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Angles in Polygons by CazoomMaths - Teaching Resources. Angle Rules Pile Up. EggHeads Polygon. EggHeads Polygon. Great angle chase / Visualising relationships / Looking beyond the lines / Good teaching / Geometric reasoning / Topdrawer / Home - Topdrawer. In this activity, students are presented with a complex diagram of a circle with chords, a tangent and a diameter.

Great angle chase / Visualising relationships / Looking beyond the lines / Good teaching / Geometric reasoning / Topdrawer / Home - Topdrawer

Some angle measurements are included in the diagram. The task is to find the size of every angle in the diagram. The problem can be solved without adding extra lines to the diagram but students should be discouraged from attempting this strategy. You can download the Great angle chase: Student worksheet. You may wish to give some of the following hints to assist students who are experiencing difficulty with the problem. Locate the centre of the circle and apply theorems which mention the centre. Encourage your students to work in pencil so that errors can be easily corrected on the diagram. Some of the angle relationships are difficult to visualise and so a step-by-step Great angle chase slide show presentation of a possible solution strategy can be downloaded. There is also a supplementary worksheet called Putting it all together for you to use with your class.

Hello and welcome to my 26th maths gems - this is where I share teaching ideas and resources I've seen on Twitter.

There's a lot going on this week - exciting times for maths teachers! Pi Day is fast approaching and it's a big one this year - 3.14.15. Many of us are busy planning Pi Day activities at school - I've included a few ideas in this post. Speaking of Pi Day, excitement is building for La Salle Education's National Mathematics Teacher Conference next weekend. I have loads of great stuff to share in my workshop - I'm nervous but really looking forward to it! Speaking of number lines, this post about Open Number Lines by @mburnsmath is worth a read. Parallel Lines and Missing Angles - Day 1.docx - File Shared from Box. Hello and welcome to my 24th gems post - this is where I share 5 teaching ideas I've seen on Twitter.

I'm going to be short and sweet today... I'm meant to be marking! 1. Angles in Parallel Lines I'm always on the look out for good questions that I can use in class so I was pleased when Cliff Pickover (@pickover) tweeted the problem below. This will do nicely for my Year 7s when they come to revise angles. 2. 3. 4.Circle Theorems Badges Cameron Fehr (@MrFehr_SVC) shared this picture of the circle theorem badges he uses to reward his students. Cameron made these himself using a badge maker. Chapter_6_mixed_review_solutions.

World's Hardest Easy Geometry Problem. It seems like ages since my last gems post.

School has been busier than I anticipated. This week I had reports to write and a Parents' Evening to attend - both tasks were particularly challenging because I've only been teaching these classes for a few weeks. I've also been marking at home every evening so it's hard to find time for Twitter and blogging. I have three other posts in draft - one about teaching quadratics, one about spontaneity and one featuring another batch of highlights from Chris Smith's newsletter back catalogue. So watch this space, they're all coming soon! AnglesTool. StopClock. Ho-ho-hello and welcome to my seventeenth weekly gems post.

This is where I round up some of the best maths teaching ideas I’ve seen on Twitter. I’ve got some crackers for you today. 1. Balancing Do you remember in Gems 13 when I featured the brilliant balancing problems from Don Steward? And there's already been some good feedback on Twitter: 2. Sarah Aldous (@mathsfeedback) shared a nice idea for teaching logs that could be used for a number of topics.

Here's my examples of similar questions for fractions: and indices: You get the idea. And here's the definition of sector. And here's two more examples - palindromic and perpendicular. 4. I love this blog post from Heather (@misshdavis). She then gave students a set of game cards like this: She asked them to set values for x and y and work out the answers. 5. I've written about vertical whiteboards and acrylic sheets before (see Gems 7) - I love these ideas and hope that one day I have the budget to do both.

Another idea is Brain Dump: It's December!

Time for students and teachers to start getting overly excited about the upcoming Christmas holidays. There's still three more weeks of teaching to get through though, and most schools do mock GCSEs in December or January, so things are as busy as ever. Let's look at some of the ideas that have been shared on Twitter this week. I've got lots of nice geometry for you today.1. Angles in Polygons Challenge.