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Waterways are clearer, the food chain is less contaminated with plastic – and there are fewer “flying toilets”.

A year after Kenya announced the world’s toughest ban on plastic bags, and eight months after it was introduced, the authorities are claiming victory – so much so that other east African nations Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan are considering following suit. But it is equally clear that there have been significant knock-on effects on businesses, consumers and even jobs as a result of removing a once-ubiquitous feature of Kenyan life. “Our streets are generally cleaner which has brought with it a general ‘feel-good’ factor,” said David Ong’are, the enforcement director of the National Environment Management Authority. “You no longer see carrier bags flying around when its windy. Waterways are less obstructed. Ong’are said abattoirs used to find plastic in the guts of roughly three out of every 10 animals taken to slaughter.

In the Mathare community, this is good news. Mikä ilmastonmuutos? Ilmastonmuutos on vakavin ihmiskuntaa koskaan kohdannut ympäristöongelma.

Mikä ilmastonmuutos?

Se vaikuttaa ihmistoimintaan ja luonnonympäristöihin jo nyt ja vaikutukset tulevat lisääntymään tulevaisuudessa. Ihmisten toiminnan vaikutus ilmastonmuutoksen etenemisessä on ratkaiseva ja katastrofaalinen ilmastonmuutos voidaan edelleen estää, jos niin halutaan. Ilmastonmuutos on osa moninaista ympäristö- ja kestävyysongelmien vyyhtiä ja toisaalta sen ratkaisut edustavat kestävän kehityksen mukaista elämäntapaa. Jotta erilaisia kestävyyshaasteita voitaisiin pätevällä tavalla ratkaista, on tunnettava juuri kyseisen ongelman syyt ja parhaat ratkaisumallit. Ilmastonmuutos on moniin muihin kestävyyshaasteisiin verrattuna valtavan suuri ja jo itsessään hyvin kompleksinen ilmiö. The Value Web. Hurricane Irma - the path of destruction. US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal. CO₂ emissions per capita, 2014.

3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Terrible! 2/3. 3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Awesome! 3/3. Dear Future Generations: Sorry. Nature Is Speaking – Lupita Nyong'o is Flower. Top dog: Scientists teach border collie to understand sentences and 1,000 words. Chaser the dog now able to understand nouns and verbs, researchers sayIn first three years she learned and remembered 1,022 proper nounsThe objects included 800 cloth animals, 116 balls, and 100 plastic toysResearch carried out by Wofford College, in North Carolina By Luke Salkeld for the Daily Mail Published: 16:23 GMT, 22 December 2013 | Updated: 09:53 GMT, 23 December 2013 Researchers believe they have taught a border collie to respond to words in the same way that a human child does Border collies are known for their high level of intelligence.

Top dog: Scientists teach border collie to understand sentences and 1,000 words

But Chaser has proved herself as the undoubted top dog after learning to understand 1,000 words - plus a smattering of English grammar. Researchers believe the nine-year-old has learned to respond to words in the same way that a human child does. They say Chaser was able to demonstrate understanding of nouns and verbs. In the first three years, she learned and remembered 1,022 proper nouns. She could also respond to novel objects. City Birds Outsmart Country Birds. City dwellers can attest that the animals they share the city with—the pigeons, rats, roaches—can all be pretty brazen when they're prowling for a bite.

City Birds Outsmart Country Birds

This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science, I’m Christopher Intagliata. Got a minute? While visiting Barbados, McGill University neurobiologist Jean-Nicolas Audet noticed that local bullfinches were accomplished thieves as well. [Jean-Nicolas Audet:] “They were always trying to steal our food. And we can see those birds also entering in supermarkets, trying to steal food there.” And that gave him an idea. [Audet:] Since this bird species [is] able to solve amazing problems in cities, and they're also present in rural areas, we were wondering... Tavarataivas (My Stuff) - Canadian Film Institute - Institut canadien du film.

I Was There: Hurricane Katrina: Rooftop Rider Video - Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina. Many people acted heroically in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina

The Coast Guard, for instance, rescued some 34,000 people in New Orleans alone, and many ordinary citizens commandeered boats, offered food and shelter, and did whatever else they could to help their neighbors. Yet the government–particularly the federal government–seemed unprepared for the disaster. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) took days to establish operations in New Orleans, and even then did not seem to have a sound plan of action. Officials, even including President George W. Bush, seemed unaware of just how bad things were in New Orleans and elsewhere: how many people were stranded or missing; how many homes and businesses had been damaged; how much food, water and aid was needed. (For one thing, many had nowhere to go. Katrina pummeled huge parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, but the desperation was most concentrated in New Orleans.

Nature Is Speaking. Fred Pearce - Environmental Journalist. Why Elephants May Go Extinct in Your Lifetime. The Elephant Whisperers. Names of Animals, Babies and Groups-