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I Can't Imagine Life Without ... I was trying to find a fun get to know you activity for the first day of our summer camp here at school and was lucky enough to stumble across Jenna Smith's blog Musings from the Middle School. She had a writing activity that I easily was able to make into a fun and low key get to know you activity. I drew a cloud like shape in the middle and then rays out from it. In each ray the students (and staff because it was so much fun) wrote or drew the things in life that they can't imagine living with out. It was a great way to see what each kid (and staff member) loves and is important to them. We then pinned each group's artwork up on my bulletin board and the kids took turns guessing whose was whose based on what they already knew about each other.

One suggestion I learned along the way of doing this though is I would have the kids first write their ideas in pencil and then go over them in marker. Material för uppstart. Luften är fylld av förväntan, ett nytt läsår står för dörren. Möjlighet till utveckling och kunskap, möjlighet till utmaning och skapande av varje elevs bästa skola. Här delar jag med mig av uppstartsmaterial. Glöm inte att använda det utifrån ett tydligt syfte, varför, hur och vad – nyckelorden. Läs mer om mina uppstartstankar här: tankar Material Titt-ut-bok – om mig! Material: tittutbok Äntligen är du här! Ett häfte med uppgifter för första dagarna. Material: antligen Smartphone om migKlipp, klistra och svara på frågor om dig själv.

Material: iphonesidor malliphonefront Kloka ugglans frågetärning Vad vet vi om varandra? Material: tarning Mina känslor och mer om migHur känns det att börja skolan? Material:intressekansla_kanslafemfaktajamforelse Arbetsblad Leta skolord, en svårare och en lättare variant:hitta-ordenhittaord_latt Hitta bokstäverna i ditt namn:ditt-namn Hitta en kompis, eleverna går runt och skriver in kamraters namn på de rutor som stämmerkompis Vad ska bortbort. Beach Ball Therapy! If I told you that this game was the most asked for game in my room, would you believe me? It totally is…and it cost one whole dollar! This is my oldest and best trick in the book. I took one Dollar Store beach ball and a sharpie. I wrote questions and stimulus items all over it and put a circle around them. Here is how we play…I have the kids stand in a circle. When they catch the ball, they answer the question that their right thumb is touching (or pinkie or pointer or whatever I feel like).

I have literally had this ball since my first year of therapy. What do you think? Toss & Talk Ball. With my daughter's birthday party approaching, I went on the hunt for a fun slumber party activity and I stumbled upon a 'toss & talk ball'. The 'toss & talk ball' seemed like a brilliant activity for a group of excited little girls with the gift of gab, but what I couldn't find anywhere was a list of good questions to write on the ball. After just beginning my project, I quickly ran out of initial 'What's your favorite _____? ' questions and the ball looked quite empty. After much searching and polling friends, we came up with this list. Toss & Talk Ball Questions/Activities for a Girls' Sleepover 1. Table Talk: 100 Conversation Starters. One of my favorite ways to start a small group Bible study or a Girls’ Night is by printing off a list of conversation starter questions, cutting them in slips, dumping them in a bowl and letting everyone draw out a few to answer.

I thought I’d share them with you today and maybe you can use them with a small group or around your dinner table. Some are serious and others random and funny. They are all are college student tested and Bible study leader approved. Enjoy! Have you ever met a celebrity? Also, if you’re want to have a fun time with young kids, (or BIG kids who are young at heart!!) What other icebreakers games have you seen work? This post is a part of 31 Days of Table Talk.

Tio tips för en inkluderande skolstart. Detta blogginlägg har jag skrivit förut och har nu reviderat det lite eftersom det uppskattats som påminnelse inför den viktiga skolstarten. Texten vänder sig till alla som möter elever och är tänkt som ett underlag för att samarbeta om en inkluderande skolstart. Många barn och ungdomar börjar kanske känna sig nervösa nu, inte bara pirr i magen utan kanske har de ångest inför omställningen från lov till skola. Hjälp dem att komma tillbaka genom att förbereda dem noga på vad som sker den första veckan. Tipsen nedan gäller från förskola till gymnasium. Här är tio tips för att få elever som har en positiv inställning till skolan: Att filma i skolan och berätta om olika ställen (receptionen, skåphallen, matsalen, klassrummen osv) och sedan skicka filmen till elever är ett effektivt sätt att förbereda och dämpa oro. Tänk på att det förebyggande arbetet sparar massor av tid och energi och bidrar till en god arbetsmiljö för alla i skolan.

Larakanna ovning vid terminsstart. Create Dream Explore: An Easy Activity to Promote Growth Mindset. I love to start the year with Peter H. Reynold's books like The Dot and Ish. Both books are great for teaching kids that it is okay to take risks and make mistakes. Those books also go very well with this growth mindset activity we worked on. Read on to find out how this activity worked out in my classroom. I started this school year with an activity that I saw on Twitter. Then I spread each paper around the room with markers and asked students to go to each word and write or draw what the word means to them.

I have a fairly chatty class but you could hear a pin drop during this activity. The most important part of the lesson came at the end when we shared all of their ideas. Here is the answer I got from one student, "...because it's okay for us to make mistakes. Just. Kids are so bright! Give this activity a shot in your classroom. Let me know how it goes!