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Kevin Pedatte

Culture : faut-il en effacer une partie ? - 28 Minutes - ARTE. Dynamic Pixel Art Lighting in Unity (in 1 Minute Tutorial) Dain-App 1.0 [Nvidia Only] by GRisk. This application only work with NVIDIA graphic cards, AMD graphics card DOES NOT work in this application.

Dain-App 1.0 [Nvidia Only] by GRisk

Also the NVIDIA Hardware need to support CUDA 5.0 or bigger to work. This application is complete free, you can download the same version found here on itchio on any of those links: Google Drive Media File Github Release Plus the source code is available at: Github But if you like to show your support for us, you can get it here on Important Notes: The backbone of this project is a algorithm called DAIN. GLOBAL GAMES INDUSTRY GUIDE (#GGIG20) Learn to think. Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality de - Liste de 51 jeux vidéo. L'expérience de création de jeux vidéo en amateur - Travailler son goût pour l'incertitude - Hurel Pierre-Yves. Naachtun - La cité maya oubliée.

Darksburg, Stoneshard & l'actu du jeu indé. What Games Are Like For Someone Who Doesn't Play Games. CHON - Full Set - Audiotree Live in Austin 2015. Dark Souls III - Boundary Break. Le monde selon Radiohead. 550+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This October. Seven years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public.

550+ Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start This October

Today, close to 1000 schools around the world have created thousands of free online courses, popularly known as Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs. I’ve compiled this list of 550+ such free online courses that you can start this month. For this, I leveraged Class Central’s database of over 13,000 online courses. I’ve also included each course’s average rating. CAN TZICNAL - the Maya God (Maya mythology) One of the Bacabs.

CAN TZICNAL - the Maya God (Maya mythology)

He supports the Northern corner of the sky. Favorite color: white, representing the cold north wind. GodNote: Sorry this Can Tzicnal article is a bit short. We have sent our Data Dwarves off to find more nuggets of information. Updates coming soon. While True: learn() on Steam. About This Game while True: learn() is a puzzle/simulation game about even more puzzling stuff: machine learning, neural networks, big data and AI.

while True: learn() on Steam

But most importantly, it’s about understanding your cat.In this game, you play as a coder who accidentally found out that their cat is extremely good at coding, but not as good at speaking human language. Les Pieds sur terre : podcast et réécoute sur France Culture. Emissions et Podcasts. ÉMOTIONS. Vous est-il déjà arrivé de refuser une invitation à sortir pour rester tranquillement chez vous, en compagnie d’un bon livre et d’une tasse de thé?


Ressentez-vous parfois le besoin de vous isoler? Le confinement a-t-il été une expérience plutôt agréable pour vous? Si c’est le cas, vous êtes peut-être introverti·e. Pour la journaliste et présentatrice d'Émotions, Cyrielle Bedu, cette pause imposée que fut le confinement a été plutôt appréciable. Mais elle sait aussi que ça n’a pas été le cas de tout le monde; nous n’avons pas tous et toutes le même rapport à la solitude, selon que l’on soit intro ou extraverti·e. En fait, ce trait de personnalité conditionne beaucoup de choses et le psychanalyste suisse Carl Gustav Jung l’a appris à ses dépens.

Pour mieux comprendre, Cyrielle Bedu s’est intéressée à ces deux types de personnalités dans un diptyque. Sprite Lamp Trailer. DR STRANGEDUB (or: how i learned to stop worrying and dub the bomb) The Design of Subnautica. Le Très Jazz Club – Modulor Records. Should Roguelikes Have Persistent Upgrades? Dub Legend. Loo & Monetti - No More [Official video] How To Make Enamel Pins – Pinlord. In case you don't like reading articles, you can find the video version here. In case you do, here it is... :) Okay, so you’ve got an awesome idea for a pin that you want to make. Now what? Most people assume that making your own enamel pins is a long and complicated process.

It’s not. So, how do you make your own enamel pins? The process of making your own pins can be broken down into these six steps. Prepare Your Artwork File In order to start production, the minimum requirement a pin factory will ask for is a PDF file of the design you’d like to get produced. Kukan-Dub-Lagan. How To Remember Anything Forever-ish. Also, this interactive comic is PUBLIC DOMAIN meaning you can freely use this thing for educational, personal, or even commercial purposes. You already have my permission!

(Download the code) (Translate this comic) However, I'm only able to do this thanks to my 1,000+ Patreon supporters. They let me keep doing what I love. Thank you! Further Reading Something something shoulders of giants. . 🤓 Augmenting Long-Term Memory by Michael Nielsen showed me that Spaced Repetition wasn't just a tool for memorization, it's a tool to build deep understanding.


Projet M2. Dessin. Game Design. Motivation. Projet perso.