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Asking Questions to Improve Learning. When you prepare for class, office hours, and help sessions, compose specific questions that you will ask your students (or that you anticipate they will ask you).

Asking Questions to Improve Learning

Doing so will help you increase student participation and encourage active learning. The strategies below will also help you formulate questions for exams and paper assignments. Active learning extends beyond the classroom. When you ask questions in the classroom, you are modeling a process that students can and should use themselves; encourage your students to use the following questioning strategies to assess what they have learned, to develop their thinking skills, and to study for exams.

General Strategies for Asking Questions When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals. Responding Effectively Wait for students to think and formulate responses. Why Ask “Open” Questions? 1. What is the most important idea that was generated in today’s discussion? 2. Could you elaborate on that point? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 492191.png (PNG Image, 601 × 770 pixels) Preparing a Classroom Culture for Deeper Learning. After reading an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, students form a circle to engage in conversation about liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Preparing a Classroom Culture for Deeper Learning

The inquiry circle begins with two questions posed by the teacher: What is more important, liberty or the pursuit of happiness? Are liberty and the pursuit of happiness inalienable rights? To begin, some students argue that liberty and the pursuit of happiness are only open to the people who follow rules within a society. Others argue that while they agree to the rule of law, the argument might have exceptions. This leads to a conversation about the nature of happiness. 101questions. Educational Leadership:Instruction That Sticks:The Right Questions. The Question Formulation Technique in Action. We’ve been at work for more than 20 years teaching a strategy that helps people in low-income communities learn to advocate for themselves and their families.

The Question Formulation Technique in Action

We have seen people use the strategy to advocate for their children at school, participate in decisions that affect them at the welfare office, secure better job training opportunities, and partner more effectively with their healthcare providers. We’ve also seen that the same strategy has universal value and has been used by college and graduate school students, professors, and professionals in various fields. What is the “Right Question Strategy?” Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning. If kids can access information from sources other than school, and if school is no longer the only place where information lives, what, then happens to the role of this institution?

Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning

“Our whole reason for showing up for school has changed, but infrastructure has stayed behind,” said Diana Laufenberg, who taught history at the progressive public school Science Leadership Academy for many years. Laufenberg provided some insight into how she guided students to find their own learning paths at school, and enumerated some of these ideas at SXSWEdu last week. Teaching Strategies: Stimulate Through Effective Questioning. If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your teaching strategies, it’s best to start by improving your questions.

Teaching Strategies: Stimulate Through Effective Questioning

Questioning students is the foundation of teaching, and when done effectively, it can transform a traditional teacher-led classroom into one where the students lead. Oftentimes teachers ask questions in an attempt to “fish” for the right answer. When doing this, teachers are missing out on giving all students the opportunity to participate in the class discussion. Embracing Student Creativity With a Wonder Shelf.

As a high school math teacher, it was important for me to create a learning space that welcomed on-demand wonder and exploration.

Embracing Student Creativity With a Wonder Shelf

I knew that I planned to have a few essential hands-on math tools, and in the last few years, I also knew that I needed to have other items that were essential for providing kids more creative freedom. With a few containers, manipulatives, and supplies, along with some technology, I created a space that my students would go on to name "the wonder shelves. " Seven Shifts in How Students Do Research - Education Rethink. Image Credit: Research by Andrew Nolte from The Noun Project When I first began teaching, I viewed research as something separate from the rest of learning.

Seven Shifts in How Students Do Research - Education Rethink

We did research projects or we kept the research as a phase within a project. Wonders To Start the School Year. My Interview with Natural Curiosity. Guided Inquiry : An Instructional Framework for Designing Effective Inquiry Units. Authentic Inquiry Maths. The Leadership Freak Code of Leadership. The Leadership Freak Code of Leadership Leaders without a code follow the course of least resistance.

The Leadership Freak Code of Leadership

Life becomes unstable, stressful, and frustrating. Leaders without guiding principles are undependable followers. My Interview with Natural Curiosity. An inquiry into how the world works… Headphones on, each member of the group watches their assigned video and considers how it fits into the PYP trans disciplinary theme ‘How the World Works’… Inquiry into the natural world and its laws, the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

An inquiry into how the world works…

We’re watching things as diverse as the longest pedestrian suspension bridge, how fish breathe, a poo powered flame thrower, a man-made forest on a river island in India and ice cream that doesn’t melt… Sharing back with the group provokes discussion about what excites us, connections we see, problems solved and issues raised… and the varied aspects each of us might find interesting to explore further. We check which of the science strands are addressed by the videos and highlight the relevant concepts in each. The goals are as follows- Ways of Knowing in Singapore. Last weekend I had the pleasure to attend my first IB Asia Pacific Conference in Singapore.

Ways of Knowing in Singapore

I was also one of those selected to present out of many, many submissions. (More about this next post). The conference itself was different to what I had anticipated - it was far more relaxed and inclusive than I had thought it may have been. I have come home with many thoughts about it all and here are some of my thinkings.... 50 Questions To Promote Metacognition In Students. 50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think by Lisa Chesser Using the right questions creates powerful, sometimes multiple answers and discussions. Aristotle said that he asked questions in response to other people’s views, while Socrates focused on disciplined questioning to get to the truth of the matter. Ultimately questions spark imagination, conjure emotions, and create more questions.

The questions asked by a teacher or professor are sometimes more glaringly valuable than the information transferred to the students. Why Inquiry Learning is Worth the Trouble. Visualization of SLA principal Chris Lehmann's 2011 talk: guiding kids' to thinking about how they think. Nearly seven years after first opening its doors, the Science Leadership Academy public magnet high school* in Philadelphia and its inquiry-based approach to learning have become a national model for the kinds of reforms educators strive towards. But in a talk this past weekend at EduCon 2.5, the school’s sixth-annual conference devoted to sharing its story and spreading its techniques, Founding Principal Chris Lehmann insisted that replicating his schools approach required difficult tradeoffs.

“This is not easy. This is not perfect,” Lehmann told a crowd of devotees stuffed inside one of the Center City school’s second-floor science classrooms on Sunday. The Challenges and Realities of Inquiry-Based Learning. Inquiry Learning Teaching Strategies Getty By Thom Markham Teachers in a rural southeast Michigan high school were recently discussing the odd behavior of the senior class.

Over 500 Social Change Documentaries on 1 Page. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries above. Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to. The old story of empire and dominion over the earth has to be looked at in the full light of day - all of our ambient cultural stories and values that we take for granted and which remain invisible must become visible.

Question Everything. Inquiry: To What End? This was originally supposed to be a simple reply to Aviva Dunsiger’s blog post. I soon realized it would have been too short and thus I could have been easily misunderstood. It all started with my question: “How do these projects enable deeper thinking?” , question that I asked after seeing her students’ work.

Briefly the sequence of activities was the following: 1. Kath Murdoch: Readings & Presentations. Curious Homework: An Inquiry Project for Students and Parents. Making Sense of INQUIRY CYCLES - ProDivas! Inquiry Approach. Short. How To Understand Anything Using The Inquiry Process. Hypothetical situation: you’re a student and your teacher has tasked you with identifying a topic that is important to you, understanding it, interpreting it, and then delivering a report to your classmates. Critical Thinking Model 1. Inquire within… Behind this door, is a brand new blog. The idea came from an interaction between Edna (@whatedsaid), an IB PYP teacher in Melbourne Australia and Tyler (@MrTRice_Science), a high school Science teacher in Washington, USA.

What teachers say about being inquirers. Last week, I was fortunate to spend some time in a school with which I have had an ongoing partnership for a few years now. – Macquarie primary School in Canberra, Australia. How do inquiry teachers….teach? Time2Wonder. Inquiry Project – Planning & Reflection. My topic is: Chinese Immigrants and the Building of the Canadian Pacific Railway (Grade 8 Canadian History) Organizing for Inquiry Learning! In my previous blog (here), I wrote about our daily schedule and explained the day in the life of our inquiry-based classroom. Our Guiding Principles. How Can Dogs Hear Things We Can’t? Shhhh! A Math Inquiry With Attitude. Assessment for inquiry - Inquiry maths. A Teacher's Wonderings. The Inquiry Process, Step By Step. Steps inquiry - Inquiry maths. Concept driven inquiry learning. A Math Inquiry With Attitude.

Knowledge Building. Inquiry-Based Learning Using Everyday Objects: Hands-On Instructional ... - Amy Edmonds Alvarado, Patricia R. Herr. Supplementary Workbook - 3S, Inquiry in the PYP - Babin & Rhoads.pdf. PYP Programmes of Inquiry - Resourcing the PYP, MYP, & DP. - Inquiry Based Learning – A TedxOntario Theme. 36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads. Harvard Education Letter. It's not about getting the right answers but rather, asking really good questions.

Inquiring Minds. PYP Programmes of Inquiry - Resourcing the PYP, MYP, & DP. Mercedes Benz International School. Programme of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet — Smith Magnet Elementary School. Programme of Inquiry: Who We Are — Smith Magnet Elementary School. PYPLIBRARY - Inquirer. Do You have the Personality To Be an Inquiry-Based Teacher? Web tools to support inquiry based learning.

Web tools to support inquiry based learning. How to use technology to increase student engagement in your class. Inquiring Minds. Web tools to support inquiry based learning. Institute for Inquiry: Workshops. The Inquiry Diary – the power of collaborative documentation. El2-60-primer. Links for Units of Inquiry in PYP. Web tools to support inquiry based learning. 36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads. Powerful Learning: Studies Show Deep Understanding Derives from Collaborative Methods. Sample units of inquiry. The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. How do inquiry teachers….teach? Supplementary+Workbook+-+3S,+Inquiry+in+the+PYP+-+Babin+%26+Rhoads. Inquiry-based Learning and the Web: An epaper. Inquiry-based Learning: Explanation.