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15 Fotos que son obras maestras de la composición. Collage de Fotos Fotor - Herramienta de Collage de Fotos en Línea Gratis. Ralph Wenig - MAIN PORTFOLIO. These 102-year-old pictures of a girl in red have captivated the Internet. Every time we see a photo from the distant past, we see it in black and white.

These 102-year-old pictures of a girl in red have captivated the Internet

Because of that colorless nostalgic feel, it makes it difficult to imagine those moments as real, true moments that happened. It just does. That may be why the entire Internet is totally captivated by these gorgeous color photographs taken by Mervyn O’Gorman, who used potato starch to make these vivid shots pop with beautiful hues back in 1913. Mervyn’s technique is technically called “autochrome.” The photos were taken of his daughter, Christina, over 100 years ago — and they’re absolute perfection. According to Mashable, O’Gorman was 42 when he took the photographs. Esto es lo que se siente al tener 20 años y tratar de ser mujer.


Esto es lo que se siente al tener 20 años y tratar de ser mujer

Independientes. Poderosas. Y listas para tomar el mundo. Este es el cuento de hadas más salvaje y sensual. —Si la vida de Laura Makabresku fuera un cuento de hadas, ¿qué tipo de historia contaría?

Este es el cuento de hadas más salvaje y sensual

—Sin duda, sería uno de estos cuentos oscuros, llenos de la presencia silenciosa de animales que susurran en los bosques, de pájaros que guiñan los ojos, de bestias caminando con calma por los acantilados de un mar tormentoso... La que habla aquí es la propia Makabresku. Una mujer menuda, de pelo rizado y piel muy blanca que lleva años llenando Internet de imágenes desconcertantes. Su fotografía, como su mundo interior, oscila entre lo bello y lo bruto.

En ella pueden desfilar animales disecados, mujeres desnudas, naturalezas vivas y escenas enfermizas. 40 Movies about photography every photographer should watch. Film making and photography go hand-in-hand.

40 Movies about photography every photographer should watch

In film making, the art of cinematography is lost with photography. The skill to present moving images in such postcard-like material is in itself a direct descendant of the art of still-photography. If a photographer truly wants to improve his or her craft, they need to study how filmmakers and cinematographers captures moving images on the screen. Just as important is for still photographers to watch films that depict he art of photography through Hollywood’s eye and also visit the stories of celebrated photographers through documentaries. Here are 40 notable movies about photography every photographer should watch… in no particular order.

20 imágenes para los amantes de la historia universal [Fotografías] Este es un registro de las labores de construcción de la Estatua de la Libertad que ahora sirve de ícono a la ciudad de Nueva York.

20 imágenes para los amantes de la historia universal [Fotografías]

Esta enorme construcción fue un regalo de Francia, por eso los datos de esta imagen corresponden al París de 1884. Esta fotografía muestra una perspectiva diferente de la mítica imagen del hombre impidiendo el avance de un tanque de guerra durante los eventos de 1989 en la Plaza de Tiananmen, en China. Este es un retrato del capo de la droga Pablo Escobar y su hijo delante de la Casa Blanca. Data del año 1980, durante la presidencia de Jimmy Carter. Antes de que las dinámicas del talibán se instalaran en Afganistán, en ese país vivía una democracia regida por una constitución que promovía derechos igualitarios para las mujeres. Look amazing in any photo with these ten easy tricks. Selfie Alesandra Dubin iVillage Dec. 31, 2013 at 5:00 PM ET Courtesy Know Your Meme / How to Be More Photogenic In the age of smartphones, Facebook and Instagram, there’s a camera everywhere—and your most embarrassing photos ever taken can end up on the Internet quicker than you can say cheese.

Look amazing in any photo with these ten easy tricks

What would you do to improve your skills at anything else? There aren't many things more humiliating than discovering a tagged photo of yourself on Facebook that packs on ten pounds with just the flash of a camera bulb. When posing for a portrait,follow the lead of Hollywood celebrities, who make a living out of never taking a bad shot. The 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken That Perfectly Capture The Human Experience.

Not just a girl….. » Jaime Moore photography. So my amazing daughter, Emma, turned 5 last month, and I had been searching everywhere for new-creative inspiration for her 5yr pictures.

Not just a girl….. » Jaime Moore photography

I noticed quite a pattern of so many young girls dressing up as beautiful Disney Princesses, no matter where I looked 95% of the “ideas” were the “How to’s” of how to dress your little girl like a Disney Princess. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Disney Princesses, from their beautiful dresses, perfect hair, gorgeous voices and most with ideal love stories in the mix you can’t help but become entranced with the characters. But it got me thinking, they’re just characters, a writers tale of a princess (most before 1998)…an unrealistic fantasy for most girls (Yay Kate Middleton!).

It started me thinking about all the REAL women for my daughter to know about and look up too, REAL women who without ever meeting Emma have changed her life for the better. *NEW* February 7, 2014 - We are so thankful and overwhelmed by such an amazing response. Waste Land by Vik Muniz. Ordinarily I don’t feature movies on Lenscratch, but after watching Wasteland recently (on Netflix), is am moved to broadcast the importance of this film.

Waste Land by Vik Muniz

Artist Vik Muniz shows us what the power of humanity and art can create, and how it can change lives. Wasteland was nominated for an Academy Award, and a long roster of other awards including the Sundance Audience Award for Best World Cinema Documentary. Filmed over nearly three years, WASTE LAND follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”—self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. Most popular photography on StumbleUpon! 2011 is over, In this article, I am showcasing the most beautiful photographs that were stumbled on StumbleUpon.

Most popular photography on StumbleUpon!

Let us take a look at this truly jaw-dropping collection and enjoy! Source: StumbleUpon *None of the images on this page are mine,they were found on StumbleUpon, meant to inspire.Any problems, just email. - StumbleUpon. My Modern Metropolis Interactive Street Art Pops Up in Malaysia As part of the George Town festival, a month-long celebration of art going on in Penang, Malaysia, Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic is beautifying the city streets with his imaginative street art.

- StumbleUpon

Dubbed a "new Banksy" by The Wall Street Journal, 25-year-old Zacharevic is making a name for himself with these fun works. One of his pieces is of two life-size siblings taking a ride on the back of a mountain bike. Interestingly, the bike is actually real and is propped up against the wall. The Armenian Street wall painting has provoked a fascinating and creative response from its visitors. "This is street art at its best, when it stops being an individual painting and becomes part of the public imagination," says Zacharevic. Below is a photo of the street art piece by itself following by 20 of our favorite submissions. The George Town Festival runs through July 15. 30 Best Earth Pictures of the Week – April 24th to May 01th. 1. The Blue Dragon by Steve Richards 2. Shore in Seychelles 3. Matterhorn Mountain, Switzerland 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Song of the Passerines by Jose Paulo Carvalho Pereira. Oleg Dou. ANISH KAPOOR. Consejos fotográficos: Consejos para hacer fotos de nubes. Fotografía de arquitectura: la influencia del diseño gráfico. Lytro. Malecoooón! Cascada escondida. Photo effects, vintage, retro, online and free - Pixlr-o-matic. City Silhouettes : JASPER JAMES - PHOTOGRAPHER - BEIJING CHINA (+86) 15910926348. Desire Ch001. Art Department. HDR: ¿Sinónimo de éxito o de fracaso? (I) Shutterstock: Royalty-Free Subscription Stock Photography & Vector Art. Design 3.