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Toasted Muffaletta Sliders. Chicken Noodle Soup - Sweet Potato Chronicles. I'm a big believer in not feed­ing kids "kid food" — know what I mean? I never order from the kids' menu in restau­rants. I think a par­ent is their own worst enemy if they never allow their kid's palate to extend beyond noo­dles, cheese and ketchup (how my daughter's tastes run if left to her own devices). Why not add dijon mus­tard to the sauce? Hey, why not chilis for that mat­ter? As I said, this is what I believe. Firmly. Now, how I actu­ally behave.… yep, it's another story. Pho­tos: Maya Vis­nyei It's hard on a per­son. I think the key to soup for small chil­dren is either going for some­thing smooth and creamy that will cling to the spoon, like black bean or mush­room, or if you're mak­ing a broth-y soup, make the pieces of meat and veg­etable small enough to be picked up by a small spoon.

Chicken Noo­dle Soup Method In a large pot, sautee onion, gar­lic, car­rots, cel­ery, thyme and bay leaf in olive oil over medium heat until soft, about 6 minutes. Add stock and allow to boil. Two Fat Als » Green Tea Mint Lemonade. When I asked Alex what we should say about this soothingly refreshing beverage, he responded that we should call it a “delicious summer treat.” But for Al, everything is a delicious summer treat. I might have gotten the same response if I’d inquired about beer or grilled salmon.

He loves all foods and beverages Summer. Who doesn’t? Me, for one. I’m not categorically opposed to summer drinks, but they are second fiddle to the winter drinks of my heart: mulled cider, brewed chocolate with mint, hot lattes. Predictably, this Green Tea Mint Lemonade is the exception. Ingredients (serves 6-8): 1/2 cup packed fresh mint 1 cup sugar 2 cups water, divided 1 cup fresh lemon juice 8 cups iced green tea (or other iced tea) Instructions:Combine mint leaves, sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan, then bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Leave a Reply.

Makes » how to make a rainbow cake! Aaannnndddd, she’s back! So I did mention something about health and/or diet food in my last post, and while this recipe is the latter, it is most certainly not to be confused with the former. I posted about my rainbow cake here, and it got a lot of traffic on over to my livejournal, and everyone wanted the “recipe.” The cool thing is that if you’re making something so distractingly colourful, people will think it’s delicious no matter what.

This presents me with the option to use an old Weight Watchers trick—the one-point cupcake. This cake is suitable for many occasions: A child’s birthdayYour mom’s birthdayComing out to your conservative parents If you’re a lesbian, they’ll be thrilled that you won’t be forgoing your feminine kitchen duties.If you’re the kind of gay dude who makes cakes for your parents, they were probably on to you anyway.Coming out to your conservative parents on your mother’s birthdayYour friend’s jam band CD release party Okay, on with the ingredients. That’s all. Eat Well, Spend Less: Homemade Substitutes for Grocery Staples. Foodgawker | feed your eyes. The FATFREE Recipe Collection.

Most favorited all-time - page 3. Snacks and Others. T RECIPES. World Hearth Recipe Collection. 100 Calorie Snacks.


Bread recipes. Breads/Bisquets. Bread. Japanese. Asian Food Recipes - Free Malaysian Recipe for Oyster Sauce Noodles. Pork And Oyster Sauce Noodles. Food blogs. Mrs. D Loves to Eat! Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice Recipes and Food Blog. Fraise et chocolat. Pink Parsley. Vegetarian. Encyclopedia of spices. Spice Advice – how to make the most of spices, which spices to use with particular foods, when to add them, grinding, storage and more.

Herbs and Spices Fight Disease — Most of us look at spices as a way to perk up the plate but are you aware of their potential to fight disease? Look here for some recent findings. All about Vanilla – and then some… history, curing, varieties, vanilla extract, essence, powder – even vanilla salt. How to cook with vanilla. including top 10 vanilla recipes! Cooking with Thyme – Getting the most of thyme in your cooking – including varieties of thyme, preparation, infusions, fresh vs. dried and many suggested uses for cooking with thyme.

Table of Condiments.