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12 podcast per creativi da cui trarre ispirazione. Se ti capitasse di sentire la necessità di un pizzico di motivazione extra, o magari di una compagnia “virtuale” mentre sei in viaggio o lavori al tuo progetto creativo, allora dai un’occhiata a questi fantastici podcast creativi che di sicuro ti ispireranno.

12 podcast per creativi da cui trarre ispirazione

Your Creative Push Your Creative Push è stato creato da Youngman Brown, altrimenti noto come Mike Young. Nel 2015 Mike era appassionato di scrittura, ma era demoralizzato per il fatto di non riuscire a trovare il tempo da dedicare al suo genio creativo. Ha iniziato così a cercare ispirazione nei podcast. Non riuscendo a trovare un podcast che lo aiutasse a superare il blocco creativo che lo attanagliava, decise di crearne uno suo. Art for All Art for All è un podcast incentrato sulla creazione di arte e sul rendere l’arte accessibile a chiunque. 3 Point Perspective Se hai sentito parlare della popolarissima sfida di arte/illustrazione Inktober, allora conoscerai già uno dei presentatori di 3 Point Perspective, Jake Parker. Le 10 regole fondamentali della progettazione grafica. Progettare un sito web, un catalogo, una pagina pubblicitaria o un logo può essere divertente ma, per certi versi, potrebbe diventare anche stressante.

Le 10 regole fondamentali della progettazione grafica

Queste 10 regole di progettazione grafica ti aiuteranno ad avere un’immagine del tuo brand coerente ed in sintonia con il tuo pubblico di riferimento. I principi del design: i principali da tenere a mente. Nel realizzare un progetto di grafica, utilizzerai alcuni dei Principi del design senza nemmeno rendertene conto.

I principi del design: i principali da tenere a mente

I segreti della composizione grafica: il bilanciamento. Grafica web: dare equilibrio e ritmo ai nostri layout. Quarto appuntamento con il nostro corso completo di grafica web: dopo aver analizzato la teoria del sistema delle griglie e l’utilizzo degli spazi bianchi all’interno di un layout, possiamo passare ad un altro principio della progettazione grafica: l’equilibrio. Rabatment as a Compositional Tool – Attentive Equations. There are many tools available to the artist to aid him.

Rabatment as a Compositional Tool – Attentive Equations

But one needs to find the tools that really fit one’s way of working- tools that aid and intensify one’s ideas. These tools must remain what they truly are- aids that assist the artist’s creative process. 17 Tips to Improve Your Design Skills and Become a Better Designer Pt.2. As a designer you have to constantly work on your design skills.

17 Tips to Improve Your Design Skills and Become a Better Designer Pt.2

This is the only way to stay relevant. Improving your design skills will also help you attract new clients, or employers, and create new work opportunities. These 5 tips will help you with it. Learn them, use them, improve your design skills and become a better designer. Il disegno alla base della progettazione. Deficere est iuris gentium. Communication Design Fundamentals.

71 brilliant, clever and inspirational ads that will change the way you think – Learn. 10 rules of composition all designers live by – Learn. You could have the most beautiful graphic elements in the world, but if your composition isn’t up to scratch, all of that goes out the window.

10 rules of composition all designers live by – Learn

So, it’s safe to say that composition is pretty important. So, what exactly is a composition? 47 (e oltre) risorse gratuite online per rappresentare i tuoi progetti. 47 (e oltre) risorse gratuite online per rappresentare i tuoi progetti.

47 (e oltre) risorse gratuite online per rappresentare i tuoi progetti

Percorsi di progetto. Convergenza, divergenza, trasformazione. Il design è il processo che trasforma un bisogno in una soluzione.

Percorsi di progetto. Convergenza, divergenza, trasformazione

Questo processo è composto da diverse fasi: definizione del bisogno;ricerca e raccolta delle informazioni;brief (studio delle problematiche, degli scopi e dei risultati attesi);sviluppo delle idee e dei concetti;selezione del concept;realizzazione del prototipo;feedback e revisione;produzione e consegna. Esistono molteplici approcci alla progettazione, a seconda del risultato che si vuole ottenere, dei vincoli, del settore e del pubblico di riferimento, strade differenti che permettono di sperimentare varie possibilità e di vedere la questione da prospettive alternative.

Nell’esaminare il problema, i punti di partenza possibili sono sostanzialmente tre, da cui derivano altrettanti percorsi di progetto: convergenza, divergenza e trasformazione. Convergenza. The design process: Rejected ‘The Shining’ poster art. Poster Process – Katablog. Today is the first day of Poster class.

Poster Process – Katablog

I think I’m going to like this quarter very much. My class time was spent exploring brainstorming techniques and sketching out a poster featuring the quote “True creativity often starts where language ends” by Arthur Koestler (great writer, by the way, if you get a chance you should read Insight and Outlook). Jill went over some techniques of brainstorming. 1) Sketching symbols that capture the psychological state of subject (in this case, a quote) 2) Picture Associations– when drawing blanks, look to images (read: Google Image Search) and gather some inspiration and 3) Forced Connections– random words sometimes hold unique connections.

What I thought was very valuable was the notion of 20-minute sprints. Jill said that we can’t concentrate very well after that, so it’s good to take a break, get some coffee, surf the internet, walk around a bit before getting back into it. How Frank Chimero Designs a Poster. Frank Chimero is a designer, illustrator, and author based in New York.

How Frank Chimero Designs a Poster

His clients range from Nike to NPR and his work has been featured in Monocle, The Atlantic, Time, Slate and The New Yorker. In this article, Frank takes us through his process of designing a poster, from concept to production. This particular poster was created to promote a lecture Frank gave called “The Eye Knows” about how words and pictures work together in design. Here Frank talks about how he uses his studio space to get inspired. “The wall above my desk has all kinds of recent discoveries taped up: quotes, postcards, visual references, and print-outs of images I find online. Process: Poster and Leaflet Designs for St. Peter's Church. Hello! My name is Andrew Kelsall, a Creative Designer & Illustrator who designs logos, stationary, CD sleeves and other custom works. I design for clients worldwide, including the USA, Australia and here in the UK. Short Bio: I’m a Christian, family man & sci-fi fan, who holds a BA (Hons) Degree in Graphic Design.

I aim to answer all design quote requests within 24 hours on weekdays (and often over the weekend, too), and will respond with an accurate quotation which is tailored to your initial request. Ready to get started? Note: This form is for custom requests such as Posters, Brochures or other print-work. . → General Quote Request form → Logo Design Quote Request. Creative problem solving in graphic design - 99designs. “Creativity” and “problem solving” are not usually found in the same context, let alone right next to each other. But in fact, creativity and problem solving have a lot in common, and it is in their overlap that the best brand identities and logos are born. Creative problem solving is the science of taking a clear look at what a business wants to convey, to whom and how it wants to convey it and creatively aligning all these elements into one beautifully structured solution—a crisp, multi-dimensional brand identity that works on every level.

Creativity is generally associated with some artsy dude laying on his couch, waiting for inspiration to magically strike, while problem solving conjures up that uptight classmate who methodically took the lead in team assignments. 11 Differences Between Designers And Clients Show Why They Will Never Understand Each Other. Harry Borgman Art Blog: Creating a black and white magazine ad comp layout. I always begin an assignment like this by doing a few small idea sketches to evaluate for design and composition. Then I pick out a version that I like and do a larger, more developed image. I liked the larger head and drew a larger version for evaluation.

Print Advertising Design & Newspaper Design. Vita d’agenzia pubblicitaria: 10 lezioni per ogni creativo. Lavorare all’interno di un’agenzia pubblicitaria è un’esperienza stimolante dalla quale puoi trarre ogni giorno una piccola lezione per migliorare il tuo lavoro e, perché no, anche te stesso. Studiare sui libri, infatti, è condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per poter dire di essere un creativo.

Bisogna mettere in pratica ciò che si è appreso e soprattutto scontrarsi con la realtà, bella o brutta che questa possa essere, che ci attende una volta varcata la soglia di un’agenzia pubblicitaria, o uno studio grafico, o qualunque altro posto si aspetti da noi la risposta creativa che sta cercando. Frasi, citazioni e aforismi sul talento - AFORISTICAMENTE. Guida per designer alla creazione di un design brief. Come far si che il tuo progetto di design soddisfi al cento per cento il tuo cliente?

E, se sei un cliente, come far si che il designer a cui ti affidi riesca ad esprimere al meglio il suo potenziale creativo senza evitare incomprensioni? Collaborare è noioso per i creativi e azzera la produttività. Viviamo in un’epoca di sovraccarico da collaborazione. Infographic: 10 Commandments of Graphic Design ~ Creative Market Blog. If you need technical support for a product you purchased, please message the seller by clicking the "Support" tab beside the comments field on the product page. If you’re dissatisfied with the product support you’ve already received, or a technical issue remains unresolved, please contact support.

To report a product it must be a violation of Creative Market's Terms of Service. Please review our terms before submitting your report. If this is the case, please provide your explanation below (required): The 10 Commandments of User Interface Design. Your app or website is only as good as it looks. This statement resonates on multiple levels with UI designers and website developers, since, they observe firsthand how instrumental good design is to convincing people to use their product. It’s like good food. If it doesn’t look or smell nice, then it’s surely not worth taking another bite of. Learn to judge, with designer Chip Kidd. I am often asked, “What inspires you?” Creativity And The Psychology of Design - Tips and Inspiration By Canva. As psychologists and neuroscientists start to explore what makes us uniquely human, they have started to look at possibly our most amazing trait – creativity. The study of creativity has exploded over the last few decades.

There are now hundreds of research papers published on creativity each year, ranging from the pure mechanics of how we come up with ideas, to how groups can work together creatively, to how we destroy creativity through our institutions. Here are the five big questions everyone asks about creativity, and how we are finding out the answers. Don’t forget to download this handy infographic and pin it on your desk! Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong><div align="center">Find more awesome design content at</div></strong><a href=' ‎'><img src='//' alt='How To Boost Your Creativity' width='700px' border='0'/></a></p> The 4 Types of Productivity Styles.

Within weeks of starting my first job out of college, I was sent to the in-house time management training program. I dutifully attended the class and used the planner they provided as instructed. But as the weeks went by, I noticed that my productivity hadn’t improved. As I looked around at my colleagues, I noticed that many of them were also struggling with the system. The reason is simple: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to productivity. Instead, we need personalized approaches. Ironically, most of us do this unconsciously. Mai sottovalutare le idee semplici. (dal Corriere della Sera) LOL: 10 Famous Proverbs Tweaked For Graphic Designers. Che cos'è il design thinking - Grafigata! Starting a New Project? Do These 5 Things Before You Open Photoshop. Critical Thinking Posters on Behance. A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods.

8 Good TED Talks on The Origin of Ideas. Creative Class. I Make Things - Bre Pettis Blog - The Cult of Done Manifesto. I 5 Manifesti per una Vita Creativa — Beatrice Ferrarini. Video Tutorial: l’illusione dello spazio. 29 modi per rimanere creativi. Design.tutsplus. Piattaforme di Condivisione e non solo… parte tre. The creative spark. Ideate! Create and Develop World-Changing Ideas. Tons of Copyright Free Comics to Use with Students. A SCUOLA DI GUGGENHEIM.

Basic design

Principi del design grafico. Metodologia. Creatività. Immagine. Negative space & Gestalt. Percezione e comunicazione. Sezione aurea. Moodboard. Brainstorming.