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How To Teach Routines - Smart Classroom Management. Anything you ask your students to do repeatedly should be made into a routine. For example, whenever your students enter your classroom, transition from one activity to the next, or line up for recess, they should do so in the same efficient manner. The reason, simply put, is that routines save learning time. They also make your life a lot easier. You see, it’s during these repeatable moments when most misbehavior occurs. The idea, then, is to standardize these moments into routines your students can do quickly and independently. But here’s the thing. The key is to teach routines in a way that compels your students to perform them correctly—and without your input—every single time. Here’s how: 1. Start your lesson seated at a student’s desk—or wherever the routine is to begin—and simply show your class what you want them to do. 2.

Call upon your experience in the past and model how not to perform the routine. 3. Now choose one student to perform the routine from start to finish. 4. 5. 6. Say What? 5 Ways to Get Students to Listen. Ah, listening, the neglected literacy skill. I know when I was a high school English teacher this was not necessarily a primary focus; I was too busy honing the more measurable literacy skills -- reading, writing, and speaking. But when we think about career and college readiness, listening skills are just as important. This is evidenced by the listening standards found in the Common Core and also the integral role listening plays in collaboration and communication, two of the four Cs of 21st century learning. So how do we help kids become better listeners? Check out these tactics for encouraging a deeper level of listening that also include student accountability: Strategy #1: Say it Once Repeating ourselves in the classroom will produce lazy listening in our students.

Of course you don't want to leave distracted students in the dust so for those few who forgot to listen, you can advise them to, "ask three, then ask me. " Strategy #2: Turn and Talk Strategy #3: Student Hand Signals. Simple Punch Cards for Positive Behavior Support - Mrs. Richardson's Class. Positive behavior reinforcement is always something I strived to improve in my classroom. It always seemed like I was whipping out an old trick from a seasoned teacher to try. Sometimes a new, simple concept to reward behavior was just what I needed to get my students back on track after a long weekend or sugar filled holiday. I want to share with you how I used punch cards in my classroom with my little learners. A dear teacher friend shared this tip with me over 5 years ago! How we used them: -In our classroom I used a clip chart for the most part. When students would move their clip up at all, they would earn a punch in their punch card.

-Another way I have seen teachers do it is to spot them making great choices and then give them a punch in their card right then. -Once the punch card was full, they earned a trip to the treasure box, lunch with the teacher, the ability to put our read aloud books in their book bins for the week, or anything great like that! Why I loved them: pin it. What to do when a student constantly refuses to work. There’s at least one in every classroom–yep, I’m talking about the kid who just sits there, and doesn’t work. The one who needs constant cajoling to put pencil to paper and get started. In some cases, there’s an attitude problem and the student is disengaged from school in general, and in other cases, the student just lacks focus or self-discipline.

Though it’s a common problem that happens in pretty much every classroom in America, there isn’t any clear cut solution. Obviously you want to make the work as meaningful, authentic, and relevant as you can, and build rapport with students. But there are some kids who just aren’t going to focus and get their work done no matter how much of a personal connection you’ve tried to make with them, or how much choice you’ve given in the assignment, or how potentially fun it could be. Want to listen to this post instead of read?

Download the audio and listen on the go! The problem is not always related to rapport and meaningful tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. Friends of Reading : 5 Ways to Deescalate Upset Students in your Classroom. When I left the Vegas conference I was filled with excitement and a driving force behind how I can begin to find my new voice for this blog. Leaving the classroom for administration has changed my focus and I want to share with you some of the things I am doing with my staff. I want to give a BIG shout out to the very lovely Mrs. Spangler from Mrs. Spangler In the Middle- I was lucky enough to sit next to her at one of the TpT conference sessions and we talked about what I could offer the blogging world now that I am not a middle school teacher anymore.

Each teacher was asked to write down all the behaviors that PUSH their buttons and post them. Then they needed to write how it makes them feel. As teachers we are not supposed to feel negative emotions....YA RIGHT! I will be revisiting this topic and giving more ideas and tips for behavior interventions!! Getting Control of a VERY DIFFICULT CLASS | Heidi Songs. Have you ever had a class that just tried your patience day after day? Have you ever felt like you could walk away from teaching forever tomorrow, and be fine with it?

This year, I have one of the most challenging classes I have ever had. I am still working on training them to do what I want them to do, but I know that in the end, I will win! Meanwhile, we are spending a LOT of time on classroom management, modeling routines and procedures often. Have a (Naughty) Child Model the Correct Behavior One thing that seems to work well, is having a very difficult child in class model the correct behavior. Ask Parents for “Advice”In this day and age, talking to parents about their child’s misbehavior and expecting them to back you up can often backfire. This is the basic technique. 1. Start with the parents of the ringleaders, if you can identify them. Talking to a parent about their misbehavior often leaves a Kindergartner in tears. Sometimes, it is the only way to make a point.

Follow me! 25 Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies for Overly Talkative Students. Have a chatty class? Do your talkative students get louder and louder during small groups until it feels like chaos? Do they talk when you're talking then ask you what the directions were as soon as you finish? Don't worry. This is totally normal. Here are some simple but effective classroom management strategies for taming talkative students and getting that side chatter under control!

1. This works like a charm. 2. Another way to get students to not talk while you give directions is to play "Beat the Timer. " Tell them that if they can "beat the timer," they'll get some free time to chat. Kids will do anything to get this free time to chat for a minute! If they talk before the timer goes off, act sad, "Aw man!

3. In that post, I show it using tallies but you can also use 10 frames or even 20 frames to connect it with learning! You can get the "Students" and "Teacher" labels and ten frame mats in my Chatty Class Classroom Management pack. For Students vs. 4. 5. Kids love to talk. 6. 7. 15 creative & respectful ways to quiet a class. Have you fallen into the trap of saying “No talking!” Or “I need quiet!” All day long? It’s exhausting to keep repeating your requests for silence, and after the hundredth time, kids just tune you out, anyway. There have been some great discussions about how to get students to quiet down on my Facebook page, and I want to share what’s worked for those teachers as well as what I’ve tried in my own classroom. Contributors’ names are written in parentheses where applicable. 1. Sing a song. 2. 3. Here are some other ideas for sound signals: (Note: all links go to Amazon so you can see a wide variety of instruments and choose the one you like best. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

You can also check out my list of 50 fun call and response ideas to get students’ attention. Remember there is no “magic bullet” that will get all students’ attention all of the time. My Favorite Behavior Management Resources on Pinterest Angela Watson's Teaching IdeasBehavior ManagementFollow On. 50 fun call-and-response ideas to get students’ attention. Call-and-response is a time-tested technique for getting attention, not just in classrooms but in the military, in churches, at sports events, and in traditional cultures in various parts of the world. Instead of repeating yourself, train students to respond to a fun or inspiring statement! Here are some tips for creating your own call-and-response: Clap or snap in patterns and have students repeat the patterns back.

Using familiar songs and beats (from popular music or children’s songs) really gets kids’ attention.Sing or play a song or rhyme. You can sing the first part and have students sing the second part. Want a ready-to-use version of these call-and-response ideas for your class? What type of call-and-response systems do you use with your students? How to undo your classroom management mistakes. I remember volunteering at my church’s Sunday School program many years ago and filling in as the assistant to one of the second grade Sunday School teachers. There were 29 kids in a very tiny, windowless classroom, and we were about to serve them animal crackers and juice.

I had prepared 29 little portions plus one extra for the kid who inevitably would spill theirs, and had everything lined up on a tray. I looked at the teacher and was just about to ask whether she wanted to select a few kids to come pass things out or if she wanted to call the kids over by tables, when she picked up the tray and yelled loudly, “Okaaaaay, kids, come and get your animal crackerrrrsssss!!” My jaw dropped as twenty-nine children shouted “Yayyyyyy!!” When the kids had left and the teacher and I were cleaning up and discussing how the morning went, I said casually, “That was kinda crazy at snack time, right?”

She paused for a moment, and then said, “You know, I didn’t really think about it. About Smart Classroom Management | Smart Classroom Management. Here at Smart Classroom Management, we believe in two principles thought by many to be on contradictory ends of the classroom management spectrum. On one side we believe in faithfully following a classroom management plan. This allows teachers to hold students accountable without yelling, scolding, lecturing, or using any other stressful or hurtful method. On the other side we believe in creating a classroom that students love being part of, that they’re excited to come to every day. This combination of strength and joy holds the key to effective classroom management. Week after week, using simple strategies and techniques, we’ll show you exactly how to use these principles to get your students to want to behave.

We’ll show you how to influence them and inspire them and how to tap into their intrinsic motivation. We’ll show you how to make teaching more fun and less stressful. If you haven’t signed up for email updates yet, it’s easy and it’s free. Welcome! -Michael. Comment prévenir « l’escalade » avec un élève anxieux ou opposant? Plusieurs raisons peuvent expliquer l’adoption de comportements dérangeants par un élève anxieux ou opposant. En contexte de classe, il n’est pas toujours facile pour un enseignant d’identifier ces causes et d’intervenir adéquatement, d’autant plus que la formation que ces professionnels de l’éducation reçoivent sur la gestion des comportements et sur la santé mentale chez les jeunes est souvent lacunaire.

Shutterstock / Suzanne Tucker Ce texte est une adaptation libre du texte « 20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions With Anxious or Defiant Students » de Katrina Schwartz publié dans le blogue MindShift du média californien KQED. Une étude menée par la National Institude of Health a montré que, aux États-Unis, 25,1% des enfants de 13 à 18 ans ont été diagnostiqués comme présentant un trouble d’anxiété. De surcroit, entre 8 et 15% des enfants d’âge scolaire présentent des troubles d’apprentissage et environ 11% souffrent de dépression. Tous les comportements ont une fonction. 6 Opening and Closing Routines for New Teachers. 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class. One day, in front 36 riotous sophomores, I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees like Sergeant Elias at the end of Platoon. Instantly, dead silence and open mouths replaced classroom chaos. Standing up like nothing had happened, I said, “Thanks for your attention––let’s talk about love poems.”

I never used that stunt again. After all, should a real emergency occur, it would be better if students call 911 rather than post my motionless body on YouTube. I’ve thought this through. Most teachers use silencing methods, such as flicking the lights; ringing a call bell—see Teacher Tipster’s charming video; raising two fingers; saying “Attention, class”; or using Harry Wong’s Give Me 5––a command for students to: Focus their eyes on the speaker, Be quiet, Be still, Empty their hands, and Listen.

There’s also the “three fingers” version, which stands for stop, look, and listen. Below you’ll find a collections of lesser known techniques for all grade levels. Quieting High School Students. Pour une discipline efficace - À la découverte. Trois éléments essentiels La surveillance du comportement des élèves Soyez aux aguets; surveillez ce qui se passe. Évitez de porter votre attention uniquement sur un enfant ou quelque chose en oubliant le reste de la classe. Cette façon de faire présente l'avantage de favoriser le maintien de la discipline tout en constituant une stratégie d'enseignement efficace.

Le fait de regarder un élève directement dans les yeux pendant un certain temps tout en continuant à donner son cours constitue un message non verbal signifiant « J'ai vu ce que tu as fait et je veux que tu cesses immédiatement ». La cohérence Vos attentes en matière de comportement doivent être les mêmes pour tous les élèves. Il est important que vos élèves sachent que vous allez appliquer les règles de façon cohérente et prendre les mesures disciplinaires appropriées. Des directives claires La manière utilisée par un adulte pour donner ses directives joue également un rôle important. Les directives alpha ou ce qui fonctionne. A 5-Second Solution for a Talkative Class. Ever get the feeling people aren’t listening when you talk? That may be more than just a feeling.

When I observe teachers, I see one small, specific problem more often than anything else. If they fixed it, they would notice an instant difference in how well their classes go. Students would follow instructions better, classroom management problems would decrease, and the teacher would enjoy a greater sense of calm and well-being. This is the problem: Teachers say important things while students are still talking. After calling for everyone’s attention, if you force yourself to wait a few extra seconds — about five — until that time when you really could hear a pin drop, you’ll only have to say things once. Watch this demonstration to see what I mean. There’s more where this came from.Join my mailing list and get weekly tips, tools, and inspiration — in quick, bite-sized packages — all geared toward making your teaching more effective and fun.

Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices. 19 Big and Small Classroom Management Strategies. « Concevoir et aménager les espaces et les bâtiments éducatifs à l'ère du numérique » 13 Common Sayings to Avoid. 21st Century Icebreakers: 13 Ways To Get To Know Your Students with Technology. 14 Teacher-Recommended Classroom Management Apps. The Classroom Management Collection by Chris Beyerle.

Students Yearn For Creativity, Not Tests. 14 Teacher-Recommended Classroom Management Apps. Super Teacher Tools. Energizing Brain Breaks. Random Item / Person selector / Generator fruit machine.