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In a Heartbeat. This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled In a Heartbeat and the theme of love. Students learn and practice expressions using the word “heart”, watch a short film trailer, predict and write a story, watch and discuss a short film, and watch and discuss a video in which elderly people give their reactions to the short film. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Practicing expressions using the word “heart”, watching a short film trailer, predicting and writing a story, watching and discussing a short film, and watch and discussing a reaction video Topic: Love Language: Vocabulary related to love Watch the film.

Check out the lesson plan Remember that Individual Membership and Institutional Membership of Film English Club allow unlimited access to all 500+ Film English Club lesson plans, viewing guides and other teaching material. Subscribe We hope you enjoy this ESL lesson. Cambridge University Press’s Videos on Vimeo. Berättelser som berör. Läsårets sista lektion blev passande nog med ett härligt gäng ungdomar som går ut nian. Lektionen bjöd därför på sammanfattande tankar om ämnet svenska.

Undervisningen har bland annat haft som syfte att: Utmana tankar genom olika berättelser (i bland annat reportage, krönikor, noveller, romaner, bilder, filmer och verkligheten)Uttrycka dessa tankar och åsikter i tal och skriftIfrågasätta det man ser, läser och hörUtveckla skrivandet i olika typer av texter En bärande grundidé som undervisningen vilar på är att den ska beröra och/eller att det ska upplevas som viktigt. Ämnena och uppgifterna ska kännas angelägna, vare sig det handlar om POLITIK, VÄNSKAP, KÄRLEK, GLÄDJE, SORG, DILEMMAN eller om något annat.

Det ska kännas meningsfullt och det gör det (oftast) om lärandet placeras in i ett sammanhang – med stora övergripande frågor. Innan jag kunde släppa klassen var jag tvungen att visa en viral succé som jag bara älskar! Filmen kommer jag att använda i undervisningen nästa läsår. VISION - Motivational Video. Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit. Jerry Seinfeld 2014 - I'm Telling You For The Last Time full show HD (1080P) CGI Animated Shorts HD: "Francis" - Directed by Richard Hickey.


När är det ok att ha sex? Här är bästa förklaringen på "samtycke" vi hört - amelia. Esl short film. Disney's Feast 2014. He Took Some Chalk To The Playground, But When We Saw What He Drew It Destroyed Us. Series | Teachers TV. ESL games, simple English, Using Silent Video in the EFL Classroom. This video is the BOMB! It is captivating, absorbing, a story par excellence but also SILENT! Yes, silent films are great for getting students to produce language — and after all is said and done, that most often is the hardest thing to do, getting the students speaking and learning language by just communicating.

That is our job, to get the students so absorbed in the communicative act that they forget they are learning. When we forget and are not consciously fixated on the language – we learn so much more! So here are a few suggestions on how to use these with students. Ways to use a silent video clip…. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My favorite silent short videos. 1.. 2. 3. What’s your favorite “silent” video for teaching languages? PS> See Ana Maria Menezes’ post and suggestions for using Silent videos in the classroom!

Short Films | The Best Short Movies. The Best Short Films | Short of the Week. Film English | by Kieran Donaghy. Did You Know 2014. Man Tries to Hug a Wild Lion, You Won't Believe What Happens Next! When you hear of someone trying to hug a wild lion, you immediately think you know exactly what’s about to happen. But trust me when i say, you will not see this coming. Kevin Richardson is a South African Zoologist who over the years has conducted extensive research on the native animals of the African plains. If this was any one other than Kevin trying to hug a lion, we may have had an all too predictable story to tell.

But with his decades of hands on study and research, Mr. Strapped with a jeep full of GoPro cameras, Kevin takes his crew as close as they can get to these wild creatures, without letting the rest of them get out of the car. As you hear him call for these animals and then watch them charge after him, you immediately think to yourself ” Yup! Kevin is able to use his unique relationship with these animals to capture people’s attention and draw awareness to the problems facing the wild life in Africa. Question of the Day: Let us know in the comments below!