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Boutique Digitale I On demand Digital Marketing Agency. Remove Duplicate Contacts Sync Facebook LinkedIn Twitter | Scrubly. Kiip | Mobile Advertising People Like. RiteTag. Buffer - A Smarter Way to Share on Social Media. ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging. Give me 31 Days and I’ll Give You a Better Blog Hi there – it’s Darren Rowse from ProBlogger here.

Numerous years ago I put together a series of 31 blog posts on the ProBlogger blog that gave my readers a different short exercise each day for a month that was designed to help develop good blogging habits and improve their blog. The series was so successful that I repeated it a year or so later and then later turned it into an eBook that has been downloaded tens of thousands of times since. 31DBBB: The Podcast When I started the ProBlogger podcast I decided to take the 31 exercises and turn them into 31 podcast episodes as the first month of podcasts on my podcast.

The response was amazing. Best of all… all 31 days are completely free! Keep in mind – these podcasts are mainly between 10-20 minutes long and each contain an activity to DO to improve your blog. There are a number of ways you can access this series. iTunes Firstly it’s all in iTunes. On this Page Via this Series Player Shownotes. Metrics. Email marketing companies, SMS Marketing.

OptimizePress - Create Landing Pages, Sales Pages & Membership Portals — OptimizePress. LeadsZapp. 12 Essential Social Media Cheat Sheets. Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur.

Ann blogs on search and social media tools. Her newest project, My Blog Guest, is a free platform for guest bloggers and blog owners. Follow Ann on Twitter at @seosmarty and on Google+. Getting around a social media site is not always easy. Cheat sheets are basically infographics that can give a user a simple rundown of various features and how to use them. Google+ 1. This is a nice little cheat sheet that covers what most users are probably going to need. 2.

This sheet is more descriptive. 3. If you want a more complete list of the basic functions of Google+ this one gives you all the hot keys, basic tagging, and more. Facebook 4. With Timeline as the standard layout for Facebook accounts, it is more important than ever to know the different size and dimension requirements for customizing a page. 5. 6.

We have touched on the fact that many cheat sheets have hot key codes for you to use. Twitter 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 40 Most Popular Social Networking Sites of the World. "Social networking" has been around forever. It's the simple act of expanding the number of people you know by meeting your friends' friends, their friends' friends and so on. In fact, many of us today use Twitter and Facebook to promote our existing and upcoming businesses. And people looking to connect with other business-associated contacts usually move to sites like LinkedIn, but one need to understand that social media is beyond Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogs. After observing and running an analysis on hundreds of Social Networking sites I have listed down 40 most popular social networks across countries. 1.

Facebook: To access, you must create an account on the site which is free. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. myYearbook: myYearbook, the best place to meet new people and one of the 25 most-trafficked sites in the United States. myYearbook has Flash-based games, and the games incorporate Lunch Money (the myYearbook virtual currency). 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. Marketing4Nerds - Marketing Digital na Linguagem dos Nerds. - SEO ROI. The 5 Resolutions Every Marketer Needs to Make in 2015 | Inside Unbounce. Forget your date nights with the treadmill, the commitment to kale, or bringing your soggy paper bag lunch to work everyday. These New Year’s resolutions are admirable, but if you’re anything like me, they last about ten days and then you’re back to potato chips and Kraft Dinner cheat nights. So, what should you resolve to do this year? There’s plenty of options, but at Unbounce we think you’ll agree that better marketing is always a worthwhile goal. That’s why this year we’re challenging you to make a habit of using the features we’ve put in place to help you be successful.

In short: Resolve to be a supreme, world-class marketer. Last year we rolled out five new features you can use to increase conversion rates, create incredible experiences for your mobile customers, improve your quality score with Google, and look like a total boss. In this post I’ll cover the features you should resolve to use, and their role in your best marketing year yet. First on the docket… 1. 2. 3. Everyone w 4. 5. Automattic. | your personal homepage. Information Visualization Manifesto. Posted: August 30th, 2009 | Author: Manuel Lima | Filed under: Uncategorized | – “The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures” Ben Shneiderman (1999) – Over the past few months I’ve been talking with many people passionate about Information Visualization who share a sense of saturation over a growing number of frivolous projects.

The criticism is slightly different from person to person, but it usually goes along these lines: “It’s just visualization for the sake of visualization”, “It’s just eye-candy”, “They all look the same”. When Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viégas wrote about Vernacular Visualization, in their excellent article on the July-August 2008 edition of interactions magazine, they observed how the last couple of years have witnessed the tipping point of a field that used to be locked away in its academic vault, far from the public eye. Even though a clear divide is necessary, it doesn’t mean that Information Visualization and Information Art cannot coexist. Forums. Bizbuz PR – Toronto Copywriting Services Home - Bizbuz PR - Toronto Copywriting Services.

We Are Social - Social Media Agency / Social Media Marketing / Online PR Agency - London, UK, Europe, Global. Facebook Is a Fundamentally Broken Product That Is Collapsing Under Its Own Weight. Mark Zuckerberg in 2012 with all the features Facebook has added. In 2008, Mark Zuckerberg laid out his theory about people sharing content on Facebook. "I would expect that next year, people will share twice as much information as they share this year, and [the] next year, they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year before," he said.

The New York Times called it "Zuckerberg's Law," a playful homage to Moore's Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, who said, "The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months. " In 2011, Zuckerberg reiterated his theory on sharing, saying that it was still growing at an exponential rate. Recent Articles From Business Insider And Zuckerberg is right about that. But the exponential growth of sharing may not, actually, be helping Facebook. Specifically, Facebook is now trying to cram so much "sharing" through a single service that it is overwhelming many of its core users. Storify · Make the web tell a story. How You Can Create the 'Perfect' Social Media Post (Infographic) By Kristin Piombino | Posted: December 29, 2013 This story originally ran on PR Daily in July 2013.

We all wish there were a magic formula we could follow to create Facebook posts that our fans love or tweets that spark retweets by the thousands. Alas, there isn’t. Each social network operates a little differently, and each brand’s fans have their own tastes and preferences. [RELATED:Master essential social media tools at Mark Ragan's one-day social media boot camp.] Although there isn’t a general foolproof formula, there is a guide that can help you craft the best social media updates and posts possible.

Here are a few of the tips: Pinterest: Avoid human faces. Facebook: Be positive. Google+: Tag people. Check out the graphic to see the full guide: (View a larger image.) Kristin Piombino is an editorial assistant for (31) Home - Quora. Ferramentas para Blog. Esqueça o Blogger. Nem pense em utilizá-lo. WordPress é a plataforma número 1 para publicar um blog. É grátis e totalmente customizável. Uso em todos os meus sites. Depois de fracassar com outros, finalmente encontrei na Media Temple o serviço de hosting em que pude confiar totalmente.

Criar um blog profissional nunca foi tão rápido e fácil! Não é à toa que tenho duas camisas e um gorro do Mailchimp. O software responsável por me conseguir a posição #1 no ranking do google e 100.000 pageviews em uma única palavra-chave extremamente disputada. Muito mais do que um software para SEO. O Férias Sem Fim é o curso do Bruno Picinini, que explora em detalhes como montar, monitorar, rentabilizar o seu negócio online com pouco dinheiro e ainda viajar o mundo com total liberdade de tempo. Como ser produtivo hoje em dia com tantas distrações? Software que utilizo aqui no Viver de Blog para saber exatamente como se comportam os leitores: Onde eles clicam? Eu adoro o software da Unbounce. Blogging. Alcance orgânico de publicações de marcas no Facebook chegará a zero.

Facebook Zero: alcance orgânico de publicações de marcas será nulo Com o objetivo de estimular publicações pagas, o Facebook vem restringindo cada vez mais o alcance orgânico do conteúdo produzido por páginas de empresas e marcas. Em 2012, houve uma restrição notória de cerca de 16%, valor que diminuiu ainda mais em dezembro de 2013. E a situação deve piorar: em breve, afirma o site Social@Ogilvy, esse alcance chegará a zero. A popularidade da rede social sempre chamou a atenção de empresas que querem vender seus produtos e serviços, pela facilidade de montar e divulgar páginas, ganhar curtidas e manter uma proximidade maior com seu público-alvo. No entanto, o Facebook quer lucrar cada vez mais em cima disso. De acordo com uma análise do Social@Ogilvy, baseada em mais de 100 páginas comerciais, em fevereiro de 2014 o alcance orgânico alcançava uma média de 6%, o que representa uma queda de 49% comparado aos níveis recordes no último mês de outubro.

Search Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at the same time. | Crumbel. Cinco dicas de marketing para negócios de assinatura. O mercado da economia da recorrência expandiu 219% ano passado. Para estimular ainda mais esse crescimento, investir em estratégias de marketing e relacionamento com o cliente é fundamental. Veja cinco dicas de marketing para negócios de assinatura: 1. Planos promocionais ou alternativos De tempos em tempos é interessante dar um “up” nos planos dos assinantes. Que tal um plano promocional mais barato por um tempo limitado? 2. Muitos clientes reclamam que a qualidade dos brindes diminui conforme passa o tempo da assinatura. 3.

Quem ainda não é assinante pode se interessar por um período de teste (trial) para experimentar seu produto ou serviço. 4. Se o seu ecommerce ou site oferece produtos diferentes vale a pena usar a estratégia do cross-selling. 5. O modelo de compras por assinatura também combina bastante com as redes sociais. O perder vários clientes cometendo este erro.

1 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 1 Google+ 0 LinkedIn 0 inShare0 1 Flares × Ser um empreendedor não é fácil. Esqueça o glamour, rios de dinheiro e festas intermináveis. Porém, existe um único erro bem básico que a maioria dos empreendedores comete, mesmo sem perceber. Resolvendo esse simples erro, você poderá melhorar rapidamente as vendas e conversões do seu produto/serviço. Se você tem um site, uma agência ou possui qualquer presença na internet, você precisa utilizar Landing Pages. Landing Pages são páginas com um único objetivo, sendo o mais comum deles, a captura de leads para uma lista de e-mail. Elas fazem parte de toda estratégia de marketing bem sucedida e podem aumentar em até 47% as vendas de uma empresa, além de 80% suas conversões. Veja abaixo seus principais benefícios: Aumentam a conversão de um produto ou isca digital;Evita distrações do usuário e incentiva uma ação (ex: cadastrar e-mail);Mantém o fluxo de informação entre fontes de tráfego, como anúncios, e o produto. 1. 2. 1. 2.

Três truques para monitorar clicks e divulgação nas redes sociais. Quem trabalha oferecendo informação tem que estar atento às visitas recebidas, horários, fontes e canais no quais são divulgados estes conteúdos, o que é necessário para sincronizar ao máximo o que criamos com o que os leitores querem ler. Entre as múltiplas ferramentas existentes na hora de monitorar clicks, visitas e distribuição de informação, mostraremos agora três truques, ainda desconhecidos por muitos, que podem ajudar bastante no dia a dia: 1 – Se for distribuído um link encurtado com ou com algum domínio que use para sua divulgação (a maioria tem por trás), só é preciso colocar um “+” depois da url para obter as estatísticas dos clicks recebidos. Exemplo: mostra as estatísticas dos clicks recebidos na. Plano Hype - Serviços Web. Questions & Answers | ChaCha. 100 Websites You Should Know and Use (updated!)

In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. Below, the 2013 edition of the 100 websites to put on your radar and in your browser. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH. Top 10 mobile advertising campaigns of 2013 - Advertising. By Lauren Johnson December 24, 2013 Macy's mobile campaign This year, Macy’s, Ford and McDonald’s led the pack in big brands leveraging new types of mobile advertising that up the ante in mobile’s potential to propel brand awareness and revenue streams. The most innovative uses of mobile advertising in 2013 centered around add-ons or alternatives to banners, signaling a significant drop-off in brands solely allocating budgets towards standard display ads.

In particular, marketers stepped up their campaigns in the second half of the year with new forms of rich media, social media integration and behavioral data. Here are the top 10 mobile advertising campaigns of 2013, in alphabetical order. Campbell Soup Co. ties personalized ad buys to in-store sales lift in new pilotConsumer packaged good brands kickstarted mobile efforts this year after being seen as a slow-moving industry in the past. The Campbell's ad The Fiat tablet ad Ford's mobile ad Hershey tries the mobile homescreen The JackThreads ad. Mídias sociais no Brasil: mulher e publicidade. Pesquisa identifica perfis dos profissionais que trabalham com mídias sociais; salários chegam até R$ 5 mil Mulheres ocupam 63% dos postos de social media Crédito: Reprodução A OpSocial, plataforma de controle de mídia sociais, realizou uma pesquisa com as pessoas que estão por detrás das postagens de marcas nas redes sociais.

A pesquisa revelou que, no Brasil, a maioria é mulher e formada em comunicação social, sendo a primeira graduação em publicidade, seguida de jornalismo. A maior parte desses profissionais atua em agências de publicidade, com 53% das repostas. A pesquisa buscou mapear o perfil dos profissionais da área e chegou a dados como remuneração, práticas de trabalho, área de graduação, idade, gênero, entre outros. Ao todo, foram ouvidos 1251 social medias de todo o País. Veja o gráfico abaixo: 10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy. 2014 Online Marketing Trends. The 4 Building Blocks of a Strong Digital Presence. Cunjo | FREE Social Widget by Cunjo. Online video tutorials & training | 5 Principles of Persuasive Web Design. Business Apps to Use Now | Video. KISSmetrics Customer Intelligence & Web Analytics.

Don’t Learn to Code: 10 Essential Tools That Help Marketers Focus on Marketing. Best of All Worlds. Soup - Publish, collect, share. Bullet Journal: An analog note-taking system for the digital age. List of social networking websites. Home. Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now. eHulool | The Social Blog. Infographics & Data Visualization | The Myth of Permalinks: Links (Organic Links, At Least) Are Never Set In Stone. Cool Tech Conferences (2014 edition) Home Zemanta - Trusted Content Discovery. O fluxo. Email Marketing, List Management and RSS Feed Subscriber Services | FeedBlitz.

FeedBlitz Blog Updates on Facebook. A Internet matou a Distância. A Computação Móvel a Trouxe de Volta. - MIT Technology Review. The Write Freelance. Social Follow | Create a Follow Me Button | All social networks in one button. Popular entre adolescentes, aplicativo Snapchat serve para marketing - Tecnoguia.