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Create a Q&A Website in a Snap with Qhub When your visitors or customers have questions, they typically contact you directly or ask their question(s) in your site forum—assuming you have one. In most situations, a forum isn’t available either. Qhub provides a fast way to setup a customizable Q&A website in a matter of minutes. With Qhub you can eliminate repetitive questions, save your inbox and make it easier for your visitors or customers to get the answers they’re looking for. Here’s a quick how-to covering this already popular web app. Sign Up Sign up is quick and painless, taking only a few seconds to complete. QHub Home In the next step we’ll enter our name, email and desired password (along with completing the captcha). Qhub Sign Up The last step is changing your Qhub settings, such as name, tags, tagline, type and privacy. Qhub Settings That’s it! Customize Design Should you decide to further customize your Qhub during sign up, you’ll start by editing your site’s design settings. Customize Qhub Design Add Questions Add Questions

10 Awesome Online Classes You Can Take For Free Cool, but you need iTunes for nearly everything, and that gets an 'F.' Are there really no other places to get these lessons? I was sure there are some on Academic Earth. Flagged 1. 7 of them are available via YouTube. 2. iTunes is free. 1. 2. Don't worry, we're looking out for you! While I have no personal beef with iTunes, I know that many people share your sentiments — so I actually made a concerted effort to include relevant youtube links when possible.

Mycroft: Search Engine Plugins Tumblr Quora: Una Red Social para responder tus preguntas Durante el último mes se ha hablado muchísimo de la nueva sensación en Social Media: Quora. Algunos hasta la han calificado como el nuevo Twitter. Quora es una red social basada en un esquema sencillísimo: tú escribes una pregunta, sobre cualquier tema o área de conocimiento y casi de inmediato puedes recibir respuestas de otros usuarios desde prácticamente cualquier parte del mundo. Estrictamente hablando Quora no es nueva, fue creada a finales de 2009 por el ex CTO de Facebook Adam D’Angelo y Charlie Cheever creador del Facebook Connect; se había mantenido en versión beta, accesible sólo por medio de invitación hasta diciembre pasado. ¿Cómo funciona Quora? La idea básica funciona igual que las Respuestas en LinkedIn o que Yahoo Answers, pero su fortaleza principal reside en su simplicidad, basado en la información que has puesto en tu perfil el sistema te sugiere suscribirte a los temas en los que posiblemente estés interesado. ¿Por qué tanto ruido sobre Quora? ¿Tiene alguna desventaja?

The Complete Idiot’s Guides The Elements Revealed: An Interactive Periodic Table In the October 2011 issue of Scientific American, we celebrate the International Year of Chemistry. Learn more about its impact on our daily lives in our Special Report. UPDATED: 06/18/2013 In honor of the 2013 Lindau meeting, which focuses on chemistry, we have updated our interactive periodic table with links to Nature Chemistry's In Your Element essay series. Main Sources & More to Explore: The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York. Interactive by Krista Fuentes Davide Castelvecchi Davide Castelvecchi is a freelance science writer based in Rome and a contributing editor for Scientific American magazine.

Thèses Streampad Facebook as a Learning Platform Facebook seems to be coming up everywhere the past few weeks. The most recent, which finally got me to post, was a Stephen Downes post - I'm Majoring in Facebook, How about You? He points us to a Fortune Magazine article that describes a Stanford class being offered by BJ Fogg that studies Facebook as a platform: "Facebook is the most convenient and respectable way to feel connected to friends, get updated on existing friends, find new people, build relationships and express identities." Students, however, seem more interested in cashing out. The class has each student creating applications in Facebook and presenting to potential investors. Why is Facebook so hot right now? Facebook is a pretty simple application with fairly standard social network functionality. It's mostly some pretty simple activities. What I've found interesting is that I now commonly use LinkedIn to find interesting people, but often use Facebook to communicate with them. So, why is it hot?

5min - Find the best how to, instructional and DIY videos – Life Videopedia Up next 0:34 0:45 2:03 1:30 1:01 0:59 0:48 0:56 0:35 1:18 1:12 Caption Languages English Background Transparency Jessica Simpson rocks same Gucci pencil skirt she wore 19 years ago: ‘Remember this?’ Jessica Simpson rocks same Gucci pencil skirt she wore 19 years ago: ‘Remember this?’ Jessica Simpson is not a one-and-done wearer. 0:34 0:45 2:03 1:30 1:01 0:59 0:48 0:56 0:35 1:18 1:12 National Jukebox WARNING: Historical recordings may contain offensive language. Read the disclaimer Now Playing... Elk's reunion march Le parlate d'amor El teléfono a larga distancia At the jazz band ball Everybody's jazzin' it Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile! View This Playlist 1919 Victrola Book of the Opera Stories of the operas with illustrations and descriptions of Victor opera records. More about Victrola Book of the Opera News The National Jukebox debuts featuring more than 10,000 78rpm disc sides issued by the Victor Talking Machine Company between 1900 and 1925. Imagine your computer as a new Gramophone purchased for family and friends to enjoy in your home parlor. Victor Advertisements The success of the Victor Talking Machine Company is often attributed to its aggressive and comprehensive print advertising campaigns. Coming Soon to the National Jukebox New recordings are added to the Jukebox periodically. Wonder How To » How To Videos & How-To Articles

- Plateforme participative de questions-réponses entre utilisateurs (experts et non experts/particuliers), sur des sujets variés
- Nécessite de s’inscrire pour pouvoir poser des questions, y répondre et consulter les réponses laissées par d’autres
- Diversités des réponses permettant une variété des points de vue (réponses qui mélangent savoirs scientifiques des experts et sentiments/hypothèses/anecdotes des particuliers)
- Basée sur la confiance : la plateforme n’exige pas des utilisateurs qu’ils citent leurs sources et ne contrôlent pas non plus le contenu des réponses postées
- Intérêts pédagogiques : Travailler sur l’évaluation de l’information (évaluer son contenu et sa source) ; Adopter une attitude responsable face à ses publications ; Permettre aux élèves de contribuer en leur faisant poser des questions auxquels le reste des élèves de la classe devra répondre. (apprendre de manière plus ludique) by mo_bius Apr 24

Quora is one of the best social media tools for conducting market research and consulting with others to find answers or opinions. Pose questions to certain demographics and intellectually informed members, then sit back and prepare yourself for a plethora of invaluable feedback. Use Quora as a first hand source for a host of research projects. The best part of all? You don’t have to spend hours on the street trying to get people to fill out questionnaires!

- See more at: by raviii Aug 29

Prima kwaliteit en net als op twitter kun je mensen volgen. by judith.verbeek Feb 16

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