of the current line. Ctrl+A Move to the start of the current line. Ctrl+K Clears the console. Ctrl+Z. Pens picked by the Editors of CodePen.

Awesome learning

Mahmoud Essam presents: Google. Mahmoud Essam presents: Become a Programmer, Motherfucker. If you don't know how to code, then you can learn even if you think you can't.

Mahmoud Essam presents: Become a Programmer, Motherfucker

Thousands of people have learned programming from these fine books: Learn Python The Hard Way Learn Ruby The Hard Way Learn Code The Hard Way I'm also working on a whole series of programming education books at Learn C The Hard Way Learn SQL The Hard Way Learn Regex The Hard Way Graphics Programming Language Agnostic NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language Bash Clojure Clojure Programming ColdFusion CFML In 100 Minutes Delphi / Pascal Django Erlang Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good Flex Getting started with Adobe Flex (PDF) Forth Git Grails Getting Start with Grails Haskell Java JavaScript JavaScript (Node.js specific) Latex The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX (perfect for beginners) Linux Advanced Linux Programming Lisp Lua Programming In Lua (for v5 but still largely relevant)Lua Programming Gems (not entirely free, but has a lot of free chapters and accompanying code) Maven Mercurial Nemerle Nemerle.

Java programming source code.


Free Programming Resources. Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion. Awesome things in computer. 20 very useful Java code snippets for Java Developers. Mahmoud Essam presents: Beginning Game Development: Part VIII - DirectSound.

Welcome to the eighth article on beginning game development.

Mahmoud Essam presents: Beginning Game Development: Part VIII - DirectSound

We have spent a lot of time working with the graphics capabilities of DirectX. We also covered how the DirectX API allows us to control input devices. Now we are going to look at another facet of DirectX, the ability to control sound devices. This capability is found in the DirectSound and AudioVideoPlayback namespaces. Sound in Games Sound creates an ambiance in a game that provides for a more immersive game experience. Sound effects also provide the same audible cues we expect in real life, such as the direction and speed of a person approaching us based on the volume, direction, and frequency of the footsteps.

In BattleTank2005 I want to integrate sound in the following way. Secondly, I want to be able to play background music during game play and I want to control what music plays when in the game. DirectSound The DirectSound namespace only supports playing 2 channel waveform audio data at fixed sampling rates (PCM). Device. Mahmoud Essam presents: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python - Chapters. Chapter 1 Read online: Chapter 1 - Installing Python Videos: Chapter 2 Read online: Chapter 2 - The Interactive Shell Chapter 3 Read online: Chapter 3 - Strings Download source: Copy source to clipboard: Use the online diff tool to find typos in your code: Chapter 4 Read online: Chapter 4 - Guess the Number Download source: Use the online diff tool to find typos in your code: Chapter 5.

Mahmoud Essam presents: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python - Chapters