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Learn to live life with less plastic… for the health of our bodies, our oceans, our planet. I don't buy new plastic. Join me on my plastic-free journey. 1920s Makeup. Abbey Road - Crossing Webcam. 20 obsolete English words. Photo: Katherine Hodgson If we all start using them, these words can be resurrected.

20 obsolete English words

DURING MY UNDERGRADUATE studies as a Linguistics major, one of the things that struck me most is the amazing fluidity of language. New words are created; older words go out of style. Words can change meaning over time, vowel sounds shift, consonants are lost or added and one word becomes another. Living languages refuse to be static. DarkCopy - Simple, full screen text editing. Lace & Tea. The Bitterroot Footage. The magic button — Make Everything OK. Beauty Tips, Hairstyles, Makeup Tutorials and Reviews. Stay hungry, my friends. Joelpenkman.

Top with cinnamon. For the love of type. Migmakescupcakes. DIY! 7 new stylish ways to de-clutter your beauty closet. The Anti Diet. Ok, so this is the blog post I get asked for again & again.

The Anti Diet

I’m not going to give you some faddy diet that will help you lose a stone, only to find it again next month. Why?