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Welcome | Wordnik. Translate.Net - Free client to network translations services. The Translate.Net will help you to translate words and phrases to and from numerous languages in simple way. This free, open-source software work as client to most popular translating services available online (translators, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries). Using results of translations from many different sources allow receiving much more reliability of translation. Already supported 41 sites with language services, 53 services, 70 languages, more of 4000 translations directions, including Google translator and dictionary, Wikipedia and Wiktionary, Yahoo Babel Fish Translator, SYSTRAN translator, Merriam-Webster dictionary and thesaurus. You can check full list of supported services and languages at "Translators" page.

GUI localized to Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian. Please note that: Mango Languages - Home. Visual Dictionary Online. Blokkol @ NÉPSZÓTÁR. Nciku n词酷 :: More than a dictionary. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth. » Google lets you suggest a better translation | Googling Google. Resource Localizer.
